Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Nostradamus’s predictions and jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

                                                         Chapter 12

In century 2-29, Nostradamus says :
  “He will transpire the sky, the waters and the snow.
And everyone will be struck with his rod.”
Here Nostradamus’ quatrain signifies that this Great Person will envelope the whole world through sky, water and snow. He will strike the human race with his road or ‘Kundalini’ (According to Tantra) or life-power. It means his image, appearing within myriads of people through the five elements of nature i.e, sky, fire water, earth and light he will awaken the Kundilini of every man to attend Brahmahood and oneness.
Such phenomenon has already started since early 20th century in our country and still it is spreading to establish oneness among mankind. Why and how this happens has been clearly narrated by this man Jibankrishna or Diamond as was revealed in his life.
His versions will establish Nostradamus’ predictions.
Who is ‘this man’? Yes, he is a marked man. This work has been given to him by the Supreme one from within.
This very mark reveals the meaning experiences and proof of the Vedic aphorism ‘He attains the Supreme One, in whom the Supreme One from within the body expresses Himself. which means the spontaneous expression of the Supreme One from within.
According to Vedas, the proof of the attainment of this Brahmahood (Supreme One) will be corroborated by the appearance in the very form made of the light of God of the attainer in the innumerable people. The attainer himself will also see almost all within himself, whosoever will come in contact with him.
The attainer of the Brahmahood clarifies and bears proof of the aphorism – ‘one is all and All is One’ – Pantheism
The translation of the Vedic stanza is this – Thousands will see him within themselves and he shall see thousands within him. This is the peculiar characteristic of the ‘Parama Brahma’ and nothing else.
This is the most mysterious feature of the miracle as it is nothing but the most unsurmountable miracle for one Man to be seen by myriads of men as long as he lives.
 Now, the question of solving the mystery and bringing out its nature in the day-light is left to the scientists.
Every human being has got an innate Brahmahood within him. Sometimes this Brahmahood unfolds itself, bears its proof (by appearing within myriads of people). And the Truth is perennial one, as spoken in the Vedas.”

“God - the - Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says, ‘you will attain god – head’. God in the body takes this unknown or by-gone human form, selects you as a bridegroom, in other words makes your body a playground for his blissful and joyous sports.
He teaches you the whole course of ‘Rajyago’, the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seventh planes into the Supreme Bliss.
Sri RamKrishna says, ‘Without the bliss of God – the – Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress’. This upward progress means the upward motion of the life power in a man that is, waking of life power and her march in the seventh plane. “Without the attainment of God – the – Preceptor, the life power does not wake up. There cannot be any realizations without life power being wakened up.
The attainment of God – the – Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God – with – Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheet mercy.”
Among various measures God – the – Preceptor expresses himself in the body as an unknown man as one of the measure, ‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God – the – Preceptor whom you did not see before; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him.


[When the fivefold quality of Yoga has been produced,
Arising from earth, water, fire, air, and space,
No sickness, no old age, no death has he,
Who has obtained a body made out of the Fire of Yoga.
                          (Svetasvetara Upanishad – 2.12)]
 Jibankrishna  explained  on the basis of his achievement of this quality :  Now we will see, how this Oneness is spread among human beings. The spiritual life of Diamond attaining Godhood gets itself thoroughly pervaded with the five elements of nature. The five elements are:-
(1)  Sky or ether or atom- an invisible one; (2) Air; (3) Fire; (4) Water; (5) Earth.
These five elements of nature having the spirit of the very identical one, the attainer of the Godhood will function and carry the human form of attainer and place within the bodies of myriads of people and thus making one with Him in the spiritual world and thus oneness is established.
1) The function of the sky or ether or atom will bear its own proof. Some numberless people will see Him previously or hearing His name.
2) Air functions in this way- Some people will hear His name and they see Him. It may run so far that you are present here, hear His name and some of you may see Him and He shall make you known with particulars about Him.
3) The third element is fire, that is eye. The eye represents fire that is light and force both combined. Let you come in contact with Him and you may see Him within.
4) Then comes water. There at the outset in the vital sheath bluish gurgling water is seen and the water, undergoing a numberless chemical and physical changes within the laboratory of the human body, assumes the form of a sun in the cerebrum and the attainer of Godhood will be seen there in the sun.
5) Earth is the last of the elements and it also plays the most important role from one hemisphere to another hemisphere like this-
It has been observed in countless people when they read the book written by Diamond based on His personal spiritual experiences of Vedic Truth within His body, they have seen Him within them. Why? Keep a book under the ground for a few months and the book will be transformed into earth.
Thus we find the five elements become the distributors of Oneness. A man by nature’s selection becomes One or God and this Godhood or Oneness is distributed through the agency of five elements and it is made a free gift, because it is a free gift to Him by nature and so to the humanity, making them One or God with Him and thereby it proves and evinces that each and every member of the human race is but God or One in the spiritual world. This is Universal One and Oneness.

A. In his life time:
1. Coming in contact with Diamond
2.Without coming in contact  and hearing his name.
3.Womanfolks used  to see Diamond in dreams without coming to him.
4.By reading his book(Dharma-O-Anubhuti in Bengali and Religion and Realization in English written on the basis of his personal realizations).
5. By going to different reading centers
B. After Diamond’s demise:
1. By reading the magazine on Diamond and his book.
2.After coming in contact with Diamond’s companion.
3. Without knowing anything about Diamond.
In this context let us see what Upanishads are saying :
Maitri  Upanishad mentions ;
He who is yonder, younder Person in the sun – I myself is He.
Verily that which is the sunhood of the sun is the Eternal one,
That is the Pure, the personal, the sexless.
Of the bright power that pervades the sky, it is only a portion which is,
As it were, in the midst of the sun, in the eye, and in fire.
That is Brahma. That is the Immortal. That is Splender.
That is the Eternal Real.(6.35)
Svetasvatara Upanishad mentions ;
He by whom this whole world is constantly enveloped.
Is intelligent, the author of time, possessor of qualities, omniscient.
Ruled over by Him,(his) work revolves –
This which is regarded as earth, water, fire, air and space.(6.2)
Thus Nostradamus’ predictions are corroborated by Upanishads and Jibankrishna’s spiritual achievement in his life time.

Saturday, 7 July 2012

       Nostradamus’ predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

                                                   Chapter - 11

In century 2 – 28 Nostradamus says :
                        “The penultimate of the surname of the Prophet,
                        Will take Diana (Thursday) for his day and rest.
                        He will wander far because of a frantic head.
                        And delivering a great people from subjection.”

Here this quatrain carries the following meaning :
When the Prophet attains full-fledged Univerlism he need not roam here and there for preaching. His Supreme knowledge acts on human brains sitting in a place. This we have seen in case of Jibankrishna or Diamond in our life that by merely sitting in his room innumerable people used to see him in their dreams trances, meditations and even in flesh and blood body and come to him from distant places for identifications, this phenomenon use to happen in the following ways:

[When the fivefold quality of Yoga has been produced,
Arising from earth, water, fire, air, and space,
No sickness, no old age, no death has he,
Who has obtained a body made out of the Fire of Yoga.
                          (Svetasvetara Upanishad – 2.12)]

 Diamond explained  on the basis of his achievement of this quality :  Now we will see, how this Oneness is spread among human beings. The spiritual life of Diamond attaining Godhood gets itself thoroughly pervaded with the five elements of nature. The five elements are:-

(1)  Sky or ether or atom- an invisible one; (2) Air; (3) Fire; (4) Water; (5) Earth.
These five elements of nature having the spirit of the very identical one, the attainer of the Godhood will function and carry the human form of attainer and place within the bodies of myriads of people and thus making one with Him in the spiritual world and thus oneness is established.

The function of the sky or ether or atom will bear its own proof. Some numberless people will see Him previously or hearing His name.

2) Air functions in this way- Some people will hear His name and they see Him. It may run so far that you are present here, hear His name and some of you may see Him and He shall make you known with particulars about Him.

3) The third element is fire, that is eye. The eye represents fire that is light and force both combined. Let you come in contact with Him and you may see Him within.

4) Then comes water. There at the outset in the vital sheath bluish gurgling water is seen and the water, undergoing a numberless chemical and physical changes within the laboratory of the human body, assumes the form of a sun in the cerebrum and the attainer of Godhood will be seen there in the sun.

5) Earth is the last of the elements and it also plays the most important role from one hemisphere to another hemisphere like this-

It has been observed in countless people when they read the book written by Diamond based on His personal spiritual experiences of Vedic Truth within His body, they have seen Him within them. Why? Keep a book under the ground for a few months and the book will be transformed into earth.

Thus we find the five elements become the distributors of Oneness. A man by nature’s selection becomes One or God and this Godhood or Oneness is distributed through the agency of five elements and it is made a free gift, because it is a free gift to Him by nature and so to the humanity, making them One or God with Him and thereby it proves and evinces that each and every member of the human race is but God or One in the spiritual world. This is Universal One and Oneness.

[Svetasvetara Upanishad again mentions:
He by whom this whole world is constantly enveloped,
Is intelligent, the author of time, possessor of qualities, omniscient.
Ruled over by Him work revolves –
This which is regarded as earth, water, fire, air, and space. (6.2)]

Most miraculously, he was quite ignorant about all these happenings and this remains still a mystery. Even after forty four years of his death people are seeing him in different stages of life, getting him as their God-the-Preceptor or the Holy Ghost.
In his life time people from France and Honolulu saw him in dreams, about fifty years ago. And even now-a-days people from different countries are reported to see him in dreams and in physical body.

The theory lies in the fact that such Universal man becomes the Soul of every human being in his form. This form is lying latent in the human race and wherever congenial state occurs, his form manifests within that man. This has been mentioned by Svetasvatara Upanishad thus :
                        The Soul (Atman), which pervades all things
                        As butter is contained in cream,
                        Which is rooted in self-knowledge and austerity –
     This is Brahma, the highest mystic doctrine!
                        This is Brahma, the highest mystic doctrine! (1.16)

And Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad has mentioned :
                       He became corresponding inform to every form.
                       This is to be looked upon as a form of him (2.5.19)

We will now see what Jibankrishna says :

On December 25, 1960, he says :
So long all the previous religious books even the Upanishads, all of their sayings were based on a hypothesis. But in my case, it is confined with me only – i.e., at the age of 12 years 4 months I saw Sri Ramkrishna in dream within my body. Am I a hypothesis? Ney, a living human being why I am uttering the word ‘living’? Because it is in relation to a man. Man sees and man says. And what they mentioned, that is a hypothesis – why? Because the proof was not manifested in the past within the human body and none witnessed it.

Another important issue is that, as because it was a hypothesis, so there are so many opinions. Truth – that is one, so why variations will come? There is no alternative for Truth. When Hindus see me in dreams, they are not saying that they have seen Shiva, Rama, Krishna, when Muslims see me they are not saying that they have seen Allah, when Christians see me, they are not saying that they have seen God. On the contrary they are saying that they see Jibankrishna – a living man. I am the eternal. Till now no living human being has become converted into Soul. For this reason Swami Vivekananda could say, ‘All religions of the world are but hypothesis’.
This has reference in Katho Upanishad saying thus (18): This knower is not born nor does he die. Nor from anywhere has he become anything. Unborn Enduring, Everlasting and Primordial, he is not killed in the killing of the body.