Wednesday, 21 January 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

181)                “Let  you  force  your  way  to  God  in  you”. 

 There are two ways to apply force. The first one is to take shelter with God by throwing yourself absolutely at His mercy by making a gift of your body, life, mind, feeling and soul .

The second one is by continuous negation, that is, I am not skin, I am not flesh, I am not blood, I am not bone, I am not marrow and go on discriminating till you get a spontaneous stoppage and then there will be void zone or you will plunge in the First Cause . Your judging in this way of negation in your mind and body. Thakur by negation gave up gold and its manifestation came out in this way:  If a sliver coin was placed in his hand, then his hand would writhe, his voice would be choked up, his breath would be held up and so on till the silver coin was removed from his hand . He renounced gold in his mind and the signs of renouncement were exhibited in his body.

182)                   “God  is  not  a  third  person  but  He  is  your  very  own”.

God is the nearest of all to you as He is in you; nay, more than that, you are but He, “Oh Svetaketu ! Thou are but God”! And “Thou art but Supreme Bliss!”

183)                 “He  is  called  the  best  teacher”.

The best teacher is God-the-Preceptor.

A certain friend could not get his body and mind absorbed in meditation. In a dream he saw that his God-the-preceptor appeared, caught him by neck, and made him sit in meditation. He dipped deep in meditation. Thenceforward meditation came upon him. God in the form of God-the-preceptor gave him His grace and he got capacity for meditation. It was sheer God’s grace and God within the friend manifested Himself in meditation.

184)                  “Has  God  got  any  from,  or  is  He  without  any  form?”       

A patient in delirium wants to drink a thankful of water; he wants to take bread of the size of a mountain . The question is of that character. I had never been to New York or Washington. How could I describe New York or Washington? I do not know A. B. C. of God and how am I to make any conclusion that God has His from or God is without any form?

185)                 “God  has  no  finality”.

God is in every human body. He is seen in the seventh plane. He is with form. He is only an outline. He is without any form. Everything is God and He is beyond everything. A man knows so far as God, by His grace, makes him understand.

186)                “God  assumes  form  only  for  a  devotee”.

A devotee of Buddha sees form of Buddha; a devotee of Jesus sees the form of  Jesus ; a devotee of Shri Ramkrishna sees the form of Shri Ramkrishna and so on .

But there is another superior class of seeing God with form. This superior class of realization reveals that it is God’s light seen at the entrance to the seventh plane coming out of the sixth plane and taking the form of Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Shri Ramkrishna and other forms of Gods and goddesses as described in any mythology or religious book of the world.

A devotee of formless God sees in meditation  (1)  a Goddess of ten hands with great grandeur and pomp, (2) then the goddess turns into the form of a god with four hands , (3) then the god changes into the form of a baby---say, baby Buddha, or baby Jesus, or baby Sri Ramkrishna and (4) lastly a devotee of formless God sees God’s light . It is but a part realization and the whole course of realization is not revealed to him .

187)              “To  a  man  knowledge  i.e., to  whom  the  world  is  but
                       a  dream,  God  is  without  any  form”.

One, after attaining Supreme Knowledge, comes back in Descent to speak about the sportive forms of God with forms and without forms.

188)            “A  devotee  knows  that  He  is  an  entity  and  the  Universe  is  another”.

Here the devotee has dualistic knowledge and no unitary knowledge. It is but a partial knowledge.


Monday, 5 January 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

175)       “A  man  endowed  with  God’s  goodness  shall
                never take  money  from  others  by  flattery”.

 This is the marked distinction of a man endowed with goodness given by God.

Thakur used to say about himself, “I do not take any money from others”.                           

176)      “The  man  who  out  of  devotion  has  got  the  third  and lowest  principle
               (Tamas) wakened  up  for  God  has  got  a  burning  faith”.

 There are three principles of devotion in man . They are called---

(1)    Sattvik Bhakti .

(2)    Rajasik  Bhakti  and

(3)    Tamasik  Bhakti

Sattivik  Bhakti is the first principle of devotion of goodness and sanctity .

Rajasik Bhakti is the second principle devotion .

Tamasik Bhakti is the third principle of devotion without any rational base.

Has got the third and lowest principle wakened up—means to get a strong yearning for God but it has no rationalistic base.

Faith is God’s mercy.

Burning faith gets, all on a sudden, God’s light kindled in the body . A devotee of this type gets God’s light all on a sudden. “A light flares up in a room kept in darkness for a thousand years”.

177)            “A  devotee  of  the  third  principle  wishes  to
                     get  God  as  if  per  force”.

 It is a deep yearning for God and it comes out of the pang of separation. The devotee wants to get God and to be transformed into God all on a sudden. In yoga this pang indicates that God is emanating from the body.

178)               “A  devotee  of  the  third  principle  is  like  a 
                        robber  who  plunders  wealth”.

 This is to pick up a diamond in the street or to get and see God in the seventh plane . The life-power is collected and seen in the cerebrum leaving no explanation .

179)              “I  am  a  son  to  God”.

 The idea runs that God is Father or Mother and man is His or Her son.
It is called a devotion of Rajaguna. It is yogic term. It is manifested all over the body. Every part of the body becomes deeply flushy like red vermilion and the blood courses its way towards the upper part of the body.

180)             “If  a  man  can  divert  the  third  principle  within
                      himself  then  he  can  get  the  grace  of  God”.

 The life-power in a man is coursing its way in the outer world. It is to be withdrawn, collected, placed within the body and turned towards the seventh plane .

Yes, let there be desire in man, but that should be directed to see God. Yes, there might be temptation and let it be temptation of getting God within the body. Yes a man might have anger and let him be angry with God for not giving His grace to him. Yes, there might be forgetfulness and let one forget this world keeping the mind confined in his body. Yes, a man might be proud, and let him be proud as he has got God’s mercy. Yes, there will be vanity; Let the vanity be such as to have got God as one’s Lord.