Tuesday, 20 August 2013



Sree Sree Bhagaban Ramkrishna Devah’s
perennial sayings and their tangible forms
as seen in the process of Yoga ¾
transformation of the lower-self
to the Supreme-Self or Bliss.
Diamond (Manik, the name of the diamond)
picked up in the street

Manik is the most precious diamond. It is so imagined in India. It grows on the head of a cobra – the most venomous of snakes. Cobra is the insignia by which
Kundalini is depicted. Kundalini is the essence of life-power. She takes the form of Cobra in the back-bone of the body in the process of Yoga – the process of transformation of the self into God. She is so seen by Sree Ramkrishna Devah. God, the most precious diamond (Manik), comes out from Kundalini and it means God in the body.

Manik can be had through sheer mercy of God and it is not a purchasable commodity.
Manik knows no value.
Satchidananda (God) does not grow in the body by Sadhan (Self-exertion).
By the grace of Satchidananda, ‘Satchidananda’ is seen in the body and sometimes, in form, outside.
God in the body comes out spontaneously (Bidvat) and not by exertion (Bibidisha).
“If God frees Himself from the body out of sheer mercy, then and then alone, there is freedom from the bondage of the body”.
“Well, am I committing any offence by disclosing all these secret divine realizations of mine own?”
¾ Sree Ramkrishna.
“No, there cannot be any harm. I have spoken out all these secrets simply to have the faith of the human race grown in them”.
¾ Sree Ramkrishna.
Some say, to give out one’s own divine realization is a profanation.
The five volumes of Kathamrita, the conversation of Sree Ramkrishna, known as the “Gospel of Sree Ramkrishna”, contain the expressions and manifestations of the divinity in his own body as seen by him.


By sheer mercy He expresses Himself in the human body.

This manifestation of God in the body is in various stages called Lila or God’s sport.

In other words, it establishes the Truth in the man or the spontaneous manifestation of God in the body.

The Truth manifests in a man in order to be given out.

This publicity comes after attainment of Chaprash, the badge of authority, or Adesh, precept, or both in some cases.

Chaprash, the badge of authority, is a written document.

God, in a human form, writes it and shows it.

Precepts are of two kinds :¾
1.      God takes a human form and speaks.
2.      Formless God speaks in the brain.

There are two other modes of God’s speakings to a man:¾
1)  through a kiddy ; and
2)  sometimes through a mad man.

The Atma, God, emanated in and from the body of Sree Ramkrishna.

To relate the processes and stages of the emanation and manifestations of the divinity in man is called Bhagabat or religious lore.

He spoke out Bhagabat – all these modes, processes and manifestations of the divinity in him.

No profanation is committed by giving publicity to this Bhagabat. it has been so spoken by Sree Ramkrishna. On the contrary, it makes the dormant faith in a man spring up into life.

To conceal the Truth from others is a fetter in itself and belongs to the group of eight fetters known as Astapash.

The revelation of the Truth or the emanation of God in the human body does not come into being to be kept in concealment.

If God desires, then he manifests Himself in a man in ‘Supreme Knowledge’, the knowledge of summum bonum, Brahmajnan.

His desire expresses in the human body in the following stages :

1) Satchidananda Guru or God-the-Preceptor. Satchidananda or God appears in the form of an unknown human being. It is not an ordinary flesh-and-blood body, but a human form made of God’s light. He speaks. He teaches. At this stage you do not know the A.B.C. of the happenings in you. You are only a seer.

I)                   Then follow the emanation, accumulation, and manifestation of the Atma, God, in the 7th plane or within the brain ; and Satchidananda Guru or God-the-Preceptor shown Him to you and he himself enters into the Atma and vanishes, making you understand that your God-the-Preceptor is Atma.

II)                The innumerable manifestations of God within you in different stages.

III)             Then the offering of the badge of authority Chaprash to the seer.

IV)             Publicity of all the processes and stages of God’s manifestations within the seer follows.

“Those, who after ‘attaining the Supreme Knowledge (Brahmajnan) do still worship God with form, live with love of God (Bhakti) for the benefit of the human race to initiate others into the cult of love to God. As if a pitcher is filled
with water, but the water is now poured down into other pitchers”.

“The ways and processes by which they have seen God and attained Him in the body, are spoken out to making. It showers a world of benefit on them”.

All these are the sayings of Sree Ramkrishna and as such to give out the ways and processes of seeing and attaining God, does not incur any profanation.


 “In some there is spontaneous emanation of God from the body, and they are called Nityasiddha”.

¾ Sree Ramkrishna.

“Those who have attained God in them by self-exertion, such as continuous prayer and self discipline such as fasting etc, are called Sadhanasiddha”.
¾ Sree Ramkrishna.

“There is another class of people who have attained God through sheer grace of God and they are called Kripasiddha. It is exactly like carrying light into a closed room which has been kept in darkness of thousand years”.
¾ Sree Ramkrishna.

“Still more, there are some who, all on a sudden, get God in them and they are called Hathat-Siddha. It is exactly like a rich man’s liking for a poor man’s son. The rich man marries his daughter to the poor man’s son and along with it, makes a gift of a house, furniture, car, servants and maids”.
¾ Sree Ramkrishna.

“Furthermore, there are some who attain God in them in course of dreams and they are called Swapna-Siddha”.
¾ Sree Ramkrishna.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013



“Why do you bow down to me ? You want God ? Well, He is within you ! Pray to Him, ‘Oh God! Reveal Thyself ! Let me know how You are ! – and He will manifest Himself in a form and you will see Him” – so He says to a new-comer.
Sometime after, the man comes back and says, “Sir, I have seen you in dream !” So says everybody that comes in contact with Him. Some see Him in dream, some in trance, some in meditation, some in awakened condition but majority in all these four conditions !
That is not all. Without knowing anything of Him, without coming in contact with Him, some have seen Him fifty years back, some twenty five years back, some twelve years back and so on. Some have seen Him physically in awakened condition in railway station or at the market or at the crossing of roads or in a crowded bus. But the Man concerned looks unconcerned and says that he is never aware of any such meetings !

Women are not allowed to come to Him. But they see Him in their own place in all the four conditions described before. When a male member of a family comes to Him, it so happens that other members of the family start seeing Him. The mother, the father, the wife, the sisters, the daughters the boys and the girls, even the maid-servants go on seeing Him within them. The husband comes to Him ; the wife stays at home. But in some cases, first the wife sees Him within and then the husband.
A boy would not believe that women see Him within them. One morning just after he woke up, his mother came to him and said, “Well my boy, yesterday night I have seen the Man to whom you go at Howrah! In the dream, a woman accompanied me and pointing out the Man said, “This is the Man to whom your son goes every evening”.
Thus see Him thousands of men and women – high and low, rich and poor, literate and illiterate ! Hindus see Him, Muslims see Him, Christians see Him, Parsees see Him, Buddhists see Him, Jews see Him and so on. Caste or creed or color offers no barrier ; dignity of profession does not count ; difference of age and sex is swept away ; the importance of heredity becomes insignificant. The only requirement to see Him is a human body !

But none of these people can say how does it happen. The mystery becomes more intense when the Man declares that He does not know that thousands of men thus see him. He knows nothing before, but is aware of the fact only when He gets the reports from these men. A world of mystery centers round Him but without his knowledge. How strange it is !
It is equally strange that the spiritual life of this Man started when he was a boy of twelve years four months only. he never knew that God can be seen. He never prayed, knew no hymn or mantra, never approached any man to guide him to the path of religion. Revelations came to him as a matter of course. He practised no penance, no austerity, but led an ordinary life carrying on His daily routine as usual. His bed was His seat of Sadhana, and while He reposed, he experienced all that came upon Him automatically. He was not the doer but the seer. He is now sixty eight, but still has spiritual realizations.
Some of these revelations have been described by Him in this booklet. It describes systematically how the soul emanates from the body,
takes its course step by step  and manifests itself. In short, it is a narration of how a human body is transformed automatically into a perennial source of spiritual energies. It describes the process how man becomes God ! That is spiritually : - proof and veracity of the thing will be borne by thousands and thousands of people. They shall be seeing Him within them.

Dated at-                                                                                             J.N.Chatterjee
P.O. Dass Nagar,Howrah
July 15, 1965