Thursday, 10 January 2013

Nostradamus’ predictions, Jibankrishna(Diamond) the Universal man and my future vision Chapter 4

Chapter 4
In century 1-84, Nostradamus says:
  “The moon will be  obscured in deepest darkness,
Her brother passing in a blood-red colour;
The great one, long hidden in darkness,
Will hold the iron sword in the bloody wound.”
In Hindu religious belief, moon is the symbol of Bhakti (A cult with emotion and devotion): Her brother is considered as sun (A rising sun is red color).

The ‘Great One’ is the person in whom the supreme cult is fully manifested with the result that he will appear in myriads of people as their God-the-Preceptor or Holy Ghost or savior as is mentioned in Upanishads clearly written thousands and thousands of years ago.

‘The great one long hidden in darkness’ means existing in un-manifested condition within the human body. This great man had so long been hidden within the human body.

We are seeing that in this strange phenomenon, Jibankrishna spontaneously appear within human race converting them gradually from inside to a superior being. This has started since early part of the twentieth century and now flourishes not only in our country but in different parts of the world, though in a slow process and we are receiving innumerable examples.

It is mentioned in Upanishads that in the primeval man (Adi Purush) God manifested and he used to be termed by the Vedic Rishis as ‘Father’, whom they saw within themselves. Then in due course of time, this primeval man was lost due to deterioration of human body and the Rishis started performing ritualistic practices, imagining different gods and goddesses on the basis of good attributes of the human body. But after so long years we are seeing that this Vedic Truth has again revived encircling Jibankrishna as will be revealed later on.

‘Holding iron sword’ denotes the Holy ghost will guide human being strictly, as for long years due to aberrations, human nature has become diverted, and ultimately this new religion or ‘oneness; will bring peace to the world.

My vision of future – Establishment of Truth

13th April, 1980, Sunday.

Early morning dream :  I saw that a narrow flag from one side of the horizon to another was waving.  I could not see my own physical body but I was feeling my existence. It was revealing in my mind that after a long-lasting war as if peace had come and only Khagendra Nath Ghosh and I had survived as witnesses. At this moment the dream went off.

[The dream indicated that ultimately the Victory flag of truth will be established on earth overcoming all the evils and the seer may witness an initiation of it.]