MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
“Let you ascend by transformation of Life Power to the bliss to
God-consciousness then you shall be getting ineffable joy”.
by devotion, your Life Power is transformed into God in the path of Ascent,
then you shall be blessed with Supreme Bliss and Joy.
“Yes, there exists in every man the bliss of God-consciousness; only it is
hidden by the veiling and have the veil removed”.
is spoken of the seventh plane when it is seen by removal of the cover which
rolls up like a curtain in a theatre.
water of a tank is hidden with a layer of aquatic plants. The wind blows and
gets the aquatic plants shifted aside. The water of the tank is seen”.
Sri Ramkrishna
Power rises by penetrating the body in the seventh plane, gets the layer of the
cerebrum removed, and the ocean of Bliss of God is seen. It is called seeing
the ocean of Satchidananda – the all Blissful aspect of God.
Vivekananda once said to one of his friends, “do you know, why nobody can
compete with me? The layer in the form of a curtain of my cerebrum is rolled
“The less your attachment is to your body, the more loves of God you will get
in you”.
more, the liberation of God from the body, the quicker He will make His way to
the seventh plane. It is Yearning for God. It is a yogic aspect and it has its
own bliss which is felt by every devotee.
“The more Sreemati was advancing towards Sri Krishna, the more she was smelling
the sweet fragrance of Krishna’s body”.
and Sri Krishna – were the heroine and hero of Bhagavat – an epic.
– represents this body and ultimately Life Power.
Krishna – is Atman – God.
was advancing – means her Life Power was being transformed into sheaths.
According to the Vedas there are five sheaths and according to the Tantras
there are four sheaths. The realizations as laid down in the Vedas are deeper
and superior to Tantra.
sweet fragrance of Krishna’s body – means the various kinds of realizations;
not only that, but fix your eyes on the tip of your nose and you may have a
sweet fragrance coming out from within yourself. Furthermore God-the-Preceptor
sometimes appears with an amazing sweet smell.
Life Power is being transformed into God and in the course of transformation
various kinds of realizations are made, such as – (i) to see that every bit of
the Universe is smeared with God’s Light, (ii) to see the half-man and
half-woman body, (iii) to see the eye of wisdom opened, (iv) to see the
exquisitely beautiful dancing lady, (v) to see God in the seventh plane.