Monday, 18 January 2016


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

(352)                         “These people are Vedantists. They always keep on discriminating----God
                                    alone is real and the world is illusory”.

 It is not by discrimination but by realization alone that one can attain such stage when he says that God alone is real and the world is illusory. To attain this stage one has to realize all these stages and conditions--- 

(1)        God  is  in  the body.

(2)        There will be a spontaneous liberation of God from the body.

(3)         God will be seen in human form made of God’s light.

(4)         Then He will be seen and shown as Atma in the seventh plane by God-the-Preceptor.

(5)         Then the Universe will be seen within Atma or God.

(6)         This Universe within God will be seen to be transformed into a Seed

(7)          This Seed in its turn will be transformed into a Dream.

These are all the sportive forms of God. A devotee sees all these sportive forms, realizes all these states, and his angle of vision changes by these realizations and the world appears illusory like a dream to him.

“If Atma or God unfolds Himself then all these sportive forms are seen.---Shri Ramkrishna. If God reveals His real Self then this stage that ‘the Universe is illusory like a dream’ is attained. “If God needs it then a man is blessed with the Supreme Knowledge.”---Shri Ramkrishna. Thakur was blessed with all these realizations but it was not with Totapuri Maharaj, the Vedantist Preceptor of Thakur. No such  unfoldments took place either in Totapuri or in Sankar. Even in case of all other incarnations of God, all these unfolldments, did not happen.

(353)       “If the world is illusory as a dream then you too are illusory like a dream;
                  the speaker and his speech are both alike illusory and but dreams”.

This state is rapidly followed by no-ego-consciousness, i.e. Sthitha Samadhi when the body collapses. Only Avatars, incarnations of God, come down from this state. Then follows ‘Knowledge of Thou’.
not by practicing any spiritual discipline or self—exertion. If this mystery of renunciation is spoken imagination on their part.

 (354)          “It is a very tall talk to speak out that the
                     Universe is illusory like a dream”.
By self—exertion, this stage that ‘the Universe is illusory’ cannot be attained. It is but a fictitious
remains at least a little ash”
                        Wood---represents human body”.

When wood is burnt---means real manifestations and realizations of God in the five sheaths and the unfoldment and revelation of Atma in His real Self.

Ash---represents ‘Knowledge of Thou’ Tattagyan. One’s ego is burnt; then comes ash, that is, ‘Thou’. It is termed ‘devotion in matured state’ Paka Bhakti. This is succeeded by Descent as in an incarnation of God or Avatar. Then this man gets the capacity of seeing ‘God, illusion, living beings and the Universe’---all together in their inter-related and inter-linked condition. He and he alone is in a position to say that the world is but an illusion; but he seldom does as he is fully aware that every aspect is but different aspect of God. On the contrary he says that the world is real too. Thakur often used to say, ‘The world is but God’s pleasure-house”.

(355)             “It is like camphor, when burnt nothing remains”.

Camphor---represents Atma. In an ordinary man if Atma unfolds His real Self then the body collapses within 21 days. But it seldom happens.

(356)             “When wood is burnt there remains at least a little ash”

Wood  -  represents human body.

When wood is burnt  -  means real manifestations and realizations of God in the five sheaths and the unfoldment and revelation of Atma in His real Self.

Ash  -  represents “knowledge of Thou” Tattagyan. One’s ego is burnt; then comes ash, that is, “Thou”. It is termed “”Devotion in matured state” - ;Paka Bhakti;. This is succeeded by Descent as in an incarnation of God or Avatar. Then this man gets the capacity of seeing ; God, illusion, living beings and the Universe; all together in their inter-related and inter-linked condition. He and he alone in a position to say that the world is but an illusion; but he seldom does so as he is fully aware that every aspect is but different aspect of God. On the contrary he says that the world is real too. Thakur often used to say,”The world is but God’s pleasure-house.”

Monday, 4 January 2016


Religion and Realization
Diamond picked up n the street

(345)                      “Without  the  keenest  yearning  and  the  deepest  love  to
                           God  one  cannot  attain  God  in  him”.

It means to attain the Supreme Bliss, the state of Satchidananda. The word ‘Satchidananda, ’has got three parts in it---
(i)  Sat---it means ‘yea’---the God exists.
(ii)  Chit---it means yoga---the process of transformation of life-power into God.

(iii)  Ananda---it means Bliss---the Supreme Bliss which can be felt in the human body.
The manifestation of a man enjoying the Bliss in the state of Satchidananda is visible over the body. His two cheeks will get swelled, his two eyes will be almost or totally closed, his lips will be parted and his whole facial appearance will be beaming with ecstasy. Let one simply ask him, “Sir, What is Satchidananda?” Then at once all these manifestations will come over his body. It is the Supreme Cult. Its peculiar aspect is that the man who has attained this cult will no sooner hear any term of this cult, it will produce spontaneous inward change along with the outward manifestations which will be seen. But every stage has got its own different kind of manifestation, though ultimately they merge into Samadhi.

(346)                       “When a ‘Kumure’ insect sits on a cockroach with its sting penetrating
                            in it, the cockroach in terror and pain commences thinking about ‘Kumure’
                            insect and ultimately it is transformed into a ‘Kumure’ insect”.

Kumuri insect---It is an insect preying on cockroaches. It means transformation of life-power into the Supreme Bliss in the process of Yoga. Yoga it is not addition as it is popularly viewed but it is transformation.

(i)                 Kumuri insect---represents  God.

(ii)               Cockroach---is life-power or Primal force.

This Primal force undergoing a series of transformation ultimately turns into God, the Absolute.

(347)                         “Exactly it is, as if a fish freed from a
                                Pot into the water of the Ganges”.

Here it is spoken about the bliss enjoyed by a devotee in Samadhi.

Pot---represents  body.

Fish---represents  consciousness.

Ganges---represents  the  Eternal  Bliss  Brahmananda.

It is one kind of Samadhi. In this Samadhi consciousness is like a released fish in the water. Life-power has been transformed into consciousness only and it is gay and frolicsome in the seventh plane. This state of bliss is visible on the cheeks. It is like a slow writhing of an eel, and the face becomes besmeared with a dim celestial aura.

(348)                    “There is a grain of gold. Let you rub as hard as possible against a
                            grindstone, but still a remnant bit will be left there”.

The gross life-power is transformed into a pinpoint consciousness pervading the body is changed, transformed, collected and ultimately becomes like a pin-point; nay, more than that, it is transformed into the Euclid’s point.

(349)                   “The outer consciousness leaves me but inspite of getting changed into
                           God in toto, there remains only a point of ego-consciousness and it is
                            only for enjoying the Divine Bliss”.

It is a state of dualism in name only.

(350)                     “The Divine Bliss of ‘Jara Shamadhi’ cannot be given out”.

It is utter silence and there remains almost no ego. The next step is Sthitha Samadhi and it is to get through collapse.

The  Master  with  Adhar,  Rakhal,  Shri  M
and  other  devotees
at  Dakshineswar

July  22,  1883.

(351)                  “Do you know the views of these type of men?  With them be self-exertion
                         one must  start with practising spiritual discipline, self-restraint, self-control
                         and renunciation. They aim to be merged in the First Cause Nirvana.”

It is to obtain liberation by self-exertion. Buddha and Sankar introduced it. I control one’s animality by self-exertion and thereby to be merged in the Great cause or First Cause or the Absolute.

This is spoken of an ordinary man Jivakati. But by self exertion to control animality and to be merged into the Absolute never takes place.
(1)      Yamevaisha Vrinute Tena Labhyah. “Whom God chooses, the chosen man alone is liberated and blessed with Supreme Bliss”.---The Veda.

(2)      “If God out of sheer mercy liberates Himself from the body then there is liberation”.---Shri Ramkrishna.

(3)       “It depends upon the grace of God whether to keep one in bondage or to liberate him”.—Shri Ramkrishna.
 (4)      “Let you exert in thousand-fold but without God’s grace nothing can be achieved”.---Shri Ramkrishna.

Self—exertion cannot liberation God from the body. It is God and God’s grace which alone can liberate one from   
 the bondage of body. He is a mere witness with whom such liberation happens.