Saturday, 9 August 2014


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

109).                   “The sky looks blue at a distance, but look at it nearby---there is
                             no color.The water of ocean looks blue at a distance , But go
                             close by, take it in your palm and see,---there is no color “.
It is spoken of God without form and attributes . In Ascent when ego consciousness is gone, nobody knows what remains . If the man is blessed enough to come back in Descent with Divine Consciousness then he knows only “Yes” (Asti) so far and nothing else .
110).                      “He is the master both of bondage and liberation”.
If God through His grace frees Himself from the body then there is liberation , and if He does not so then it is bondage .
“I” or “ego”----is bondage .
Liberation lies in solving the problem of “I” or “ego”. The skin of an onion is peeled off one after another, then in the end there remains no skin . This is liberation . Here in the simile, onion represents ‘I’. There are two other stages where the bliss of liberation is seen and felt, and they are all in attributive conditions . (1)  The first stage is that—God is liberated from the body and collected and shown by God-the-Preceptor as “Atma” in the seventh plane . (ii) The second stage is when the sense springs up that ‘I am not body but I am God”!

111).                   “God out of a hundred thousand, gets Himself liberated in one “.

The blessed man in whose body God liberates in full measure, manifests and expresses His various sportive forms is a liberated one . He is freed from the bondage of body. The primal idea of a man is that he is body with all the senses and other attributes and corelated functions . When Atma is shown and seen, he comes to know that he is Atma and the question of body does not arise at all . The final stage of liberation is to get oneself freed from the ego-consciousness . Here ends Ascent and if it is followed by Descent then the man does not find “I” in him but there reigns the divine consciousness “Thou”.

112).                         “It  is  His  will”.

His will is expressed in two ways, that is, either by keeping in bondage or by freeing Himself in the body, though it may be one in one hundred thousand.

 113).                         “Solid and liquid  by  parts”.

 It is the measure of God liberating from the body . The liquid denotes the liberation of God and solid is that portion from where God is not freed . Liquid God is seen in the second sheath in the abdomen of the right side---‘Pranamaya Kosha’.

114).                        “I am  burnt  up  through  excess”.
God emanated in full measure from the body of Thakur 
So ‘I’ in Thakur is burnt up . It is seen . It flares up like red light (Chaitanya) in the cerebrum .
115).              “Mind  keeps  one  in  bondage .  Again,  mind  sets  one  free”.

A purified mind cannot think that it is in bondage . Until and unless a man sees God in his body, he cannot get his mind purified . To see God is the measure of purification and the sight of God in the body purifies everything concerning body . The evaporation of animal passion from the body is the practical shape of purification . It is visible in one’s body. As soon as any word concerning animal passion will be spoken by the man, a shudder starting from the lower part of the body will be seen to come over the body and the shudder will be seen to rise upwards in the cerebrum of the seventh plane.

116).                       “The  mind  is  all  in  all”.

The mind of Shri Radha (the heroine of Shri Bhagavat—a holy epic) was transformed into the image of Shri Krishna (the hero) . So on whatever side she was casting her sight, her eyes met with the image of Shri Krishna .                     

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