Friday, 18 December 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

    (337)                   “A flattering disciple of Keshab once told him, “you are the God-consciousness
                                 (Chaitanya) of this Ironera”. Shri Keshab pointed out me (Thakur), smiled and
                                   said, “Then who is he?”

 It was Shri Keshab Chandra Sen, the leader of Brahma Samaj in Calcutta, who came to know, of course through Grace of Thakur, that Thakur was an incarnation of God, as God-consciousness came down in Descent (Nigam) in  Thakur, God Himself gives publicity about the incarnation of God. He is in every man. He will take the form of the incarnation of God and appear before the man in dream, in trance, in meditation, or in an awakened condition and tell him, “Do you know who I am?”

 (338)                   “As  if  Siva (another name of God) has  come  out after  penetrating  the
                               earth  and  not  (the  image) set  up  by  human  hands”.

God out of His own will expresses and manifests Himself in the human body and not to be obtained by self-exertion. The question may rise---“What others will do?” The answer is the life of Jesus and Shri Ramkrishna.Others will lead their lives according to the instructions as given to them by their (Jusus and Shri Ramkrishna) own lives !.

 (339)                  “Only  some  of  the  birds  have  crooked  beaks”.
Beak of the bird---represents Adam’s apple in the throat of a man. Every man has got an Adam’s apple in his throat. Projecting out of this Adam’s apple is not a good sign in the process of transformation of life-power. If this Adam’s apple projects out in the throat then there cannot be emanation of God in full measure.

“A bird with Adam’s apple in its throat cannot learn to whistle or to talk”-----Shri Ramkrishna.

 (340)              “A man with spontaneous of God in the body (Nitya Siddha) is like a bee
                         which lights only on flowers and sips the honey”.

 Flower---represents cerebrum, or lotus with thousand Petals—the seventh plane.

 Honey---is the Supreme Bliss comes under such an easy control of the man with spontaneous emanation of God in the body that He transforms himself into the Supreme Bliss every now and then, and the turn of his mind is such that it does not permit him to take part an any mundane matter.


(341)                 “A meadow is filled with paddy. One has got to cross the meadow.
                           No alternative for him but he has to walk in a round about way
                           along the balk”.

 Meadow----here represents this human body.

To cross the meadow---means to go through the body in the process of transformation of the life power and to reach the seventh plane.

Round about way along the balk---is spoken about the ritualistic devotion.

The whole metaphor indicates that a man with ritualistic devotion can hardly expect to get the life-power transformed into Supreme Bliss .

(342)                “There is a village nearby. A man wants to come there. He takes a boat, launches it
                           in a winding river and tries to reach there by this round about way.”

Here also it is spoken about the ritualistic devotion. It is pointed out that it is like a winding river-course for going to a village nearby---the seventh plane.

Thakur means to say that by self-exertion, such as observing spiritual disciplines, there is hardly any chance for one to get God in him.

 (343)                 “When a man gets his life-power awakened, then manifestations of God in various
                             sportive forms take place and there crops up a love to God as He is the nearest and
                             dearest kith and kin; then it becomes, as if, to cross a rice-field from where all
                             crops have been harvested. It is a plain field now and one has not to walk on the
                             balk.One can go in any direction straight across the field.”

Here it is related to the condition of the man who gets spontaneous manifestation of God in the body.

(344)                    “ One has not to row through the winding river if the country is
                                flooded deep with water.  Then water runs twenty cubits deep
                          on the field . Let one row his boat straight.”

It is spoken about life-power. There are two stages of awakening of life-power.

(1)The first stage is called awakening of Kundalini or life-power. She has got two aspects. One is animal aspect and another is divine aspect. As long as life-power runs in the outside world, it has got animal aspect. But when life-power makes its course through the body towards the cerebrum or the seventh plane then she gets her divine aspect.

(2)In the second stage this life-power within gets nineteen times stronger and mighter than the first stage.   Hence it is called Mahavayu.

The second condition is shown in this way : It takes place within the body. The world is lying open before your very sight. There is a boat on the other end of the world. Within twinkling of an eye the boat comes arunning to you. She has a straight course and the stops near you.

It is also manifested in the body. If one comes in contact with such a man and if you simply ask him, “Well Sir, have you got your Mahavayu awakened in you?”---before he can answer you, his abdomen will commence shaking violently in a jumping posture, his body will be shaking violently in a writhing posture, his head will be moving on the neck like a pendulum and finally he will go into deep Samadhi. It is the Supreme Cult ; it will be heard and it will come upon the body in outward manifestation expressing the condition of inward transformation.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

(331)                      “The  light  of  Knowledge  must be  kindled  in  the  heart
                         (seventh  plane)”.

“The aim of life is to see God and attain God”.
                                                                 ----Shri  Ramkrishna.

God must be collected from the body. His manifestations must be seen in the seventh plane as shown by God-the-Preceptor and lastly, He must flare up in the form of consciousness like a red flame from the stick of a Chinese red-flame match-box (Chaitanya).

The lamp of knowledge is seen the burn in the body. It is not a metaphor but really it is so seen within…….

Place----Macedonia  in  Greece.

With a lantern in his hand the Greek philosopher Diogenes was seen walking in front of Alexander the Great. Alexander was very much surprised and asked, “How is it? It is day-time. But you have got a burning lamp”! Diogenes answered ; “I am seeking a Real man.” Diogenes meant to say that he is a Real  Man in whom the lamp of knowledge is seen to burn in his body. He was looking for such a man of Knowledge.  

The  Master  with  Shri  Amrita,  Shri  Trailakya  and
other  Brahma  devotees
At  the  Dakshineswar Temple
Thursday,  March  29,  1883.
(Chapter  V111  of  the  Gospal,  last  portion)

(332)                        “Rakhal, you are ill,  please take a bit of food (dried cooked rice---three
                              or four in number)  offered to ‘Jagannath’---the Lord of the Universe”.

To take 3 or 4 cooked and dried rice in the memory of the Lord of the Universe means to kate shelter and seek protection from God.

Oh Lord, I am ill. I take shelter at your hallowed feet. You are all. This illness is your another aspect. You are in the body and this illness is your one form. Let you come out in your appeasing form. Please give me your grace, let me have your mercy. Oh, let you see, what a faithful and loyal servant I am to you! I take the leavings of food (there 3 o 4 dried rice) partaken of by you. A man need not be thinking so much. Let him only remember God and God within the body has got thorough knowledge of you and your doing. If he likes then He gives His grace. He acts at His pleasure, and His will is law.                                    

(333)                       “Why  this  dress  of  Ochre  cloth?”

Ocher-cloth dress is not required to see and attain God. God is in the human body. He out of His grace emanates and manifests in the body. Some most lucky men, through sheer mercy of God, can see all these sportive forms of God in his own body. It is not required to have any charms or signs from the outside. Ochre cloth is an outward sign. It is a sign that one is trying to get God by self-exertion.

“Who knows what dress or uniform will help me to get God?” ---Shri  Ramkrishna.

It means that so special dress or uniform is required to get the grace of God.

Did Thakur were other cloth?

The reply is in the negative. It was not required. So he did not were it. Thakur is the ideal of the era. He led an ordinary mean’s life and by doing that he set up an example that through grace of God. God could not be obtained and not by any special kind of dress or uniform.

(334)                    “No  fancy  dress  can  help  one  to  attain  God”.

On the contrary, it is a kind of vanity which prompts one to make a parade of special dress to get the grace of God.
God is for all with all kinds of dresses.

“Uncle Moon (Moon in Indian mythology)is everybody’s uncle”----Shri  Ramkrishna.

To get His grace, all that is required is to pray to Him and the prayer must be inwardly because He is in you and fully aware of your sincerity. 

(335)                       “Again, there are such instances that a man may have everything he wants.
                                 But he is absolutely indifferent to all enjoyments. He weeps alone for Gos
                                 in privacy. The real renunciation is this one.”

  These are the signs where there will be spontaneous manifestation of God.

     (336)                         “No  lie  of  any  sort  holds  any  goodness  in  it”.
 Truth manifests in the body. A man sees his real and true Self in the body. To see God is to establish  truth in life. The man who is on the path of truth or who has established truth in life cannot play a  false game in life.