Sunday, 17 June 2012

 Nostradamus’s predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

                                                                  Chapter - 10

In century 2 – 13 Nostradamus mentions :
                        The body without Soul no longer to be sacrificed,
                        Day of death put for birthday.
                        The divine spirit will make the Soul happy,
                        Seeing the word in its eternity.

This quatrain has some inner meaning which is as such :
The body without Soul means a person whose body and Soul are separated. This happens when Atma or Soul is liberated from the human body spontaneously through the process of Rajyoga.

How this happens has been vividly narrated by Jibankrishna (Diamond) through experience which we will reveal later on.

When this liberation happens within a man he becomes immortal and so he need not be sacrificed. Thereafter he is born every night within myriads of people through dreams, trances, meditations etc., bringing them peace and perpetual happiness and these we are witnessing in our daily life among innumerable people.

So such person has no particular date of death as he is born everyday and night or in other words he becomes eternal. His body becomes merged in the five elements and attains the power of controlling five elements of Nature which has been mentioned in Mundaka Upanishad like this :

The macrocosmic Person

Fire is His head; His eyes, the moon and sun;
The regions of space, His ear; His voice, the revealed Vedas;
Wind, His breath; His heart, the whole world. Out of His feet;
The earth. Truly, He is the Inner Soul (Atman) of all. (2.1.4)

Such type of person becomes beyond the three times which is mentioned by Svetasvatara Upanishad like this :

The beginning, the efficient cause of combinations,
He is to be seen as beyond the three times, without parts too! 
Worship Him as the manifold, the origin of all being, 
The adorable God who abides in one’s own thoughts, the primeval (6.5).

About the liberation of Soul from the body when the person reaches Brahma hood or Universal Self,
Brihad- Aranyaka Upanishad has mentioned thus :
When are liberated all
The desires that lodge in one’s heart,
Then a mortal becomes immortal!
Therein he reaches Brahma!

We will now see what are Jibankrishna’s versions :

On January 17, 1960, he said :
What is the attribute of God? He is ‘one’. So whenever anybody sees me within them, they are getting my attribute or they are becoming ‘one’. And what is the meaning of ‘beyond all attributes’? See, Bhola, his father, his son; Jiten, his father, his son – all see me in dreams, meditations and trances. It means a boy’s ‘satva’, young one’s ‘rajos’ and old man’s ‘tamo’ (creation, existence and destruction), with all these attributes they are seeing me within them. So I am not only beyond these three attributes, but beyond time. See, that Brahma is beyond these three attributes – such proof has not been cited so distinctly by anyone so long. So you are very fortunate that seeing my form within you, you are also being beyond these three attributes. To understand such phenomenon will take some time which you cannot realize now. In the long run you will realize it with proof.

[Svetasvatara Upanishad has mentioned thus –
The One God, hidden in all things; All-pervading, the Inner Soul of all things; The overseer of deeds( Karman), in all things abiding; the witness, the sole thinker, devoid of qualities(Nirguna).

Then on December 15, 1960, he said :
Upanishad is saying, ‘Take me from mortality to immortality’. It means the seed of immortality exists within this body and that may germinate. Mortality is the contra of immortality. One contra has manifested within me. Do you know what is that? So long the world has been existing with individualism which is the contra of universalism. And when this universalism has manifested, spontaneously, then immortality can also be manifested within a human being. Moreover, divinity is the contra of animality – ‘To live in perfect goodness is to realize oneself in the all’ – this is the proof of divinity and that is also manifested here.

Listen a dream of Sailen – He is seeing the full moon in the clear sky. But its rays have not fallen anywhere in the world. This has only fallen on me and confined fully. Its interpretation is thus : Full rays of moon which means full calms or immortality is confined on me. Mortality is non-pleasant, immortality is pleasant. But you know that these are confined in individualism. When such immortality of my form will manifest within myriads of people of the world, then only I can have immortality otherwise that immortality is in embryo stage in my brain and I have to wait for that. But if I expire? Then again – back to pavilion – will somebody come to revive?

Katha Upanishad says in this aspect –
A Person of the measure of a thumb in the inner Soul; Ever seated in the heart of creatures; Him one should draw out from a reed, with firmness; Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal – Yea, Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal. (6.17)

Again on July 24, 1964, he said :
What do you mean by oracle? You hear it. Isn’t so? What is ‘Veda’. It’s another meaning is ‘Sruti’ (A subtle note that is heard at the time of changing the voice from one note to another). The Rishis were the visualizers of hymns. To hear and to see are the same. The proof of this ‘Sruti’ is old Testament where the Prophets have mentioned on the basis of ‘Sruti’. There is another religious scripture which is entirely full of oracles is Koran. Then the question comes – who heard the oracles in Vedas? The answer is, that Perfect Man. That Man manifests Himself as oracle and at the same time He is the listener.

If you ask, ‘How is it possible’? The listeners were the Rishis who heard the oracles! Then how could they be merged into that Atma or soul? They said, ‘He is the Best Man’ and this is soul or Atma.

So far, all the scholars and religious teachers have mentioned about Atma or soul within the body.Why haven’t they proved that he is the sould or Atma with physical body? Atma and the Purusha are the same and why none of them couldn’t be that perfect Man, who could transform everyone into His own form? This proves that the man within the body is the listener. So far this unknown man was listener and now he has got flesh and blood body in the form of a living human body.

Now that inner man is the speaker, but outside he is the listener and you are the speaker. Because, unless you tell me your stories I come to know nothing. I knew myself through you. And for this reason I use to say that you are my teachers.

Now you see, that the great person was so long within the bodies of those Rishis and Religious teachers as an embryo. But through embryo you cannot expect the austerities, it requires a living body, and this is that body. Now you say, whether Vedas have mentioned about the past or future? The proof is in the Vedas – ‘the man in the sun’. Who is that man in the sun? A good number of people have seen my form in the sun. What is sun? The life so long human beings will continue seeing me within their bodies, I shall live. There is no destruction of Brahmavidya (Supreme Cult). Vedas are saying, ‘Those who see this Atma or Soul within their bodies, they get perpetual happiness, peace and become calm? I had no idea about all these, but still it is continuing. It never happened before that a man is transformed into Brahma or Supreme Being. The Truth is discovered through me. And you are announcing that a living man is Brahma.

[Chandogya Upanishad has mentioned thus :
As long as the sun shall rise in the east and set in the west, so long will he compass the over lordship and the chief sovereignty. (3.6.4)]

Sunday, 3 June 2012

                                             Chapter 9

Nostradamus says in his century 1-96 :
  “A man will be charged with the destruction
    of temples and sects, altered by fantasy
He will harm the rocks rather than the living,
Ears filled with ornate speeches.”

This man will be born and by his greatest spiritual power will abolish the utility of temples, churches, mosques and any other ritualistic religions. The establishment of a concept of God within the human body as was mentioned by the Vedic Rishis many thousands of years ago will be revived centering this man. And this will be the new Universal religion which is oneness as we are witnessing in our life through this man named Jibankrishna or Diamond. Seeing him in dreams, trances, meditations and reality in his life time as well as after forty four years of his demise myriads of people irrespective of religions, races sexes and ages are transformed into Brahma or Supreme self. There are innumerable examples happening in our daily life.

So long religions were based on dualism which means you are the Lord and I am the servant. But old Vedic Rishis have announced thousands, and thousands of years ago, ‘I am Brahma’ (Aham Brahmasmi’) or the Supreme one. Every human being has the birthright of becoming Supreme Being.

After the establishment of this ‘Oneness’ among the humanities, the traditional religions will be wiped out establishing the human being on a Supreme place as is revealed by some discussions of Jibankrishna :
On 15th February, 1961, Jibankrishna said addressing to the listeners : So long nobody said properly what is religion, because this term itself carries no sense. Only some sermons – you do this you do that, then you will have religion. So what is religion? Swami Vivekananda has divided religion into four parts:
(1) Symbolism or ritualism; (2) Mythology; (3) Philosophy and (4) Mysticism – only divisions and divisions!

So many times I told you that I am holding the human beings and this proof is bourn by you when you say, ‘we have seen you and are seeing you within our bodies’. My own life power, being manifested spontaneously takes my form and is manifested in thousands of people like you. There is no other greater truth than this. What you are seeing is the ‘Truth’. So you say loudly that the Truth which holds us is your form. Otherwise there is no religion. Only a vague term has been given to ‘religion’ so long, and why should we call a vague term as religion? Say, it is the spontaneous revelation of life power in a human body. I, therefore, eradicated the term ‘Religion’. Otherwise taking the opportunity of the term ‘Religion’ everyone will worship ‘dead’ keeping the human being dead. Now the time has come, you have had the right to say by the grace of God, ‘Oh man! you are Brahma (Supreme one)’, not after death but in this life. Remember the sayings of the Rishis of Upanishads, ‘those who worship others without himself have animal passions’. Just imagine how many thousands of years ago they made these comments! And you are the blessed persons who are carrying the same ‘Truth’ given by those Rishis!

Nostradamus comments that ‘He will harm the rocks than the living’ – which means all the idol worshiping will be abolished as is clear from Jiabnkrishna’s version on 24th June, 1958 :

All the traditional religions will be wiped out one day. Why? Hindus have come here, they have seen me in dreams. Muslims have come here, they have seen me in dreams. Christians, Parsees, have come here, all of them have seen me in dreams. What does it prove?

Vedas have mentioned, ‘He is one, many say this.’ So I am ‘one’ but at the same time have become many. Now what we are seeing? Many have become one. Vedas have said about ‘many’, but here ‘oneness’ is established. Now the question is, how many ‘Parama Brahma’ (Supreme One) are there? BY illusion ‘one’ seems many, but actually there exists only ‘one’.

See, even Vedas were against idol worshiping. Quoran also said the same thing. Now what is the drawback of idol worship?? Those who worship idols never get the sense that God is within the human body. By offering flowers at the feet of idols the man is deceiving himself, deceiving the whole world. Flowers symbolize brain cells. Those who can sprout them to Godhood, in true to sense they offer flowers to the feet of God within themselves. See my life! Being born in Hindu family I could never offer any flower at the feet of Sri Ramkrishna. I have never read any Hindu religious books except Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna, though I was a voracious reader of histories, novels and dramas in English and extensively read European literatures. I was a reading man. I know ten thousand years history. Seeing these Upanishads in the self don’t think that I have read these throughout my life. Why those books are here? In Astabakra Sanghita it is said that after completion of austerity those books should be corroborated.
See, what Vedas could not say, Astabakra Sanghita has mentioned about the phenomenon happening here, though they could not say about the cause behind it.