Thursday, 5 March 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

208)     “They  went  up  close  to  the  tree  to  settle  their  dispute
               and  they  saw  a  man  sitting  at  the  foot  of  the  tree”

The man sitting at the foot of the tree---is an Avatar or incarnation of God and he is blessedly acquainted with all the sportive forms of God.

209)     “I  live  underneath  this  tree. I  know  the  Chameleon  thoroughly  well,
              all  you  say  about  it  is  right  and  correct. sometimes  it is red,  Sometimes
              blue,  sometimes  violet,  again  grey  and  so  on”
A man is a devotee of Jesus. God will come to him as Jesus. A man loves Mohammed. God will give him His bliss as Mohammed. A lover of God without any form will see God’s light.

210)     “And sometimes  I  do  find  that  it  has  got  no  colour  at  all”

Here it is spoken of God without form or attributes, i.e., Absolute.

211)     “Kabir * used  to  say, ‘God  without  from  is  my  Father
              and  God  with  form  is  my  Mother”

 God  without  form---represents Father.

God  with  form---represents  Mother.

Here it is spoken of Descent first and then of Ascent.

God-the-preceptor when appears first in the body, comes in Descent and then He stops in the fourth sheath or sixth plane. It is formless God taken the human form of God.

212)     “The  sense  of  ego  in  a  devotee  has  kept
              him  at  a  hand’s  distance  from  God”

 It is dualism. In the sphere of beatification there is but devotee and his God. It is realization of the sixth plane. In the seventh plane the devotee is transformed into God. “I am God”---this sense gets awakened. At the end there remains no-ego-consciousness. The Ascent (Agam) ends here. Then comes Descent (Nigam). Here there is no “ego” but “Thou”.

213)     “Do  you  know  why  the  images  of  ‘Kali’ (goddess) and ‘Shyam’ (another name of Krishna) look like  human  body?  Because  they  are  looked  at  a  distance”

 It is the realm of dualism. In the realm of Absolute there is no God with form. You are not yet transformed into Atma, so God with form is seen by you. You are in the sixth plane and the seventh plane is far away.

214)     “The  sun  looks  small  because  of  distance,  but  go  near  then  you  will
              find  that  it  lies  beyond  the  range  of  your  comprehension”

 The sun---represents God, Atma, holding the Universe in Him. You thank that you are a tiny human being. Yes, you shall be so thanking as you have not seen that God---Atma holding the Universe in Him within you.
Then you shall be thanking in a different view.

215)     “Why  the  images  of  ‘Kali’  or  ‘Shyam’---have  got  bluish
              color?  Because  they  are  seen  at  a  distance”

 It is spoken about meditation and realization. At first in meditation a man finds darkness; but as meditation deepens he sees light and as the meditation marches on, he finds ‘Diamond’.

216)     “Go  nearer  and  nearer,  then  there  will  be  no  colour”

 Let meditation in a man run on, then at the end threr remains no-ego-consciousness.

217)     “The  path  of  devotion  is  for  you.  It  is  the  easiest  course”

 The seed of devotion is inherent in a man. He is born with it Spontaneously devotion comes out in a man. It is heredity.

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