Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Nostradamus' Predictions and Jibankrishna's (Diamond) New Concept Of Universal Religion

Chapter 4

Nostradamus says in his century 4-31 :
“The moon in the full of night over the high mountain
                   The new sage with a lone brain sees it.
                   By his disciples invited to be immortal.
                   Eyes to the South, Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.”

The interpretation in microcosm runs thus :
Nostradamus means to say that the new sage will be immortal having full devotion (Moon – Bhakti or devotion to God according to Hindu scriptures) and high mountain represents the superior human body who has known and seen the Supreme Soul or Atma in the seventh plane and by knowing he becomes the Supreme Soul himself leading to immortality
‘Eyes to the South, and hands on bosoms, bodies in the fire’ – It means the Supreme Soul bestows His grace on human race.

Katho Upanishad has mentioned as such :
  “A Person of the measure of a thumb,
Like a light without smoke,
Lord of what has been and what is to be,
He alone is today, and tomorrow too.” (4.13)

Again Maitri Upanishad has mentioned about this sage thus : “He who is in the fire, and he who is here in the heart, and he who is yonder in the sun – he is one”.
To the unity of the one goes he who knows this.
Jibankrishna (Diamond) discussed as such :

On 15.12.1960 Diamond said -
Upanishad is saying, ‘Take me from mortality to immortality’. It means the seed of immortality exists within this body and that may germinate. Mortality is the contra of immortality. One contra has manifested within me. Do you know what is that? So long the world has been exising with individualism which is the contra of universalism. And when this universalism has manifested, spontaneously, then immortality can also be manifested within a human being. Moreover, divinity is the contra of animality – ‘To live in perfect goodness is to realize oneself in the all’ – this is the proof of divinity and that is also manifested here.

Listen a dream of Sailen – He is seeing the full moon in the clear sky. But its rays have not fallen anywhere in the world. This has only fallen on me and confined fully. Its interpretation is thus: Full rays of moon which means full calms or immortality is confined on me. Mortality is non-pleasant, immortality is pleasant. But you know that these are confined in individualism. When such immortality of my form will manifest within myriads of people of the world, then only I can have immortality otherwise that immortality is in embryo stage in my brain and I have to wait for that. But if I expire? Then again – back to pavilion – will somebody come to revive?

Katha Upanishad says in this aspect –
A Person of the measure of a thumb in the inner Soul; Ever seated in the heart of creatures; Him one should draw out from a reed, with firmness; Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal – Yea, Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal. (6.17)
In this context, an interesting dream seen by Mrs. Renu Kejriwal may be mentioned :

On January 13, 2012 she saw like this which is narrated by herself :
“At 3 PM, I saw in my dream that I had gone to the stone age and was roaming here and there. In one place I saw Jibankrishna (Diamond). He was crucified like Jesus Christ, but he was alive with a smiling face looking at me.

I was surprised and asked him, ‘How you have come here now’? He answered, ‘Listen, I exist always. I was in the past, I am present now and I will exist in future, but you were not at that time.’ Then standing there I was noticing the stone we people wearing bark of trees and eating raw meat as they used to do in the Stone Age. Here my dream was off.”
The dream indicates the immortality of the person who has attained Godhood.

Here Svetasvetar Upanishad has mentioned :
That God, the All-worker, the great Soul
Ever seated in the heart of creatures.
Is framed by the heart, by the thought, by the mind –
They who know that, becomes immortal. (4.17)

Here Jibankrishna’s version will be noteworthy :

On November 16, 1958, Jibankrishna discussed about his immortality:
I am saying that I shall live forever. Vedas have mentioned – Free of sorrow, death and disease. And this ‘forever’ means unless the whole human race see my form. Why I am saying so? Death is the prejudice of every human being and it is destined. But now I have become free of it. The meaning of birth and death run simultaneously. But I am not accepting it. I live forever with this form, otherwise before death I shall say that all these are nothing but hoax. You may charge me then, what are all these? I will say then, ‘Yes, this is ‘One’, so you see my form.’

Now you are the authorities of all these, and it is true. You bless me so that this becomes universal. I want to get the whole human race within me.
People may call me insane. But actually I am in a cool brain. I am explaining this matter with logic, and this is mentioned in ‘Kaibalya’ and ‘Bibhutipad’ (written thousands of years ago).

We cannot still conceive the final conclusion of this phenomenon, though, there must be an effect of it, and in future we can see it. When there is a work there must be the ultimate effect.

“Here a gentleman named Moni came and said that he saw me with shaved head twenty five years back sitting at Chetlahat (a market place at Kolkata). At first he could not recognize, but when I shaved my head one day, he said, ‘I have seen you with such shaved head sitting at Chetlahat. ‘Chetlahat means the place of universal consciousness. It indicated that I would be in existence in this form within the consciousness of every human being for ever and this is the explanation of my immortality”.

[Diamond is still seen in dreams and reality even after his demise in 1967 among innumerable people not only in India but in many parts of eh world being God-the-Preceptor of the seers, guiding and teaching them the mystery of yoga within a human body and thus they get the supreme knowledge to become one with the humanity – Author]

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Nostradamus' Predictions and Jibankrishna's(Diamond) New Concept Of Universal Religion

Chapter -3

The process of transformation into Universal man through different sheaths of the human body as achieved by Diamond

Chhandogya Upanishad(8.12.3) says:
“And thus this blessed one rising upward from within his physical sheath is transformed into the Supreme light and he by appearing in his very identical living form as a man made of God’s light within the bodies of numberless people evinces his attainment of the Supreme light.”

Jibankrishna explained on the basis of his revelation:
The form appearing within myriads of people is called Atma, Abhayam and Brahma. This is the eternal truth….
Rising upward from within the physical sheath of the blessed one or Samprasada.”
To rise upward and to get oneself transformed into the Supreme light means to pass through five sheaths or Koshas and seven planes.

Five Koshas:-
1) Annamaya Kosha is the gross physical body.
2) Pranamaya Kosha is the sheath where the vital force accumulates and is seen.
3) Monomaya Kosha is at the heart.
4) Vijnamaya Kosha starts from the throat and comprises the seventh plane where God is shown by the man who comes down from the Brahmapura.
5) Anandamaya Kosha is the sheath where the Samprasada changes into bliss alone. Furthermore,there are seven planes in the five Koshas.
They are:-
1) Annamaya Kosha has got no plane.
2) Pranamaya Kosha has got three planes.
They are:-
a) Organ of generation;
b) Organ of evacuation;
c) The navel (abdominal region)

Experience-- Bluish gurgling water with moonbeams dancing therein is seen in the right of the abdomen. The human body is the earth element and water another element, has separated from it.
3) Heart is the fourth plane called Monomaya Kosha and here light is seen.
Experience-- Radiant light or fire is seen.
Fire-- another element. In the Vedic term the whole course of manifestation and transformation is called Agni-Vidya.
4) Vijnanamaya Kosha has got three planes- fifth, sixth and seventh.
Experience of the fifth plane-
a) Ardhanariswara-- half man and half woman.
b) The sky is seen. The sky seen within the same as the sky seen in the outside.

Experience of the sixth plane-
a) Two circles (of light) come out. One from each eye settles to become one in the middle of the eyebrows, which is the Jnananetra or the eye of knowledge.
b) The mysterious Maya in the form of an exquisitely beautiful woman of a light blue complexion and dressed in pansy blue dancing in a slow rhythmical  measure, with the tip of the thumb resting in the middle of the eyebrow and eyes looking down, her person exuding heavenly bliss all round.
c) Radiance of a rising sun behind a thin silken curtain. So we find one sun in the sky outside and another sun in the cerebrum inside. The Universe and the human body both tally here.

Experience of the seventh plane is God as shown by God-the-Preceptor who descends in human form from Brahmapura (that is the cerebrum). At this stage  special knowledge dawns on the seer- he comes to know that he is God. Here we find that the seer becomes identical with God and the Universe.

The effect of the transformation into Universal man through five sheaths

 [When the fivefold quality of Yoga has been produced,
Arising from earth, water, fire, air, and space,
No sickness, no old age, no death has he,
Who has obtained a body made out of the Fire of Yoga.
                          (Svetasvetara Upanishad – 2.12)]

 Jibankrishna explained  on the basis of his achievement of this quality :  Now we will see, how this Oneness is spread among human beings. The spiritual life of Diamond attaining Godhood gets itself thoroughly pervaded with the five elements of nature. The five elements are:-
(1)  Sky or ether or atom- an invisible one; (2) Air; (3) Fire; (4) Water; (5) Earth.

These five elements of nature having the spirit of the very identical one, the attainer of the Godhood will function and carry the human form of attainer and place within the bodies of myriads of people and thus making one with Him in the spiritual world and thus oneness is established.

The function of the sky or ether or atom will bear its own proof. Some numberless people will see Him previously or hearing His name.
2) Air functions in this way- Some people will hear His name and they see Him. It may run so far that you are present here, hear His name and some of you may see Him and He shall make you known with particulars about Him.
3) The third element is fire, that is eye. The eye represents fire that is light and force both combined. Let you come in contact with Him and you may see Him within.
4) Then comes water. There at the outset in the vital sheath bluish gurgling water is seen and the water, undergoing a numberless chemical and physical changes within the laboratory of the human body, assumes the form of a sun in the cerebrum and the attainer of Godhood will be seen there in the sun.
5) Earth is the last of the elements and it also plays the most important role from one hemisphere to another hemisphere like this-
It has been observed in countless people when they read the book written by Diamond based on His personal spiritual experiences of Vedic Truth within His body, they have seen Him within them. Why? Keep a book under the ground for a few months and the book will be transformed into earth.

Thus we find the five elements become the distributors of Oneness. A man by nature’s selection becomes One or God and this Godhood or Oneness is distributed through the agency of five elements and it is made a free gift, because it is a free gift to Him by nature and so to the humanity, making them One or God with Him and thereby it proves and evinces that each and every member of the human race is but God or One in the spiritual world. This is Universal One and Oneness.

[Svetasvetara Upanishad again mentions:
He by whom this whole world is constantly enveloped,
Is intelligent, the author of time, possessor of qualities, omniscient.
Ruled over by Him work revolves –
This which is regarded as earth, water, fire, air, and space. (6.2)]

A. In his life time:
1. Coming in contact with Diamond
2.Without coming in contact  and hearing his name.
3.Womanfolks used  to see Diamond in dreams without coming to him.
4.By reading his book(Dharma-O-Anubhuti in Bengali and Religion and Realization in English written on the basis of his personal realizations).
5. By going to different reading centers
B. After Diamond’s demise:
1. By reading the magazine on Diamond and his book.
2.After coming in contact with Diamond’s companion.
3. Without knowing anything about Diamond.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Nostradamus' Predictions and Jibankrishna's(Diamond) New Concept Of Universal Religion

Chapter -2

We will now see how Jibankrishna was transformed into Universal Man and attained the immortality of his spiritual form even after 44 years of his demise in 1967, how the Vedic Rishis’ realizations were manifested in his body with effects on human race. Even he crossed Upanishads as will be revealed in foregoing chapters, thus establishing the Truth of Vedas as well as corroborating Nostradamus’ predictions. And this new Universal Religion Oneness will ultimately bring  the harmony among different religions and races bringing peace and perpetual happiness on earth, but how long it will take is not known.


Diamond says:
“God – the – Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says, ‘you will attain god – head’. God in the body takes this unknown or by-gone human form, selects you as a bridegroom, in other words makes your body a playground for his blissful and joyous sports.
He teaches you the whole course of ‘Rajyago’, the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seventh planes into the Supreme Bliss.
Sri RamKrishna says, ‘Without the bliss of God – the – Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress’. This upward progress means the upward motion of the life power in a man that is, waking of life power and her march in the seventh plane. “Without the attainment of God – the – Preceptor, the life power does not wake up. There can not be any realizations without life power being wakened up.
The attainment of God – the – Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God – with – Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheet mercy.”
Among various measures God – the – Preceptor expresses himself in the body as an unknown man as one of the measure, ‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God – the – Preceptor whom you did not see before; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him.

The Vedic Truth as manifested in ‘Diamond’

Diamond says:
The very Vedic Truth as experienced in one’s life is going to be related with its full fledged form; how it works in a man and what experiences are made when the goal is attained. It is personal experiences narrated. And thus, it is Truth. And the veracity of this personal Truth will be corroborated when it becomes universal as spoken in the Vedas. By the form of the experienced man, it proves its own Truth and this form will appear within the body of innumerable men, women and children. It is meant for each and every man, boy and old alike. It is en-masse, as the attainer of the Supreme Light in the cerebrum is the Universalle-La-Homme. It is this ‘I am the Prefect and the Supreme One’. The ancient Vedic Rishis experienced this very Truth in the days of yore; and with an open heart, they vested this heritage to the human race.
Even to-day, to our utter astonishment and bewilderment, we find the very same heritage winding its course in every human heart to burst out like a midday sun to illuminate the globe and to shower the world of bliss over the human race by uniting them into ‘one and oneness’. By personal experiences as well as by bearing the proof of the ‘oneness’, it passes unchallenged, as it is experienced by the person himself. BY these personal experiences, the challenger becomes a witness to the veracity of the Vedic Truth, nay, not an idle witness, but becomes an active announcer.
No, it is not confined here. Swetaswetar Upanishad announces, ‘Let a man attain this Brahmahood (Supreme one) and in the immediate succession follows the Vedic Truth; that is, thousands and thousands of people will see him (the attainer of the Brahmahood) in his living human form, that is, the very identical form of the attainer within them and speak out the wonderful statement of the Vedic Truth.
The Vedic Truth is meant for the whole human race. It is not confined to any ‘ism’. It is the cosmic law of the mankind which conducts him in each and every second of his life; nay, it is the very vibration and the breathing of his heart. It evinces that the Vedas are not the monopoly of the Hindus alone; and again, it is not confined to any race and in India alone. It is meant for the lowliest of the low and the highest of the high. It pervades the globe from one end to the other.
And now, how this most wonderful miracle takes place in a man is related.
The Vedic lore runs thus :
‘And thus this Man, rising from the lower plane to the seventh plane, attains the Supreme Light, and by his own form made of god’s light, appears within myriads of people to prove his attainment of Brahmahood as he is the perfect and the Supreme One’.
“The attainer himself will also see almost all within himself whosoever will come in contract with him as has been mentioned in Kaivalya Upanishad, ‘The attainer of Brahmahood will be seen by all in them (in their own bodies) and he himself will see all in him (i.e., within his own body) and there is nothing furthermore. This is ‘ One is all and All is One’ – Pantheism.
This is the most mysterious feature of the miracle as it is nothing but the most unsurmountable miracle for one Man to be seen by myriads of men as long as he lives.
Now the question of solving the mystery and bringing out its nature in the day-light is left to the scientists.