Thursday, 6 December 2012


Chapter – 2

In Century 1-50, Nostradamus says :
                        “From the three water signs will be born a man,
                        Who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
                        His renown, praise, rule and power will grow,
on land and see, bringing trouble to the east.”

This tallies with some of the symptoms of the truth manifested in Jibankrishna or Diamond. He was born within this aquatic triplicity (cancer, scorpion & Pisces). In his horoscope he had the signs of being a ruler, but not in material world but in the spiritual world.
Moreover, he had innumerable spiritual realizations through the process of Rajyoga as per the versions of Upanishads where it is clearly written that the person having such realizations will ultimately be the ruler of the spiritual world.
Some of my visions also tally with this prediction which are discussed now :

10th  August ,  1975 .    Early morning dream :  I was standing on a very beautiful place. The sea was visible at a far distance. A river was flowing a little bit away from me. A devotee named Indranath was standing in front of me . I requested him to go there. After a while I noticed a flat boat resting on land in front of me . I stood on it and it automatically started moving on the land. It carried me to a boggy place and thereafter to the river which joined the sea. It was really a very exciting experience. The boat gradually carried me to the junction of the river and the sea. I shouted with joy, ‘The sea ! The sea ‘! Then a huge ship was seen in the sea and I boarded up there. I saw that quite a number of sailors from different Countries of the world were singing a song ‘Hail the ancient Truth-the jewel man .Jibankrishna …….’ I saw myself conducting the whole music like a bandmaster as on encouragement to them. The song continued for a long time and then the dream went off.
[ The dream carries some meanings  :
(i)     A boat sails on the water not on dry land-it means impossible things will be possible within the body of the seer. This is in microcosm. In macrocosm, many impossible things may happen in the world by the action of Diamond in future . Here the life force reaches the ocean i.e. cerebrum. This has a reference in ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ No-258-Kundalini Penetrating through the body reaches the ocean of eternal bliss—the cerebrum . (ii)    In the long run the name and action of Jibankrishna will spread throughout the world among different nations, religions as has happened in India and the seer may have a role in this aspect.] 

Vision of Future World
28th March, 2003, Friday.
Early in the morning I woke up and then had a trance. Suddenly I saw that somebody kept the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ (Bengali book written by Jibankrishna on his realizations based on the saying of Sri Ramkrishna in the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna). I, then and there placed it on my head and began to walk through unlimited places. It seemed to me as if to all the countries of the world.
At this moment a thought flashed in my mind as if like Bharat (The next brother of Rama of Ramayan) he was carrying the wooden sandal on his head to hand over to Rama after the period of extinguishment for 14 years from his kingdom to keep the promise of his father King Dasharatha. But again it appeared to me as if I had become the horse of Ashwamedh Yogya (Thousand of years ago any king wanting to be the emperor used  to arrange this Yogya or fire ceremony where he freed a horse for moving to different places and countries accompanied by soldiers. If the horse was held up by any king, he would be defeated by accompanied soldiers  surrendering to the emperor. After coming back, the horse used to be dedicated for the ceremony after slaughtering. The emperor would be the sole ruler of the whole country.)
Afterwards it appeared in my mind, Oh! Ramchandra himself made Ashwamedh yogya after getting back the throne and thereafter during his reign the establishment of peace and justice occurred for long  time.
After waking up from the trance I have become perplexed and went on thinking, is it showing that in the long run peace, justice and oneness will come in the whole world through the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ and the seer will be the carrier? The future will judge it.
This is also a corroboration of some previous dreams in which the seer was crying for the sake of human race.
This dream showed a peculiar coincidence with the incidence described in Ramayan as well as a dream seen by the seer on 22.11.90 where he saw the emperor Akhbar as Jibankrishna having his coronation ceremony as emperor. He placed both his legs on the head of the seer which indicated that he made the seer his representative.

Future indication of materialization of Diamond’s forecast about controlling spiritual would by divine thoughts and consciousness
27th May, 2004, Thursday.
To-day early in the morning a realization and perception had been gained by me. I had a dream in which large number of my class mates of ex-Agricultural College had gathered. I also joined them having chitchats, funs etc. Then the dream went off. And Instantly it flashed in my mind – All these human beings, know, unknown, friends who off and on use to appear in my dreams, what will happen to them? Whether Jibankrishna will appear in them or whether they will be controlled or guided by the divine conscious of Diamond being merged in Nirguna within them as he used to say in reality? He used to say, ‘I have been transformed into Atman (The Great Soul) and exist within every human being, guide them to the path of goodness and to see me within them will become insignificant then.
Large number of people appear in my dream. Who are they? They must exist or existed in the world. The same realization had also been realized in dreams by Jibankrishna in the last stage of his life. The meaning remained un-explained. In the same way the seer’s realization of the same type also remains mystery unless the effect will be seen in future.

A future vision – controlling spiritual world by Diamond from inside the human race
May 28, 2009, Thursday.
Early morning dream : I saw Jibankrishna (Diamond),my God-the-Preceptor, sitting in a room situated on a raised area. It seemed as if he was with me for a long period. He was about to tell me two of his dreams and I also prepared myself with pen and paper.
The first dream he saw was on the previous day that is on Wednesday.
I wrote the first dream and then was about to write the second dream. He started narrating his dream.
He said, ‘I am seeing that I shall control the spiritual world henceforth.’ Hearing this I said, ‘when have you seen it’? He said, ‘To-day I have seen it’. I said, ‘To-day is Thursday’ (In reality it was so).
Saying this I fell in ecstasy and told him, ‘See, I have many dreams which showed me that you will control the spiritual world.’ He looked at me with strange eyes which reminded me a dream seen long time ago and I narrated that dream fully and said, ‘I had been transformed into your form and controlling the spiritual world.’ When I was narrating this dream to him, I was fixing my eyes on him and he was also having a strange look at me with glittering eyes. At this moment my dream went off.
The dream seen on 10.06.1976 was such : My life force in condensed form was moving up and down in the third and fourth plane of my body and then I ordered the life fore to move upwards and accordingly she moved upwards and reached the death point. But instead of death I saw Mrityunjoy (a companion of Diamond, meaning who won death). But I did not die.
When in another dream (seen on 16.08.1976) I was narrating the previous dream to him, he gave the same strange look at me I observed in to-days dream.
In the last part of the dream I was forecasting that one day would come in future when some of us would achieve Diamond’s full attributes and control the spiritual world. Immediately after that, I saw myself controlling the spiritual world wearing a neck – tie.
However, one thing is remarkable that one single dream I narrated to Diamond two times : First one happened on 16th August, 1976, after two months of the first dream seen on 10th June, 1976 and the second time I narrated after thirty three years of the first dream. To-day’s dream indicates a far future or near future!

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