Saturday, 4 May 2013


Chapter -5
Part- 5

Repetition of previous dream – Emerging of the name
‘Jiban’ (Diamond) from the mouth – Future indication
1st February, 2009, Sunday

Early in the morning I woke up and again fell into trance, I saw that the names of ‘Jiban’ (Jibankrishna or Diamond. Jiban means life) were emerging from my mouth continuously and in innumerable numbers. Gradually those names (just like dust particles) took the form of a huge storm and covered the whole world. Then my trance was off.
This dream is similar to that seen on 15.12.05 and indicates the future spiritual world.

Future indication – Diamond’s all pervading state
6th February, 2009, Friday

Early morning dream: I am staying at our birth place, Santipur. It was midnight then and from the 1st floor I was entering from the room to another for switching on the bulb. But before that the name of ‘Jibankrishna’ began to emerge automatically enveloping the whole world. But at the same time I was repairing to switch on the bulb. At this situation my dream went off.
The dream again gives a clear indication that the name of Jibankrishna or Diamond will be spread everywhere in future, but it will now remain merged in ‘nirguna’ (dark) in embryo stage.

Effect of the name ‘Jibankrishna (Diamond) on
human race emerged from the seer’s body
November 6, 2009

In the last week a strange news was observed in a website – people from different parts of the world are seeing a man with thick eyebrow in their dreams and in reality. Many have reported their experiences in the website and a picture was drawn though in an improper way.

However, to-night I had a dream where I saw myself staying with Diamond. He had bare upper body wearing a dhoti. But one thing was appearing to me that as if I was accompanying Diamond in reality. Another aged companion Sushil Banerjee was also present there. We were discussing about various matters and at the same time I was thinking that I should narrate many of my recent dreams to him. Meanwhile I thought again that I should tell him about this incident which I saw in the website in reality.

So in a nutshell I narrated the news of the website to him and said, ‘See, for the last 8-10 years I had so many dreams where your name used to be emerged from my brain, body, body hairs etc. enveloping the whole world, it seems that this is the ultimate effect of such type of dreams.
Diamond was listening to my narration but he went on working. After a while Diamond sat for the supper and I told him, ‘Now I shall tell you everything in details’. But at that moment the dream was off.

[The dream seemed automatically to me that this phenomenon of seeing Diamond in dreams and reality even after his death has started in the world as an effect of such type of dreams seen for the last 8-10 years, where the name of Jibankrishna or Diamond used to be emerged from my brain enveloping the whole world. And as a result, the human race have started seeing Diamond in dreams who will be their God-the-Preceptor and will guide their spiritual world leading to the ultimate result of ‘Oneness’.] 

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