Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Nostradamus’s predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

Chapter - 16
In century 7 – 14 Nostradamus says :
                        “He will come to expose the false topography,
                        The urns of the tombs will be opened.
                        Sect and holy philosophy to thrive,
                        Black for white and the new for the old.”
This quatrain predicts about the man to come who will demolish the fanaticism about religion, rigidity and twisted interpretations in all religions. He will correlate all the religions and bind the mankind with love and unity through evolving a new Universal Religion. This will be a practical religion in the daily life of human race.
How this will come? It has already initiated through a holy man Jibankrishna or Diamond. What will be his qualities that he will bring this unity? Let us see how this will happen.
Different Upanishads have already mentioned about such man several thousands years age.They have mentioned that the quality of such a man should be to bring unity in diversity:
             Him who is the constant among the inconstant,
             The Intelligent among the intellingencies       
             The One among many, who grants desires – 
             The wise who perceive Him as standing in oneself,
             They, and no others, have eternal peace! (Katho Upanishad – 5.13)

Maitri Upanishad have mentioned :
  When a seer seers the brilliant
            Maker, Lord, Person the Brahma – source.
            Then, being a knower, shaking off good and evil.
   He reduces everything to unity in the Supreme Imperishable (6.18).

How this will happen, was mentioned in Chandogya Upanishad :
            All evils will turn back therefore, for that
            Brahma – world is freed from evil. Upon
            crossing that bridge, if one blind, he becomes
            no longer blind; if he is sick, he becomes no
  longer sick upon crossing that bridge, the
            night appears even as the day, for that
            Brahma – world is ever illuminated. (8.4.1/2)
We have seen how Upanishad was personified in Jibankrishna in his life-time and we are witnessing the result of such phenomenon. He has discussed many times about it during his life time and a few are mentioned here :

Jibankrishna is Nature himself- He isbeyond all traditional religions
24.1.1959 Diamond said:
Why such magic is happening encircling me? I am the most mysterious man ever born on this earth. Can you say why? So long all the prejudices about the traditional religions are becoming extinct. It shows that religion is with a living human being. Just see, so many people have seen me within themselves long time ago without seeing me or knowing about me before – why this has happened? I am one with Nature, nay, a bit more – I am the Nature.

‘He is one’ as mentioned by Vedic Rishis is judicial
but Jibankrishna’s Oneness is a proof.
On 27.7.1959 Diamond says:
In his book ‘Buddhism and Vedantism’ Swami Vivekananda has in the synopsis with his great intellect in such a nice manner which nobody could do so far. He has mentioned – The Buddhists say – variety – this is Truth. This means mankind – individually without even taking into account his selfhood – Truth.
And Vedantists are saying – This varieties which you are seeing outside, is nothing. That is Maya (illusion) – short-lived apparent – merely shadow. Within you there exists ‘one’ and that is the ‘Truth’. Now to us this question arises – what is that ‘one’? Nobody can answer. But what God is showing to us? Within varieties there is oneness. And that oneness does not belong to the Vedantists in the form of imagination or judicial. This oneness comprises a living human being. It encircles my form and is established with proof forever. Among myriads of people my form is manifested and they are announcing what is that one. We have no separate existence in the spiritual world. Only you exist, though outside we are different. This is the Truth which innumerable people have established. So the doctrine of the Buddhists. ‘The varieties are Truth as well as the Vedantists’ imaginary ‘one’ do not exist.

  On 30.4.1960 Diamond said -
Listen, this phenomenon (manifestation of supreme cult) has happened in our country long time before. Now we are trying to explain it by our worldly consciousness. This is a very mysterious phenomenon which has happened here and it is beyond any explanation.
‘I was one and have become many’ – we have got a specific proof of this here. In Upanishads they have mentioned it like this, ‘In the beginning there was self alone in the shape of a person’; ‘your soul is the inner self of all beings!’ ‘All is one’ – when all of you see me within yourselves. This universe is within every human being. Everybody is projecting this world from within him and visualizes. I am within you and you are within me. It is very difficult to conceive it due to maya (Illusion) or the worldly attributes of the body. When one dies, the world vanishes to him, but remains as such to others. And another thing I use to mention frequently, that past, present and future, everything is within a human body. And here no question of rebirth or previous birth arises. According to Swami Vivekananda, ‘When the knowledge of self is manifested, it is realized that there is no rebirth. Otherwise everything is there’.
I have become all these. In Vedas there is only one adjective with God – ‘He is one’ and this we are witnessing here. I am placing a challenge that no desire can exist beyond this oneness within a human being and nothing exists after it.

Jibankrishna is a new man – initiation of a new era
One day in July, 1960, Jibankrishna said:
You see me within you. Why do you see me in spite of so many persons all round? Say, who am I? Whether you term as god, soul or whatever is there all these are prejudiced words. If you say that I am a man, then I shall put this question, ‘why me instead of so many persons present here’? Actually such a strange phenomenon has happened here which is beyond any perception.
So what is my locus-stand? I am a living human being. What type of human being? I am a new human being. What is he doing? Created a new Era.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Nostradamus’s predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

Chapter - 15

In century 6 – 24 Nostradamus mentions :
                        Mars and Sceptor will be found conjoined
                        Under Cancer Calamitous war,
                        Shortly afterwards a new king will be anointed
                        One who for a long time will pacify the earth.

The real peace comes only when oneness is established. This is the Oneness in the spiritual world. Due to dualism majority of conflicts among races of different religions happened on earth resulting bloodshed, and war.
We have witnessed that a new era has emerged through a great man Jibankrishna in Howrah Town (West Bengal, India) since the early part of 20th Century and spreading throughout different regions of the world in the under-surface among myriads of people of all religions, races, sexes and ages and without any outward shows. Now, how will this peace comes and what will be the qualities of this new king will be revealed by some forecasts and discussions of Jibankrishna as corroborated by Upanishads.

A new era is established in the spiritual world history

13th May, 1958.
I had no idea that God can be seen. I never prayed to God ‘you show me yourself’. But it is seen that God has established a completely new phenomenon here which has no reference in the world history.
Generally it is our habit to compare with a previous example whenever a new thing happens. But at least it can be said that there is no previous example of such type of phenomenon. Though it is beyond our conception what is happening here.

A forecast – seeing Diamond within the body will be the initiation of true religion

5th July, 1958.
This phenomenon can be defined as seeing the form of living person within a human body. We have understood that this human being is the truth and this is the zenith. Now who is that person? Still now we have not conceived why it is happening and what will happen in future.
In far future this phenomenon will spread and then you will get your answer.

Possibility of establishment of ‘oneness’ in future among human race
23rd July, 1958.
Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘Man can never be preacher or religious teacher.’ What happened? He eradicated this theory and said, ‘only God can be religious teacher.’ What he did? He established God within the temple of human body. Traditional religion cannot be universal. And if it is not universal, how human race can achieve oneness?
You look at the world religious history. What the incarnations are trying? They are trying to unite the human race. Now look at Sri Ramkrishna. He said, ‘The only object of human life is to achieve God’ and then said, ‘There are so many idealisms, and so many ways.’
Now come to the world history. What happened with French revolution? Their slogan was, Liberty – Equality – Fraternity – trying to unite everybody. Karl. Marx tried to unite the human race through economic revolution and its indirect effect was seen in the Russian revolution in 1917. This is also an effort to unite the human race. But was it successful?
After so many days we are seeing a possibility of unification among mankind. Vedas have mentioned.
There exists ‘one’ but others say, ‘many’. Now this ‘many’ will be ‘one’, though how much time it will take is very difficult to say. But we can say that this has started.
In this context; Brihad-Aranyaka Upanishad mentions :
This mankind is honey for all things, and all things are honey for this mankind. This shinning, immortal person is in this mankind, and , with reference to oneself, this shinning, immortal Person who exists as a human being – he is just this Soul, this Immortal, this Brahma, this All. (2.5.13)

Svetasvatara Upanishad has mentioned :
                        The one who rules over every single source,
                        In whom this whole world comes together and dissolves,
The Lord, the blessing-giver, God adorable –
By revering Him one goes for ever to this peace. (4.11)