Wednesday, 22 March 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

492. “When the trunk of the tree grows thick and strong, the fencing is removed”.
When Life Power or Kundalini is awakened in full measure, no further precaution is required.

493. “Now if an elephant is tied to the tree, the elephant cannot break it”.
Elephant – is the symbol of mind. Life Power or Kundalini when awakened controls the mind.

494. “First besmear your hands with oil and then break open the Jackfruit”.
Oil – is the symbol of Chaitanya or yogic consciousness as seen in the cerebrum and it flares up emitting brilliant red light.
Jackfruit – is the world. It yields a flavored sweet juice. The world is full of temptations and allurements. If this yogic consciousness is attained, the temptation and allurements will fail to bewitch the attainer. His body and Atman separates. He becomes Atman, remains aloof, and nothing can tarnish him.
To add to it, the metaphor of Jackfruit reminds one of the five sheaths as realized in the human body as pointed out in the Vedas.

495. “A man of ‘Discrimination’ (Viveka) knows that God is Real and everything else is unreal”.
Discrimination is Viveka – the capacity to discriminate between real and unreal.
A man gets discrimination after coming down from the Jara Samadhi. He will be firmly established in it. Every turn and every effort of his life will be directed towards God. In short, he lives for God and God alone as evinced in the life of Thakur. This is Viveka.

496. “Being established in discrimination one wants to know God”.
To have established is discrimination means to see God in the seventh plane as otherwise no discrimination can come out. After seeing God or Atman, the sense that ‘I am Atman’ and ‘not this body’ springs up automatically and this is real discrimination.
To know God – means to know the attributes or nature of God. Yes, a man sees God as pointed out and spoken out by God-the-Preceptor but the seer is not aware of any attribute of God. Then comes automatic enfoldment of Atman or God.
“If Atman, out of grace unfolds Himself”. – Sri Ramkrishna
Atman unfolds Himself in the five following ways as pointed out in the realization of the Vedanta. They are: –
(1) To see God or Atman.
(2) To see the Universe within this Atman.
(3) This big Universe turns into a Seed or Jara Samadhi.
(4) The existence of the Seed appears to be a Dream.

(5) This Dream is succeeded by Sthitha Samadhi.

Sunday, 5 March 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

486. “He is a Sadhu whom women see in their heart and at the same time he is not seen in the company of women folk”.

The term 'antar' in Bengali as used by Thakur has got double meanings;
(1) To live in the heart of the women; i.e., the women without coming in contact with him shall see him within them. This is happening here in the house of the male members who visit here and attend the reading of the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna. The male members see the Sadhu (Diamond) and the women folk of their house also see him within them; even in some cases the maid-servant is not excluded.
(2) The women folk are not required to attend.

487. “If it so happens, that he (Sadhu) meets a woman, he looks upon her as his mother and offers his worship”.

It is not so required in the present case. Sadhu and the woman are but ‘One’ spiritually, and a spontaneous self-Knowledge springs up and rejects all other ideas about woman.

488. “A Sadhu always thinks of God”.

The mind of a Sadhu always rests in the seventh plane. It is very adroitly and nicely pointed out by Sankaracharya, the great non-dualist of India, “The man who all the day and night keeps on moving on Brahma is a Sadhu”.
Brahma is in the seventh plane or the cerebrum.

489. “He (Sadhu) talks of God and God alone and nothing else”.

The mind of a Sadhu never comes down from the fifth plane.
When a man’s mind is on the fifth plane he talks of God and God alone.
To talk of God only is an insignia that the mind of the man is on the fifth plane.

490. “He (Sadhu) renders services to all beings”.

By Mahayoga he transforms others spiritually into his own self in the shape of his own person.
As Sadhu is Perfect so the service rendered by him is the perfect one.

491. “As long as they (trees) are younger they are to be fenced around”.

The Life Power is awakening in a man in a feeble way. He should not ventilate it. He should be on his guard and nurture it so that it may grow.