Monday, 16 February 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

198)     “Again, God  is  seen  without  any  form”

 There are three principal stages of seeing God without any form. They are---(1) God as Atma, (2) God as sky or void zone and (3) God as Supra-consciousness (Paramatma). These three realizations come at long intervals and not in succession.

199)     “So  long  as  the  kiddy  plays  with  the  toys  and  makes  himself  forgetful”

 Toy---here represents body. A man making himself forgetful of his own real ‘Self’ thinks that he is human body.

200)     “The  mother  keeps  herself  engaged  in  attending  to            
              other  household  work  such  as  cooking,  etc.”

 God is represented here as Mother. She is in you.

To attend to other household work---means God lying in dormant condition within the body.

201)     “When the  kiddy  becomes  disgusted  with  his  toys”---

 When the human body appears as a source of troubles and displeasure, i.e., when the thirst for worldly pleasure gets abated, nay, discards the man……

202)      “Then the  kiddy  yells  for  mother”

 If a man cries for God and gets a sincere yearning then transformation of life-power within his body takes place spontaneously.

203)     “The  mother  sets  aside  the  cooking  pot”

The mother (God) emanates from the body.

204)     “With  hasty  steps,  she  comes” 

When life-power in body is awakened and makes her way towards the seventh plane, a sound is heard between the fourth plane and the fifth. Here the knots of the heart are  cut asunder. The sound heard and it is very keenly felt.

205)     “The  mother  takes  the  child  to  her  breast”

God is shown by God-the preceptor in the seventh plane, then all skepticism vanishes.

206)     “If  somehow  or  other  God  is  attained  then  he  will
              make  you  understand  all  about  His  sportive  forms”

 After attainment of no-ego-consciousness—the void zone in Ascent—then at the outset of Descent the whole process of transformation of life-power comes a floating before the eyes and keeps on floating for ever.

207)     “A  dispute  arose  about  the  colour  of  a  chameleon  on  a  tree.
             Some  saw  it  in  green  colour, some  in  red, some  in  blue,some
             in  violet, some  in  grey, and  so  on. Everyone  was  sure  about  his 
             own  experience  of  the  colour. The  dispute  did  not  end  but 
             remained  unsettled”

Here it is spoken of God with forms. Some say God as Zoroaster made of God’s light, some saw as Jupiter, some as Buddha, some as Jesus, some as Shri Chaitanya and some as Shri Ramkrishna. It is obvious that the dispute cannot be settled as they cannot ignore their own realizations, nor can they disbelieve their own eyes. It is due to a partial knowledge. Had they been acquainted with the whole process of transformation of life-power then there would have been no dispute at all. It is simply that God in man appears as Zoroaster to someone, as Buddha to someone, as Jesus to someone, as Shri Ramkrishna to someone else.

Tree---represents human body.

Chameleon---is God in man.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
189)           “So God  assumes  a  human  form  (made  of  God’s  light)
                     and  appears  before  a  devotee”.

It is a realization of the sixth plane.

190)            “A  man  of  Supreme  knowledge  becomes  conscious  of
                     God  without  any  form  in  divine  consciousness”.

It is so realized in meditation. It is the last tinge of divine consciousness and after that what comes cannot be said as no divine consciousness also remains.

191)            “It  is  exactly  like  an  onion . Let  you  peel  off  the  skin .
                     First  you  take  of  the  red  outer  skin, then  the  thick
                     White skin, and  so  on. At  last  there  remains  nothing”.

Onion---is compared with this human body.

Skin of Onion—represents sheaths of body. There are five sheaths in the body. The last sheath is “Supreme Bliss”. Beyond the last sheath there lies the First Cause, the Great Unknown.

192)             “In  filling  an  empty  pitcher  with  water  in  a  lake,
                      Gurgling  sound  comes  out  and  continues”.

Pitcher---represents human body.

Filling the pitcher in the lake---means to be merged in the First Cause.

Gurgling sound---represents all the sportive forms God with forms or without forms as seen in the body in the course of transformation of life-power and lastly to get merged into the Great Unknown . Of course, then follows Descent .   

193    “No  boat  ever  returns  from  the  ‘black  water’ of  the  ocean”,

Black water---is the First Cause.

Boat---is ego-consciousness.

Ever returns---means merges in the First Cause.

It is the ego of an Avatar or incarnation of God.

194)    “The  ego  of  a  devotee”

The manikin or Manus Ratan is within the body and the devotee sees Him. This consciousness of seeing the Manus Ratan is the ego of real and true devotee.

195)     “You  are  not  Vedantist,  nor  you  are  men  of  knowledge  of  God”

Vedantists are those who witness the sportive forms of God in the seventh plane ending in the Void zone. A man of knowledge is he who is perpetually conscious that he is not body but he is God.

You shall not be blessed with the realizations of God’s sportive forms in the seventh plane, nor you will get perpetual consciousness that you are not body but you are God. You lack in God’s grace in your life as you are fettered with the worldly pursuits.

196)     “The  path  of  devotion  yields  a  comfortable  journey  for  attainment  of  God”

If God in form of God-the-preceptor takes one up on His own shoulder then it becomes easier to ford the world.

197)     “God  with  form  is  seen”

God in human form made of God’s light is seen. By human, it is meant that a man may be a devotee of Jesus. God in the form of Jesus, made of God’s light, will come out from his body, stand before him and talk with him.