Saturday, 20 July 2013


Chapter - 9

In century 10-75 Nostradamus mentions :
Long awaited he will never return
in Europe, he will appear in Asia
One of the league issued form the great Hermes
And he will grow over all the kings of the East.

This prediction is meant for the great Hermis who will be born in Asia and ultimately he will rule the whole spiritual world.
Let us first see what Upanishads are saying about it.
Svetasvatar Upanishad mentions thus :
He by whom this whole world is constantly enveloped.
Is intelligent, the author of time, possessor of qualities      
Ruled over by Him, (his) work revolves –
This which is regarded as earth, fire,
Air and space. (6.2)
Here King means the ruler of the spiritual world. This great Hermis will surpass all the Prophets of the eastern world by establishing a new religion and that will be Universal oneness.
In this context, one of my dreams will corroborate this quatrain.

Vision of Future World

28th March, 2003, Friday.
Early in the morning I woke up and then had a trance. Suddenly I saw that somebody kept the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ (Bengali book written by Jibankrishna on his realizations based on the sayings of Sri Ramkrishna in the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna).Then and there I placed it on my head and began to walk through innumerable places. It seemed to me as if I was moving through all the countries of the world.
At this moment a thought flashed in my mind as if like Bharat (The next brother of Lord Rama of Ramayan) I was carrying the wooden sandal on my head to hand over to Rama after the period of extinguishment for 14 years from his kingdom to keep the promise of his father King Dasharatha. But again it appeared to me as if I had become the horse of Ashwamedh Yogya (Thousands of years ago any king wanting to be the emperor used  to arrange this Yogya or fire ceremony where he used to free a horse for moving to different places and countries accompanied by soldiers. If the horse was held up by any king, he would be defeated by accompanied soldiers surrendering to the emperor. After coming back, the horse used to be dedicated for the ceremony after slaughtering. The emperor would be the sole ruler of the whole country.)
Afterwards it appeared in my mind, Oh! Ramchandra himself made Ashwamedh yogya after getting back the throne and thereafter during his reign the establishment of peace and justice occurred for a long  time.
After waking up from the trance I became perplexed and went on thinking, was it showing that in the long run peace, justice and oneness will come in the whole world through the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ and I shall be the carrier? The future will judge it.
This is also a corroboration of some previous dreams in which I was crying for the sake of human race.
This dream showed a peculiar coincidence with the incidence described in Ramayan as well as a dream seen by the seer on 22.11.90 where I saw the emperor Akhbar as Jibankrishna having his coronation ceremony as emperor. He placed both his legs on my head which indicated that he poured his grace on me.

An oracle for future world

28th July, 2012
Early in the morning I dreamed that I was standing on a huge open place and addressing the whole mankind of the world was giving an oracle. The oracle was thus:
“One will be giving freedom to the whole world one day and when all will be liberated his work will be completed. And he has already come, but he is immortal and exists for eternity. I was feeling later on that this oracle was reaching the whole human race through telepathy (I had the experiences of telepathy in some of my previous dreams). Then the dream was off.
This ‘One’ was meant Jibankrishna or Diamond and he mentioned in his life time such forecast several times during his discussions. The result rests in far future.

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