Friday, 14 October 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

452. “Milk is to be kept in a quiet place, then it will set into curd, and butter is to be churned from it”.
Milk – represents blood of the body.
In a quiet place – means withdrawing one’s mind from the world and keeping it confined within body when mind will be quiet.
Set into curd – means when blood in the body will be in a balanced condition and at rest.
Human body gets these conditions when God emanates from the body.
Now churning rod is required for getting butter.
Life Power is the churning rod.
Butter – represents God in the seventh plane.
Life Power churns the body and gets herself transformed into God in the seventh plane.
“Then the venom of the snake falls down in the skull”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
If milk is churned into butter within twenty five years of age then and then alone a man gets butter.
“You have got to pay in full measure, if you want to purchase a commodity in full measure”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
Butter – Atman – God emanates in full measure when this human body is in a full-bloomed youth. A man’s full-bloomed youth is twenty five years age. This calculation has been left by Thakur.
“If a son urges vehemently for his share on his father and mother, then the parents in consultation with each other give out his share some two or three years beforehand”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
‘Father’ – is God, the Absolute, in an unseen and unattached condition in the body.
‘Mother’ – is this human body.
God, the Absolute, through this body manifests Himself and He is seen.
The fixed age is about twenty five years. Thakur got the Divine Mother (Atman) between the age of twenty two and twenty three. If two or three are added to twenty two or twenty three then it becomes twenty five. The exact time is twenty four years and eight months.
A man obtains his God-the-Preceptor at the age of twelve years and four months. At the age of twenty four years and eight months he gets and sees Atman, God, in the seventh plane. It takes twelve years and four months in the body for God’s manifestations and realizations in multifarious conditions in the process of transformation of Life Power into God.

453. “He was with his bent-down head”.
This bent-down head signifies that Life Power has concentrated and made her passage through the medulla oblongata to the cerebrum and thereby the nerves there have been slackened, so the head is bent down.

When Buddha used to be out with his begging bowl for alms, he was found to be walking with his head fixing his eyes on the toe of his bent-down feet. It was the sign that his Life Power entered the seventh plane slackening the nerves of his neck.