Monday, 6 January 2020


Chapter – 54

Establishment  of  the  realizations  noted  in    
Bengali  book  ‘Dharma  O  Anubhuti’

247.  9th July,  1977. Saturday.                                                                                                     
Early morning dream:   I was having a dream within a dream that I was narrating to some people about the phenomenon of visualization of God. Then my dream went off within my actual dream. Somebody of my house then said to me, “ While sleeping, why do you recite—Dharma-O-Anubhuti, Dharma O Anubhuti’(Jibankrishna’s Bengali book based on his personal spiritual realizations)? I answered something.
Then when I actually woke up I exclaimed, ‘Oh! I was dreaming so long’!

[The dream reveals that the essence of the book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’, i.e., the realizations of Jibankrishna will be revealed to a great extent within the seer as this was forecasted by Jibankrishna in the first dream after his comeback from his long detachment from Jibankrishna in his life time.]

Austerity  of  the  Holy  Ghost  in  his  new  body  
248 .   11th July,  1977.  Monday.   
Early morning dream:  I heard that Jibankrishna had come to a certain place and within the dream it seemed to me that he was coming with a new body after his demise in the year 1967. Hearing this I was overwhelmed with joy, as if nothing was there to me except Jibankrishna. Thereafter I saw myself going to him with a heavenly joy leaving all worldly attractions. While going, on the way I saw Dhrien Mondal, a devotee was standing, as if he would also go to Jibankrishna. Being asked he answered, he would go the next day. But I did not wait and went forward thinking, oh! To-morrow he would have come and what he would be doing at this moment! With these thoughts I was becoming thrilled with joy and with this sensation the dream went off.

[Instantly it appeared in my mind that once Jibankrishna said, ‘If Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) comes now at Dakshineswar, what I shall do, you know? I shall run to him, hug his waist and shall not leave any more ‘. The similar sensation also existed within my mind for a long time. Besides this another indication appeared in my mind that a new phase of austerity will occur in Jibnakrishna through me.]

Destruction  of  allurement  and  prejudice
249)    In between 11th July and 3rd August, 1977 .
The scene opened with a village road. I was walking on the road and saw a huge building. There was an automatic recitation of ‘Ramkrishna’ and ‘Jibankrishna’ within me. Then after crossing that building I reached near a pond.  When I was returning and came near that same building , somebody said , ‘A new floor was constructed in that building where a she-evil spirit stays. Hearing this I said with a challenging mood, ‘Where, let me see her’! But at the same time an automatic recitation of the name ‘Jibankrishna’ was going on within me. After quite a number of shouting that evil spirit came near the window. It seemed to me that as soon as I would look at her eye to eye, she would bring me under her control. So I fixed my eyes on her covering my eyes with a net and noticed that her eyes were glazing. At this moment the dream went off.

[The dream reveals that during the austerity of a devotee so many allurements come to him but by the grace of God all are removed. These allurements may come in my life but with the grace of God I would overcome all hazards.
In the long run so many hazards came in my life, but by the grace of God-the-Preceptor I was able to overcome.]

Indication  of  attainment  of  Universal  austerity

250)  30th July,1977. Sunday. Early morning dream: I saw a student named Janadeva. I had some conversations with him but could not be remembered later on. After he went away, it appeared in my mind that during my austerity in ascent ultimately I met Janadeva and here the dream went off.

[Janadeva is another name of Ganesh the god in Hindu mythology who is known as donator in the attainment of austerity of the highest degree, and also god of mass population . Here the dream indicates that the seer will have attainment of Universal austerity in future.]

Appearance  of  devotee’s  figures  before  eyes 

251)   16th August, 1977. Tuesday.
At noon, in trance sometimes the figures of some devotees like Ramchandra Das, Binay Roy were appearing before my eyes. Again many unknown figures of human beings were appearing. After some time I got back my full sense.

[This type of vision used to be experienced by Jibankrishna and was explained by him thus : ‘So long you have been seeing me within you, and now it is coming back in me, i.e., I am seeing you within me, which means the cycle is going to be complete now and I may have the controlling power in the spiritual world’.]


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Deva as a Hindu

20. Sri Ramkrishna often used to quote this slogan of the ‘Baul’ – a sect of religious mendicants: “When shall I come to know that I am a liberated one? – Yes, when my egoism or ‘I’-ness shall bid adieu to me”.
Sri Ramkrishna did not explain the thing or give any symbolic picture of the death of ‘I’-ness.
Really speaking in individual experiences even after seeing Atma, a man becomes Atma but the thing remains confined in him – rather it may be looked upon as a mental phenomenon or a psychological effect.
It is Universalism and Universalism alone wherein ‘I’-ness or egoism leaves the man and leaves him for good.

21. Sri Ramkrishna used to say: – “God is all and everything”.

Nowhere any explanation or an account of his own personal experience, or any definite proof of the thing has been given by him.
As a matter of fact it is a dogma. All trough the religious annals of the world this dogmatic assertion runs. It did never strike the teachers to make the humanity understand, or clarify it through the experience from which they have made their calculation and as for proof or pragmatic aspect based on common data of the mankind this has never been given. They simply say that I make this conclusion; and you only have to believe it and follow it.
Yes, everything is God when this Universe is seen within this Atma. Atma as shown by the human form made of God’s light come down from Brahmapura or the cerebrum or the brain and then in course of time the Universe within this Atma is seen. I am very glad to point out here that in an English (Collins) Pocket Dictionary the definition of pantheism is written as ‘God is the universe’. But actually it is so seen and experienced, yet it is an individual experience and no proof can be set out for it. Even so far, Sri Ramkrishna did never speak. He simply asserted and left it at that. It is spoken here from the writer’s own personal experience.
Now to the Universalism or in the Vedic principle, its declaration is that each and every member of the mankind is Brahma or One, as Brahma is but one.
Spontaneously or by nature a living man becomes Brahma or the Perfect One and he unknowingly through the agencies of these five elements will place the replica of his form in the hearts of millions and they shall announce that they are one with him in the Atmic sphere that is Brahma or God.
I do not advocate this individual experience but it happens in an individual man and also in an esoteric condition so it is better to live it aside and to live the life with the rationalistic and pragmatic Vedic principle of Oneness. Furthermore, it is also made of five elements, that is Nature or the Universe or the man – they are but One. In every respect, in every aspect and in every way and every form there is but One, and again, this “One becomes All and All becomes One”.