Saturday, 20 June 2020

Jibankrishna or Diamond the Holy Ghost and My Diary of Divine Dreams

Chapter – 57

Indication  of  the  vastness  of  the  cerebrum  and
fulfilment  of  austerity  in  Descent
261)    21st September, 1977, Wednesday.  
Early morning dream:  I was seeing the lower inside part of my brain with large capacity. Afterwards I noticed that a mouse jumped and pushed against the portion of the cerebrum where visualization of ‘Atma took place in case of Jibankrishna. The thrush was so intense that my head was shaken even during the sleep and as a result I woke up.
The dream reveals the huge brain capacity in the spiritual world. The thrush by the mouse in the lower region of the cerebrum indicates that the passage in descent became clear. The same indication about the seer’s austere in descent was revealed in the previous dream.

Attainment  of  ‘Brahmananda’  or  divine  bliss
262)    25th September, 1977, Sunday . Place : Ghatsila .  
Early morning dream:  I saw Ananda Mohan Ghosh singing with the words ‘Ananda’.’Ananda’(‘Joy’,’Joy’). Thereafter I began to sing ‘Brahmananda’ etc. (Divine bliss) and then I woke up.
The dream shows the existence of the seer within divine joy(Ref: Dharma O Anubhuti’, page – 4 - great joy - Attainment of Satchidananda condition).

Conglomeration  of  life  and death—Future
possibility  of  attaining  the  same  sense
263)    26th September, 1977, Monday.  Place :  Ghatsila . 
Early morning dream:  I was continuously uttering. ‘Life and death are the same, there is no difference between life and death’. While saying these I woke up .
The feeling is the repetition of the dream seen on 20/8/77 which indicates that in future the seer will have this feeling permanently.
Shower  of  grace  by  the  Holy  Ghost
264)    30th September, 1977, Friday. 
Early morning dream:  I was seated on the floor of Jibankrishna’s residence at Kadamtala, Howrah. He was seated on his cot. One devotee named Promod was seated just below the picture of Sri Ramkrishna Deva hung on the wall. Jibankrishna handed over the book ‘Sudha Kumbha” written by a devotee named Dilip Ghosh. I said to him, ‘I shall read it’. But he then handed over another thick book to me to read. It seemed that he gave it to me for ready reference.
After a while Jibankrishna began to apply ‘Saakti’ (transmitting spiritual power to others by touch of hand or hug) to Promode and he then fell into half consciousness due to ecstasy with shedding tears from eyes. I realized that Jibankrishna showered grace upon that devotee. After this incident I began to read. At this moment my dream was off.
By giving the books to the seer for reading the Holy Ghost showered his grace upon the seer. The dream also reveals the spiritual condition of Promode, although it is not so superior in quality.
Blessings  of  the  Holy Ghost  upon  the  devotee
265)     4th October, 1977, Tuesday. 
Early morning dream:  Mr. Deb Kumar Choudhury, a devotee of Jibankrishna, was telling me very cheerfully, ‘I have a dream on Sri Jibankrishna’. Saying this he was narrating the dream and then the dream went off.

The meaning of the dream is the same as the previous one, that means the blessings of the Holy ghost were pouring upon the devotees along with the seer also because everybody is ‘One’ as because the ‘Self’ or Atma or Soul is one.

 Achievement  of  fearlessness  and  accompaniment
with  devotees
266)    7th October, 1977, Friday.  
Early morning dream:  I saw an ox roaming on the street. I was standing there wearing a maroon color trouser. Somebody said, ‘The ox is coming to push with horns’. It seemed to me that as if it was coming to push me and its motive also seemed to be like that. I told the unknown person, ‘I wear a red trouser and for that reason it may push me’. But he said, ‘This is not red, but maroon’. At that moment I noticed a house and from the back side of that house I went upstairs and became relieved. Just at that moment I saw the Ex-Maharaj kumar of Burdwan named Abhaychand who was familiar to me in reality. I saw Abhaychand in my previous dreams two three times. Then I went on discussing with him on spiritual aspects. Gradually many devotees of Jibankrishna came to join the discussion and here the dream went off .
The after effect of this dream was thus: A feeling of leaving the body became very intense within me intending to live alone without the accompaniment of anybody. Even I could not tolerate any spiritual discussion. My mind was intending to enter the death region which I experienced in some of my previous dreams and meditations. To divert this attitude I was keeping myself busy with other activities. It was not known when this feeling would be eliminated
‘Abhay’ means without fear.


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Deva As a Hindu

25. Sri Ramkrishna speaks: – “One must visualized God, otherwise, His real form cannot be known”.

Visualisation of God is, according to the Vedic principle ‘Paramajyoti Upasampadya’ – attainment of the Supreme Light, as pointed out and shown by the unknown human form made of God’s light comes down from the Brahmapura, making the man, in the first stage, ‘Samprasada’ or blessed and the chosen one and then taking him to the cerebrum or the seventh plane and making him see God and He himself (that is the human form) merging in it. It is the rare most thing which happens in a man’s life. Happening of this unheard of and unthought-of amazing thing is followed by the wonderful evidence of ‘Samprasada’ (the man) is alive. We do not find such occurrence in Sri Ramkrishna’s life or in any part of the globe or in the life of any past teacher.
Yes, now approaches and appears God’s real form. It is a dilemma and up to the date no report of ‘The Real Form of God’ has reached the humanity. All the reporters of eminence and highest reputation and all the public teachers of the world, I mean the news papers, are silent over it though the helpless human race depends upon them with anxiety and unquenchable thirst since the birth of newspaper. The original authors who brought about romantic and unthought-of change in the destiny of the mankind could not bless the humanity by a description of Real Form of God. As for Cervantes of Spain or Jerome K. Jerome of England – it is better not to bring them in the arena. Even Sri Ramkrishna or any past teacher of the world – the creators and makers of all these ‘isms’ did never mention the Real Form of God. Ah! Poor mankind! The Vedic principle teaches that a man becomes God and by appearing in his very identical living image made of God’s light within the hearts of women, men, the young and the old alike, verily proves the Vedic declaration – “Twam Jato Bhavasi Viswatomukhah” in other words God is One and all.
This very Oneness establishes Godhood and this is but God’s Real Form and there is no other God anywhere else and to finish it with ‘Sankhya Philosophy’ – for want of proof, the existence of God is denied – ‘Ishwarasiddheh Pramanabhavat’. The author of Sankhya did not visualize God.