Tuesday, 18 June 2019


Chapter – 45

Attainment  of  one  phase  of  Austerity

208.          19th December, 1976.  Sunday.  
Early morning dream: I was having discussions with a known Lady named Uma (the name of goddess Durga of the Hindu Purana).
After a while I was offered siddhi (a drug extracted from a narcotic plant) to drink. I drank it and at the same moment I was hearing somebody’s voice chanting ‘come and have pasted siddhi as much as you can’t (A song on goddess Kali) .After waking up I felt nothing about the dream. But when I was preparing to go out for my work, I felt that really my head was whirling just like the effect of drinking siddhi in reality. So I had to take bed - rest. After a long time I recovered and went out.

[Here not only the effect of dream came down on the seer’s body but also indicated that the seer has the attainment of one phase of austerity, as to drink siddhi denotes the attainment of one phase in the austerity . Here the effect became predominant in the body of the seer which means that this phase of austerity will be effective within the body of the seer in future.]

Descent  of  Mahabayu  or  the  great  life  force 

209.           24th December, 1976.  Friday.   
Early morning dream:  I was staying on the rooftop room of my house. Suddenly I noticed that one of the teacher of my school from his flying condition came down to me and had some conversations with me. But nothing could be remembered after I woke up from sleep.

[The seer had no idea about the teacher’s name, but later on he came to know that his name was Ramsevak which means ‘Hanumana’ of the Ramayana. Instantly the meaning flashed in the seer’s mind—Oh! Hanumana means the ‘Mahabayu’ or the great life power which descened in him, that means some special realizations in ‘Descent’ may occur in him in future.] 

Increase  of  spiritual  power  with  accompaniment  of  devotees

210.          27th December, 1976.   Monday.   
Early morning dream:  I had gone to Raghunath Sen’s residence at Taltala, Kolkata , where regular spiritual discussions used to be occurred. I noticed that the room became full of devotees and spiritual discussions were going on. Here the dream went off.

[Seeing so many devotees at the same time  within the brain increases the brain power of the seer]

Repeated  accompaniment  with  devotees

211.        1st January, 1977.  Saturday.    
Early morning dream:  A continuous announcement was heard in the market behind my residence—‘The seer has been awarded a presentation’. But what for and what was it, was unknown. The announcement was repeated several times. Meanwhile my mother suddenly jumped downwards from the top floor with an intention to go there. I became astonished thinking that my mother instead of using steps went downwards in such a way ! After going down I noticed that nothing serious happened except a slight injury in the waist. Then I took my mother on my lap to the top floor and thought that with a slight medicine she would recover. The dream then went off.

[The present condition of the seer was revealed in the dream—The award is given by God Himself for the seer’s present spiritual condition. Mother symbolizes the body itself or Adyasakti. To drop down instead of using steps indicates the descent condition in austerity of the seer—it is a caution, means if the descent happens without proper stepping, this will be harmful to the seer. So God gives caution to him]

Realization of Vedanta – Dream and waking condition are same

212.          2nd January, 1977.   Sunday.  Place:  Makardah, Howrah.    
In reality in the early morning two devotees Anath Nath Mondal and Arun Mukherjee were singing spiritual songs. I was hearing the songs and gradually felt asleep. In dream I was hearing the same song and saw that another old aged devotee Phanindra Nath Samaddar was leaving the room. At that time it seemed to me that I was having a high pitched mental condition for which I could not bear the songs. At this moment I woke up.

[The dream has revealed the condition of Phanindra Nath, as well as that of the seer. At the same time the realization of Vedanta was also revealed within the seer where the reality and dream become intermingled. This is possible when the brain is free from any prejudices.]


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Deva as a Hindu

9. Sri Ramkrishna says: – “There is but “One” in the form of “Vibhu”in each and every being”.

It is a slogan running throughout the length and breath of India; nay, not only this, but in every scripture it is placed, praised and placarded. But no one’s utter astonishment nobody has set out any explanation in relation to it. In our days we are blessed with an “Avatar”; even that Avatar did not display any proof or explanation of it though he often used this sweet slogan and thus astonished and lulled his hearers and admirers who were but students and common people, having had no knowledge of “Para Vidya” of the Vedas.
“Vibhu” means “Paramatma” – i.e. the Man in the sun as pointed out by five of the Upanishadas.
The attainer of “Brahmahood” will be seen by numerous people as “Man in the sun” in their own cerebrum. This denotes in the Vedic term that He is Paramatma. Again, He will be seen by millions within their own bodies and then it tantamounts to a proof of his being Paramatma. Wonderful are the Vedic versions as they admit of a proof and then furthermore, this proof concerns the humanity and the humanity alone. Every human being bears this Vedic proof latent in him. Long live the Vedas – the torch bearer of the light of Truth to guide the mankind to a world of eternal bliss, not of milk and honey, but of “ONENESS”.

10. Sri Ramkrishna says: – “Blessed is he who has united all into one”.

No clear cut explanation has ever been given save and except an experience of the sixth plane in the forehead where “Ishta” of an imaginary figure of his own creation is seen i.e. the experience of the casual body of “Karana Sharira” or the “Bhagavati Tanu” of a devotee of the dualistic group of Tantra or Bhaktti Yoga. Furthermore, if the devotee is of a superior cadre, then he shall experience that his casual body not only assumes the form of his “Ishta” but also takes various forms such as “Kali” – “Krishna” – “Shiva” – “Rama” – “Buddha” – “Jesus” – “Ramkrishna” and so on.
This experience of uniting all into one is but a meagre consolation in comparison with the Vedic experience which is of the most mysterious and realistic form and it has never been so expressed by Sri Ramkrishna. Herein rests the Vedic greatness which only deals with the living humanity.
The attainer of Brahmahood will be seen in the inside of their own bodies and thereby oneness is established. This is but uniting all into one with a living man and here lies the realistic proof of the religion or natural characteristic of the mankind.
Really speaking Sri Ramkrishna has had no experience of the Vedic Oneness or uniting all into One. He remained satisfied with the ‘Leela’ or display of the casual body in the sixth plane.

Wednesday, 5 June 2019


Chapter – 44

Vision  of  huge  ‘Sudarsan  Chakra’ (Luminous disc of Lord Krishna mentioned in Hindu mythology) in  the  sky

205.         6th December, 1976.   Monday.                   
Early morning dream:  I was standing in front of the Laboratory of the Agri-Horticultural Society of India, Kolkata . Suddenly I noticed that the whole sky was covered with dense cloud through which the blue sky was peeping in some zones .Through those areas a huge disc dazzling with light and covering 1/3rd area of the sky was visible on a distant place . The disc was so much ornamental and charming, that it was beyond any description. It was very slowly whirling and coming over my head. As soon as it came over my head, heavy shower started. I ran towards the Laboratory, although I became a little bit wet. After this it rained cats and dogs, and everything was hazy. At this moment I observed that my friend Debasish was roaming in the garden with many other unknown person.
Suddenly a thunderous sound was heard and it seemed that it came from the disc. I saw that except Debasish all other people dropped on the ground along with many trees. Only Debasish continued to roam in the garden without any fear. It seemed to me that under this circumstances nobody would thrive. My dream was off.

[When I woke up it seemed that something had happened in my brain.
At this moment nothing strikes my brain. But after a few days it suddenly flashed in my mind that was it not the ‘Maha Kundalini Darshan’! Jibankrishna described the ‘Sudarshan Chakra’ held in his hand as a very ornamental and charming one which destructs all evils and will create goodness.
It was described in Purana (Hindu mythology) that Lord Krishna’s Sudarshan chakra used to destruct the evil ones with roaring sound, although it was an allegorical tale. However, in the dream it was shown that only Debasish (Blessings of gods) thrived in the midst of heavy shower, which means by the grace of God the blissful shower will fall on earth for goodness in future.]

Achievement   of  dispassionate  condition  and
 realization  ‘Sacchidananda  Samadhi’ 

206.          10th December, 1976.   
Early morning dream:  Behind my residence a 16-17 years boy was singing a devotional song on goddess Kali, ‘I don’t want anything etc.’ Standing near the window I was hearing the song . Gradually a devotional feeling began to raise in my body and after a while I felt that ‘Mahabayu’ or the life force’ with a great force began to rise upwards within the body and I felt as if the body would burst with intense joy—the chicks became swelled by the wind pressure on both sides and I lost my control upon myself with a feeling of inexpressible delight. Even under this was a condition of ‘Mahabhab’(The great ecstasy)! Then gradually the inhalation stopped and as soon as the sleepy condition began to fade up, I felt that really I could not inhale and when I completely woke up began to fidget. Then gradually I became normal.

[the seer had the experience of ‘Satchidananda Samadhi’.]

Advancement  of  Austerity

207.           18th December, 1976.   Saturday.     
Early morning dream:  I had gone to the office of Arun Ghosh at Kolkata . Entering the office I observed many people stepping up . Amongst them a somewhat fatty person was also stepping up and someone said pointing him out. ‘This is Sadhan Babu’. I went on thinking—oh!  Jibankrishna also saw him in one of his dream long time back when he was alive!
Then he went up and after going up to the upper floor I saw a person named Haradhan sitting in the room of Arun Ghosh . After he left, I asked Mr. Ghosh, ‘Is there any news’? He then showed me a big size silver cup(For presentation to the seer) and then I woke up.

[Jibankrishna  saw in his dream that Sadhan Babu stepped up to him . He explained this as his advancement of austerity. Here the same person was observed in the same fashion which indicates that there will be advancement of the seer’s austerity.
Big size silver cup is kept for presentation—it means that in future the seer may achieve the spiritual realizations of the second standard compared to Jibankrishna, as the first prize is awarded with gold cup and the second prize is awarded with silver cup.]


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Deva as a Hindu

8. Coming down from Samadhi Sri Ramkrishna spoke: “What lies beyond the transient and intransient (Kshara and Akshara) cannot be spoken by tongue”.

i) He means to say that the state which exists beyond changing experiences i.e., the permanent data, cannot be given out by human vocabularies.
Here he speaks about the Yoga of annihilation of consciousness or ‘Laya Yoga’. But before annihilation comes, there is “Yea” (Asti, or an Ascent in the finest form and it lingers). Nothing can be said of the Void zone (shunyam) which succeeds “Yea” but after coming back from Samadhi, it transpires that “Yea” – “There is”. The last “Yea” is but a memory work – a sort of revelation that takes place in the cerebrum called the plane of “Tejas”. This is afterwards, addressed as “Thou” (Twam).
Yes, now comes changing or transforming data and they are but the variegated and multifarious experiences gathered during the course of the life power (kundalini) on her upward march to the seventh plane. In the Pranamaya Kosha or the sheath of the vital power water is seen; and this water again in the Monomaya Kosha i.e., the fourth plane or the sheath of mind changes into fire. In the Vijnanmaya Kosha or the sheath of special knowledge i.e., the fifth plane, the fire is transformed into sky or ‘kha’. Yes, changes run on as in the second zone of the Vijnanmaya Kosha i.e., the sixth plane – between the two eyebrows in the forehead – aurora with a rising sun (symbol of knowledge) is seen. Here the so called changes of the elements in the human body stop and the permanent or intransient (Akshara) “Atma” or “God” or “Brahma” as shown by the man who had come down from Brahmapura and having been, afterwards, himself merged in it, remains luminous with all its glory. This data in every man remains ever intransient. If Moses saw “Atma” then the very same Atma will be seen by you even today and after millions of years if anybody is lucky enough to visualize “Atma” then the very same “Atma” will be seen by him also.
In the long run (of course, there are innumerable experiences in the midway) the zone of annihilation is reached and Sri Ramkrishna mentioned this very thing with the remark that nothing could be said beyond it.
ii) The Vedic principle differs, marches on, and points out with a proof bearing evidences by millions of men that there is the “Perfect one” – (Sa Uttamah Purushah).
If your “Kshara” – “Jiva” is transformed into “Akshara” – “Paramatma” then you shall be distributing your “Oneness” to millions of others as it is the sole function of attaining this perfection. The humanity, having attained this perfection with you, will declare “Oneness” with you. There is no other means to be “Perfect” save and except this process that Nature creates a Perfect One and the very identical Perfect One makes the humanity one and the same with Him. The most wonderfully realistic feature of the “One World” in the “Atma” or spiritual sphere!
Nowhere in the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna the term Purushattoma has ever been used; though the Bhagawat Gita has a chapter under the caption “Purushattoma Yoga” and there it is distinctly said with the reference of the Vedic saying that “Kshara” and “Akshara” are succeeded by “Purushattoma” or in the Vedic language “Sa Uttamah Purushah”.
It transpires that Sri Ramkrishna was a follower of Tantra and also of Purana or mythology – rather a visionary and highly busied himself to prove his identity as an “Avatar” – an incarnation of God – entertained by the dualist, bearing no proof or having no mark of reality in relation to the humanity. There is no “Avatar in the Vedic Truth and it was also so declared by him several times and we find it in the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna.