Thursday, 17 November 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

459. “So long, the spring was under cover”.
The Life Power was in a dormant state but now she is awakened and rising up to the seventh plane.

460. “It is very hard to do good work without any selfish touch in it”.
No work can be done without any self-interest in it. It is but a self-deception and a false consolation that a good work is done without any self-interest in it. Yes, teachers like Buddha, Jesus, Sankar, Sri Ramkrishna taught the human race. But their case was absolutely different from others as they had God’s commandment.

461. “But after seeing God, a man may do good work being totally unselfish”.
This is a different kind of work. Work of this kind is done by the great teachers like Buddha, Jesus, etc. This is to kindle the thirst for God in a man. By Thakur also it is so done. It is to pass one’s day in the company of real devotees and to speak to them about God’s sportive forms as seen and realized in the body.

462. “Monks for their livelihood will depend absolutely upon God”.
Monks will be satisfied with whatever they get without any effort or self-exertion on their parts. But it is an old monkish course and it has been discarded by Thakur. He often said, “A clerk was sent to a jail. He was put in chains there. After sometime he was set free. He came out from the jail. Now, what would he do? Would he keep on cutting capers in the street? Certainly not. He would try and secure a clerk’s job somewhere and lead an ordinary simple life like others”. The parable means that a man after liberation leads an ordinary, simple and pure life. There is no special privilege for him as a liberated one. It is Brahma Vidya, the Supreme Culture and culture is for the sake of culture only.
Then what a real devotee will do for livelihood? He shall be earning his own livelihood in the best possible honest way.
Thakur at first was but a paid priest in the temple of Dakshineswar. Later on, he was pensioned. He used to say, “I live on pension”.

463. “They (monks) should not lay by for the morrow”.
No hoarding for the morrow. The father has taken the kiddy by the hand – no fear for a slip. The Father in the body will conduct your life in such way that there will be no accumulation for future but at the same time, you shall not be in want.
“A trained dancer dances in rhythm”.
 – Sri Ramkrishna
464. “Let love of God manifest within, work ceases concomitantly”.
True and real love to God cannot grow without being seen.
Faith may create an imitation of love but it fails to produce the desired effect.
Here ‘Love’ is Prema – a yogic term. It was seen in Sri Chaitanya who forgot the world and even his own dear body.
The yogic form of Prema as manifested in the body is described below:
When Mahavayu makes its course through the front side of the body and gets up into seventh plane and Samadhi follows it, then the following signs in the body are manifested and seen:
1. The breast heaves heavily.
2. The body writhes.
3. Like a rope the Mahavayu rises from the abdomen. “Prema is like a rope with which God is tied”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
This state is visible even to those men who sit near the attainer of Prema. Furthermore, whenever the attainer will like to have this state, it will come upon him and will be seen by others. 

Thursday, 3 November 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

454. “Firstly of the first, I have secured a room”.

Room – signifies space for holding Atman or God in the seventh plane.
The sentence means that he has got God’s grace.
How will a man know that he has got God’s grace?
At the outset he will get God-the-Preceptor in him. This is but the first condition of getting God’s grace. The final state is that your own prototype will come out from your body and will say to you, “Well, well, there is God’s grace on you” – i.e. you are Kripa Siddha.

455. “I have kept my bag and baggage”.

Bag and baggage – stand for this human body with all other attributes.
This body is but a burden. After emanation in full measure of God from the body a man understands that the burden of his body is removed.

456. “I have locked the room”.
Room – here means the cell in the cerebrum where appears the sense that ‘I am body’. This sense that ‘I am body’ has evaporated as God has emanated in full measure from his body.

457. “I have been relieved in toto”.

I am a liberated one. The liberation has two stages: –
(1) To see God in the seventh plane and to be conscious that ‘I am He’.

(2) The second one is the Descent in the knowledge of ‘Thou’ after the knowledge of ‘I’ or ego is totally annihilated.

There is another kind of realization which is seen by a liberated one. Though it is a poor one but it is acknowledged. Your shadow will come out from your body and with uplifted hands, he will dance before you saying, “Well, I have been liberated, I have been liberated”.

458. “Now I am going round within the city, seeing and enjoying all the funs”.

It means to be in the seventh plane where the mystery of God, illusion, the living being, and the Universe are solved.