Place :---Temple of Dakshineswar
Shri Ramkrishna will be
spoken of as
Thakur” when required
as it is so done in the
Gospel )
19 . “Alas, he is not free, already married”!
Continence is an essential
requirement for attaining God in the body. All animal passions are but
obstructions to the way of God’s freeing and manifesting in the body
“The man who has renounced
the pleasure enjoyed in the company of a wife, has really given up all the
pleasures of the world”—Shri Ramkrishna .
Everything on the face of
the earth takes place as God wills it . The man is fettered with a wife at the
will of God . So in this case it appears that God’s grace is less. Had he been
favoured by God there would have been no marriage at all for him .
20 . “Ah me ! He is not only
married but has also got a child”.
A son is born of me and it is reckoned as a
second birth of my own body .
“You, in another form, are your own son”—Shri
Ramkrishna .
The full measure of your
body has gone down at the birth of your child as he is come out from your body.
It means a loss of potential power in you . So there will be very meager
emanation of God in your body and you are not favored with all the knowledge of
the sportive forms of God in you.
The body is required to be
kept intact in an unsullied condition . Then there will be an emanation of God
in the body in full measure . All the sportive forms of God will be seen . The
mystery of life and death in connection with the world and everything else
surrounding you will be solved . For instance, the world, you see, appears to
be before your eyes. But really it is not so . You have seen God within you.
Then you will come to see that this world in the God within you . Your
knowledge of self-ego plus body is but a mirror and the world is reflected
there. So you are seeing the world in the outside but it is exactly like a
mirage—something not in existence but appears to be true and real.
21. “Is she endowed with goodness (Vidya-sakti)
or badness (Avidya-sakti)”.
Goodness is conscience, renunciation,
of God etc.
Badness is to have a keen worldly
attachment, to have more creature comforts, devoid of the sense of right and wrong
.having no respect or regard for God etc .
God has manifested Himself
in everybody in the form of life-force, and in some this life-force is tinged
with goodness and in some again with badness .
Why there is such difference
It is predestination .
What is predestination ?
It is very clearly exposed
in the story of Prahlada in the Mahavarata, a mythology of India .
Prahlada was sent to school
when he was but a mere child. He saw the first alphabet “K”and tears rolled
down from his cheeks. (K is the first alphabet in the list of letters in India . Krishna , the name of God as described, starts with K).
The alphabet K reminded Prahlada about Krishna .
His love of God burst out seeing the simple letter K. Kiddy Prahlada was not
aware anything of God. It did not matter with the child but tears came out
spontaneously. The spontaneity signified predestination .
22 . “ And you are blessed with knowledge”?
The man who has got knowledge of himself is called Jnani, who is he ?
The body must be in full-bloom-youth i.e. between 24 and 25 years of
age .There will be no defect in the body. God in full measure will come out and
accumulate in the cerebrum. God-the-Preceptor will point out and show God
(Atma). Then succeeds various forms of God and they will annihilate time and
space. Then comes the realization and consciousness from within that I am not
body but I am God .
This state is attainment of knowledge and he who has attained this
state is called a man of knowledge (Jnani). This is but the first stage of
attaining knowledge as in full knowledge there remains no-ego-consciousness to
give out “Not I, but Thou (God)”.
23. “Yes, have you got faith in
God with form or without form”?
“God emanates from the body and
is transformed into ‘no-ego-consciousness’ and again from “no-ego-consciousness’
comes God with form”—Shri Ramkrishna . (Nitya and Lila—from Lila to Nitya and
Nitya to Lila) .
God with form is seen in the fourth sheath or the sixth plane . Here
the devotee sees his God with form. You are a devotee of Jesus and if (God in
you takes pity on you then He will come out from your body in the form of Jesus
and you will see Him ; nay, you may even talk Him though not in all cases .
There is another form of higher realization of God with forms . Jesus
you see before you but that Jesus will be transformed before your very eyes
into Mary, and Mary again may change into Shri Ramkrishna and so on . It makes
you conscious that there is one God but He appears in various forms .
God without form starts from seeing the Atma in the cerebrum till God,
after various sportive forms, reaches and is transformed into
‘no-ego-consciousness’, and if God wills it then He may descend into divine
consciousness only in give out—“Not, I, but Thou and Thou “.
24 . “But cling to your own faith “.
If God makes one understand all about God then one understands what God
is .
If God out of His own accord emanates and in the body and realization
in full degree covers at every stage of transformation of the life-force to God
then God is seen, understood and can be spoken of. Nobody knows who is God or
what is God. If God makes Himself known to you then you are in a state to know