Chapter 5
Nostradamus says in his century 1-53 :
“Alas, how we will see a great nation sorely trouble,
And the holy law in utter ruin..
Christianity throughout by other laws.
When a new source of gold and silver is discovered.”
Analysis in microcosm :
New mine of gold and silver means the inner spiritual realizations of a human body and these realizations are not based on traditional concepts, but on a new concept which we have achieved after seeing Jibankrishna within ourselves. Being God-the-Preceptor he enlightened us with the knowledge of Supreme cult which is oneness. And when this oneness with manifest in every human being allthe traditional religions will be of no use, because then a man can understand that he is bearing God or the Supreme being within his body. He is not in anywhere.
Here are some discussions made by Jibankrishna (Diamond) on different days about the establishment of a new religion and eliminating the old traditional ones.
On 23rd July, 1958 Jibankrishna discussed like this”:
Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘Man can never be preacher or religious teacher.’ What happened? He eradicated this theory and said, ‘only God can be religious teacher.’ What he did? He established God within the temple of human body. Traditional religion cannot be universal. And if it is not universal, how human race can achieve oneness?
You look at the world religious history. What the incarnations are trying? They are trying to unite the human race. Now look at Sri Ramkrishna. He said, ‘The only object of human life is to achieve God’ and then said, ‘There are so many idealisms, and so many ways.’
Now come to the worlds history. What happened with French revolution? Their slogan was, Liberty – Equality – Fraternity – trying to unite everybody. Karl. Marx tried to unite the human race through economic revolution and its indirect effect was seen in the Russian revolution in 1917. This is also an effort to unite the human race. But was it successful?
After so many days we are seeing a possibility of unification among mankind. Vedas have mentioned.
There exists ‘one’ but others say, ‘many’. Now this ‘many’ will be ‘one’, though how much time it will take is very difficult to say. But we can say that this has started.
On 13th August, 1958Jibankrishna said:
For some days we have been giving this phenomenon as ‘the knowledge of self’ (Atmagyan).
But it is not confirmed whether it is true or not. We cann’t still conceive anything about it. So, I cannot decide what nomenclature should be given to this phenomenon.
This term ‘Parama Brahma’ whom people see in the sun inside in my form, means the phenomenon which happened in the old religion appears as the proof bearer. But this is not all. Leave that term aside. Let us take this form which innumerable people see within themselves. We are seeing that only ‘Jiban Ghosh’ (Diamond) exists and he is the religion. Whether I know or not, everything is happening here only for me. At the same time those who are seeing my form within themselves, are also Jiban Ghosh. It means everybody is same in one point and this is living as I am a living person.
So, you will see, if you eradicate the old ones, you will get new things. I have seen numerous previous births of mine. But I never take these into consideration; I have rejected all these things. The phenomenon happening here is completely new in the world history. And this is a factual evident. No body can at least say that I hypnotize everybody. But consider those who have seen me without coming to me or without hearing anything about me! Woman folks never comes here, but they see me by merely sitting inside their rooms, not only in dreams but also in flesh and blood body. Are they deceiving me? Ney, not that. So it is beyond our conception how strangely this phenomenon is happening here and why? In the long run perhaps this can be understood. But all these things are happening by the grace of Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) and we have crossed all the regions of old traditional religions.