Saturday, 10 November 2012

Nostradamus’ predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

Chapter - 19

Almanac 1562

Nostradamus mentions in Almanac 1562 :
“The hidden desire for the good will succeed Religion, peace, love and concord …..”
This is a prediction of the future world when this Universal Religion ‘Oneness will be established, by replacing dualism in the spiritual world. When a man can realize that God is not in Church, temple or Mosque, God is within this body and He can be seen, then only this conflict, blood- shed will stop and peace with love will envelop the world.

In Epistle to Henry II Nostradamus again says that :
…….A great place will be established with Union and concord between some of the children of opposite ideas, who have been separated by diverse realms. And such will be the peace that the instigator of promoter of military factions, born of the diversity of religions, will remain chained to the deepest pit. And the Kingdom of the Furious one, who counterfeits the sage, will be united.

Maitri Upanishada mentions about the person who brings unity in diversity with such qualities :
When a seer sees the Brilliant
Maker, Lord, Person the Brahma – source;
Then, being a knower, shaking off good and evil,
He reduces everything to unity in the Supreme Imperishable.(6.18)
This has been revealed in Jibankrishna’s life which will be clarified by his versions

On 24.7.1964 Diamond said:
What do you mean by oracle? You hear it. Isn’t so? What is ‘Veda’. It’s another meaning is ‘Sruti’ (A subtle note that is heard at the time of changing the voice from one note to another). The Rishis were the visualiszers of hymns. To hear and to see are the same. The proof of this ‘Sruti’ is old Testament where the Prophets have mentioned on the basis of ‘Sruti’. There is another religious scripture which is entirely full of oracles is Koran. Then the question comes – who heard the oracles in Vedas? The answer is, that Perfect Man. That Man manifests Himself as oracle and at the same time He is the listener.

If you ask, ‘How is it possible’? The listeners were the Rishis who heard the oracles! Then how could they be merged into that Atma or soul? They said, ‘He is the Best Man’ and this is soul or Atma.

So far, all the scholars and religious teachers have mentioned about Atma or Soul within the body. Why haven’t they proved that he is the Soul or Atma with physical body? Atma and the Purusha are the same and why none of them couldn’t be that perfect Man, who could transform everyone into His own form? This proves that the man within the body is the listener. So far this unknown man was listener and now he has got flesh and blood body in the form of a living human body.

Now that inner man is the speaker, but outside he is the listener and you are the speaker. Because, unless you tell me your stories I come to know nothing. I knew myself through you. And for this reason I use to say that you are my teachers.

Now you see, that the great person was so long within the bodies of those Rishis and Religious teachers as an embryo. But through embryo you cannot expect the austerities, it requires a living body, and this is that body. Now you say, whether Vedas have mentioned about the past or future? The proof is in the Vedas – ‘the man in the sun’. Who is that man in the sun? A good number of people have seen my form in the sun. What is sun? The life so long human beings will continue seeing me within their bodies, I shall live. There is no destruction of Brahmavidya (Supreme Cult). Vedas are saying, ‘Those who see this Atma or Soul within their bodies, they get perpetual happiness, peace and become calm? I had no idea about all these, but still it is continuing. It never happened before that a man is transformed into Brahma or Supreme Being. The Truth is discovered through me. And you are announcing that a living man is Brahma.

[Chandogya Upanishad has mentioned thus :
As long as the sun shall rise in the east and set in the west, so long will he compass the over lordship and the chief sovereignty. (3.6.4)]
Jibankrishna has mentioned:

The Vedic oneness and its proof
The Vedic ‘oneness’ with its proof as experienced by diamond and thousands and thousands of others in their everyday life without undergoing any kind of hard religious discipline for a long time as done by Sri Ramkrishna runs:-

Spontaneously without the least exertion on his part a man becomes ‘Samprasada’ or the blessed one. God commences manifesting himself in him and then his life-power is collected, rises up from his body (physical sheath) into the cerebrum in the form of ‘Parama Jyoti’ (supreme light) and attains Brahmahood and he shall be distributing his Brahmahood through five elements to the humanity. They shall obtain it without any attempt on their part. This distribution does not take account of any cast distinction or barrier or any opposition of any kind. Thousands corroborate the fact and evince and prove that the vedic principle is alive and a reality.

Oneness the future religion

1. What is the knowledge of oneness?
2. How does God look?
…….Nobody knows it. Religion is not a creation of fiction. It bears its definite proof. ….The Vedic principle is based on proof and the proof is a universal one. If an individual declares a thing it may be so with him but it may vary with others. So the difference of opinion runs and no conclusion can be arrived at.

In universalism, thousand experience and the same ‘one’ and no disagreement follows. The question gets settled and solved with its definite proof as it is based on the common factor in their lives. Here both Karl Marx and Nitzsche have got their problem solved as it was so taught by them.

With whom this oneness is experienced? With Sri Ramkrishna it is with an unknown, imaginary figure (as  he says,’The knowledge of oneness is also obtained by a devotee; everything is seen as God by him’). Whereas, in the Vedic principle, it is with a living man, an attainer of Brahmahood, as He is the perfect one (Sa Uttama – purusha).
Yes, how does God of the devotee look? In its best form it transpires that God of the devotee is only an hyperbolic creation of his imagination – a production of an emotional brain.

But here again another fresh knotty problem arises as visualization of God in the seventh plane in one’s own cerebrum is followed by the Vedic assertain – ‘Swena Rupena Abhinispadyate’ – It means if anybody visualizes God as shown by God-the-preceptor, coming down from the Brahmapura (the abode of the Supreme one, within the brain of the seer) having had the Vedic experience of five sheaths or koshas and also of the seven planes lodged in the five sheaths in its full-fledged form having not the minuest shortcoming then the visualizer of God will be seen by thousands and thousands of men within their own bodies and they shall make an open declaration of it for the benefit of the humanity so that this Eternal Truth that Man is ‘Brahma’ or the ‘Supreme One’ may be known to all.

In the annals of the humanity upto the date nobody has ever heard of such a devotee as pointed out by Sri Ramkrishna and even not in the case of Sri Ramkrishna in spite of his emphatic declaration of visualizing God. In dualism, or in being confined in any ‘Ism’ oneness never comes. It is a spontaneous expression.

Thanks to the genious of Swami Vivekananda as from him the humanity firstly of the first heard ‘Religion is oneness’ though even he was not blessed with it. His very lecture bespeaks, ‘The hour comes when great men shall arise and cast off these kindergartens of religions and shall make vivid and powerful the True Religion – the worship of the spirit by the spirit’. To add to it, he was once asked during his lectures in America, how it was possible for a man to be ‘Viswatomukhah’ or La Homme Universalle, one with the whole human race. Not unlike Sankaracharya who did the very same thing some 1200 years ago he (Swami Vivekanada) replied, ‘Just you think that you are all’. It was a thinking’ only with Sankaracharya as well as with Swami Vivekananda. Whereas it is reality – the summum bonum of the human life, and a positive fact in ‘Diamonds’ everyday life, it was simply his (Swami Vivekananda) aspiration in life.

…..But thanks to him again for his forecast ‘Is Vedanta the future religion of the world?’ Yes, the Vedanta and the Vedanta alone in its practical aspect in the daily life of each and every member of the human race will bring about ‘oneness’ rendering the theory of ‘one world’ into a reality in the Atmic (spiritual) sphere within the hearts of the mankind.

                                  The end

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