MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
“Every now and then one should retire in solitude, pray to God for being
‘Perfect’, or to be one with Him, or getting transformed into Godhead”.
does not mean ‘Alexander Selkirk’ in the island or alone in the Himalayan cave
or in the desert of Sahara or in the forest of Africa. It simply means a place
where there is no kith and kin of a man so that he may have an undiverted attention
and the mind may be at rest and peace.
is Vividisha. This Brahma Vidya or Supreme Culture or culture which makes a man
spiritually One with all the rest of the human race cannot be had by
self-exertion. It is Para Vidya and not Apara Vidya. In Para Vidya the
knowledge comes spontaneously from within and Apara Vidya means the knowledge
got from the outside.
unlike the Rishis of the ancient time Thakur declared openly, “Yes, I have seen
God”. Whereas, in case of Buddha, he did not do so; he did not see God. In case
of Buddha, it was self-exertion and in case of Thakur, it was spontaneous. Just
remember – eleven years old lad Ramkrishna (Gadadhar then) on his way to the
village Anur saw Light within and got Samadhi. This was the fountainhead from
which every other realizations followed.
Thakur’s ‘Seeing of God’ did not bear any proof as chalked out in the Vedas –
“Twam Jato Bhavasi Viswatomukhah”.
short, it is not acknowledge in the Vedas.
or the Universal Man bears the insignia of the saying of the Bible – “Be
Perfect as your Father in Heaven is Perfect”.
Vedic Truth also declared long long ago – “The Man in the Sun is Perfect”.
Otherwise perfection does not follow.
“He who with all the tendencies of life, mind and the innermost self, has
merged into God is Sadhu”.
alone is Sadhu or Perfect or Advaitam.
MAN becomes GOD. He
is seen within by thousands and thousands and in the some cases He says openly,
“Hello, look here! Do you know who I am? I am God”. Really, it is wonder of
“Renunciation of ‘woman and wealth’ is the denomination of a Sadhu”.
is secondary. A
man may feign it.