MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
“Sometimes, a devotee laughs, weeps, dances, and sings”.
are all outward signs of manifestations of insignia by which an Avatar is
known, as it happens with Avatar only. It is called Urjita Bhakti or devotion
in the Flow-tide form. God incarnates in a man. How am I to know it? This
laughing, weeping, dancing and singing are the outward manifestations of God’s
incarnation in a human being.
“A man of knowledge (Jnani) wants to realize the Supreme God”.
type of man wants to see and attain God by self-exertion. No attempt on a man’s
part can enable him to see God without God’s grace.
he is the man of knowledge who has been God in the form of Atman in the seventh
plane and is able to identify himself as one and same with Atman at the
annihilation of the body-consciousness.
“God is for a devotee and He is full of innumerable attributes”.
becomes Bhagawan when He holds the Universe within Him. This condition of God
may be seen in the Personal God as well as within Atman. To see the Universe in
the personal God is a lower type of realization in comparison with seeing of
the Universe within Atman.
“In fact, God without attributes and Life Power are identical and one”.
is God without attributes who becomes God with attributes. It is seen and
understood in Descent.
“It is God, Absolute, who has become Blissful Mother”.
the Absolute and this human body are identical and one and the same in
different aspects.
is so soft and fluid and from it this hard and stiff physical body is made”.
Sri Ramkrishna
“Pure Knowledge and Pure Love are identical and one”.
is only different nomenclature as ascribed. There is but one God. God appears
in the body in various sportive forms. They are seen. Love begets a form made
of light as it is self-creation; whereas Man-of-knowledge is seen by
innumerable members of the human race within their own bodies bearing proof
that it is man who becomes God. This realization is spontaneous.
question of Pure Knowledge and Pure Love does not arise.
God or Brahma – they are one”.