MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple
of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri
Ramkrishna will be spoken
of as
Thakur” when required
as it is so done in the
Gospel )
7) There lives one “ Paramhansa”. Paramhansa means gender.
The man who attains and realizes God in full
measure in the body in accordance with the manifestations and realizations as
laid down in the Vedanta is called Paramhasa . According to the Vedas, there
are five sheaths. Yes, they are in the body and they are in seen . Life-power
(Kundalini) gets itself transformed in each sheath and produces different kinds
of manifestations and realizations . It is called Aganm-Ascent . The life-power
is rising to the cerebrum .
The God is rising from the
body—the milk is being separated from the water . Here water is body and milk
is God.
God with form is milk and
then transforms Himself into butter (Atma) . The milk in full measure (in the
form of cream) is separated from the water and the cream is made into butter .
The body and God are separted from each other . This separation is manifested
in the body . The head with neck will keep on moving quickly from right to left
. There will be a sound like that of a dried betel-nut or a well dried cocoanut
in a shell and it will be heard . It is required to ask such a man , if God in
him has separated from his body . Before his reply comes, these movements of
neck and head will come upon him and it will be seen .It is Brahma Vidya—the
Supreme Culture . As soon as the man who has attained this culture will hear
this, without any effort on his part, the culture in specific form (as there
are other forms), will get itself manifested in his body . It is the
manifestation of inner Truth in the physical body .
“ Some people have heard about milk, some
people have seen milk and some again have drunk milk and by drinking they have
become strong and well-nourished”—Shri Ramkrishna .
‘ To see milk’—is to see God
in the body .
‘ To drink milk and thereby
to be strong and nourished’—is to be aware of the attributes of God . This man
is called Vijnani—that is , a man having k knowledge of the attributes of God .
Such a man, endowed with the knowledge and characteristics of the Atma seen in
the body is Paramhansa .
8) “What a nice place ! What a lovable man !
How charming his Words are ! The spot has charmed me .”
The awakened God is in the
body of Shri Ramkrishna and has expressed Himself here in divine sweetness.So
here, everything is beautiful and everything seems to be charming .
The magnet has attracted a
piece of iron and the iron is helpless .
9) “Alack, books ? No, dear no ! All the world
of knowledge is in him.”
This remark is made by
Vrinda, maid of this temple, She is in touch with Thakur : so truth is coming
out from her .
Books contain knowledge .
All the knowledge of the world is in Thakur .
God is in man. The world is
in God. The world is conscious but for Divine Consciousness. The very same
Divine Consciousness through Thakur .
10) “It took him (Shri M) aback to hear that
Shri Ramkrishna was not a reading man”. Shri, M was a man of English education
The Europeans are of opinion that knowledge
comes from without . They analyse the world and thereby want to reach the
Truth, Shri M was of the same opinion with them .So he was amazed to hear that
Thakur did not read any book .Only by two letters Thakur upsets this opinion of
the European scholars .
They are Ma (Maw) and Ra
Ma—means God .
Ra –means the world.
God first, then comes the
world .
God is seen in the body and
the world is seen in the God .It is called Viswarup, or God is in the form of
the world or God is the world The
devotee is also in God ; nay, he himself is God .He opens himself up sees world
in himself .Here starts the knowledge of Vedanta and this is the first realization
when God has separated from and expressed Himself in the body in to-to. God is
His own creator and His expression of the Self is His sports .
11) “Shri M marked that Thakur was becoming
absentminded every now and then , Later he came to know that this is called
Bhava—transformation to God by part in the body .”
It is called the condition
of ‘Ardha Bajhya’ half-man and half-God. God has emanated from the body not in
full measure but by half. Its manifestation is visible lengthwise (vertically)
in half portion of the body .It appears and it seen in the right side. The
face on the right side contorts and looks swollen ; the eyes get closed ; half
of the tongue looses its power of speech and hairs on this side of the body
stand on their end .
‘Looses all the senses’—means to get fully
changed into God (Samadhi)
12) “Such changes both of mind and body come
over Thakur at evening and sometimes he looses all the senses of the outer
A body having no iota of
lust in it is a divine one. Thakur’s body was the temple of God
as He emanated and manifested there in full measure . His was a divine body
.Dusk is the bifercation between day and night . It brings a change in the
outer world . So at dusk his divine body had a change as this happened without
invocation on his part . Such change takes place in a divine body—a body having
no least desire for creature comforts .
‘Looses all the senses’—means to get fully
changed into God (Samadhi) .