Chapter 4
Nostradamus says in his century 4-31 :
“The moon in the full of night over the high mountain
The new sage with a lone brain sees it.
By his disciples invited to be immortal.
Eyes to the South, Hands in bosoms, bodies in the fire.”
The interpretation in microcosm runs thus :
Nostradamus means to say that the new sage will be immortal having full devotion (Moon – Bhakti or devotion to God according to Hindu scriptures) and high mountain represents the superior human body who has known and seen the Supreme Soul or Atma in the seventh plane and by knowing he becomes the Supreme Soul himself leading to immortality
‘Eyes to the South, and hands on bosoms, bodies in the fire’ – It means the Supreme Soul bestows His grace on human race.
Katho Upanishad has mentioned as such :
“A Person of the measure of a thumb,
Like a light without smoke,
Lord of what has been and what is to be,
He alone is today, and tomorrow too.” (4.13)
Again Maitri Upanishad has mentioned about this sage thus : “He who is in the fire, and he who is here in the heart, and he who is yonder in the sun – he is one”.
To the unity of the one goes he who knows this.
Jibankrishna (Diamond) discussed as such :
On 15.12.1960 Diamond said -
Upanishad is saying, ‘Take me from mortality to immortality’. It means the seed of immortality exists within this body and that may germinate. Mortality is the contra of immortality. One contra has manifested within me. Do you know what is that? So long the world has been exising with individualism which is the contra of universalism. And when this universalism has manifested, spontaneously, then immortality can also be manifested within a human being. Moreover, divinity is the contra of animality – ‘To live in perfect goodness is to realize oneself in the all’ – this is the proof of divinity and that is also manifested here.
Listen a dream of Sailen – He is seeing the full moon in the clear sky. But its rays have not fallen anywhere in the world. This has only fallen on me and confined fully. Its interpretation is thus: Full rays of moon which means full calms or immortality is confined on me. Mortality is non-pleasant, immortality is pleasant. But you know that these are confined in individualism. When such immortality of my form will manifest within myriads of people of the world, then only I can have immortality otherwise that immortality is in embryo stage in my brain and I have to wait for that. But if I expire? Then again – back to pavilion – will somebody come to revive?
Katha Upanishad says in this aspect –
A Person of the measure of a thumb in the inner Soul; Ever seated in the heart of creatures; Him one should draw out from a reed, with firmness; Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal – Yea, Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal. (6.17)
In this context, an interesting dream seen by Mrs. Renu Kejriwal may be mentioned :
On January 13, 2012 she saw like this which is narrated by herself :
“At 3 PM, I saw in my dream that I had gone to the stone age and was roaming here and there. In one place I saw Jibankrishna (Diamond). He was crucified like Jesus Christ, but he was alive with a smiling face looking at me.
I was surprised and asked him, ‘How you have come here now’? He answered, ‘Listen, I exist always. I was in the past, I am present now and I will exist in future, but you were not at that time.’ Then standing there I was noticing the stone we people wearing bark of trees and eating raw meat as they used to do in the Stone Age. Here my dream was off.”
The dream indicates the immortality of the person who has attained Godhood.
Here Svetasvetar Upanishad has mentioned :
That God, the All-worker, the great Soul
Ever seated in the heart of creatures.
Is framed by the heart, by the thought, by the mind –
They who know that, becomes immortal. (4.17)
Here Jibankrishna’s version will be noteworthy :
On November 16, 1958, Jibankrishna discussed about his immortality:
I am saying that I shall live forever. Vedas have mentioned – Free of sorrow, death and disease. And this ‘forever’ means unless the whole human race see my form. Why I am saying so? Death is the prejudice of every human being and it is destined. But now I have become free of it. The meaning of birth and death run simultaneously. But I am not accepting it. I live forever with this form, otherwise before death I shall say that all these are nothing but hoax. You may charge me then, what are all these? I will say then, ‘Yes, this is ‘One’, so you see my form.’
Now you are the authorities of all these, and it is true. You bless me so that this becomes universal. I want to get the whole human race within me.
People may call me insane. But actually I am in a cool brain. I am explaining this matter with logic, and this is mentioned in ‘Kaibalya’ and ‘Bibhutipad’ (written thousands of years ago).
We cannot still conceive the final conclusion of this phenomenon, though, there must be an effect of it, and in future we can see it. When there is a work there must be the ultimate effect.
“Here a gentleman named Moni came and said that he saw me with shaved head twenty five years back sitting at Chetlahat (a market place at Kolkata). At first he could not recognize, but when I shaved my head one day, he said, ‘I have seen you with such shaved head sitting at Chetlahat. ‘Chetlahat means the place of universal consciousness. It indicated that I would be in existence in this form within the consciousness of every human being for ever and this is the explanation of my immortality”.
[Diamond is still seen in dreams and reality even after his demise in 1967 among innumerable people not only in India but in many parts of eh world being God-the-Preceptor of the seers, guiding and teaching them the mystery of yoga within a human body and thus they get the supreme knowledge to become one with the humanity – Author]