Thursday, 16 April 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )
231)     “When  the  Brahmins  are  fed  in  a  feast,
              there  is  much  noise  at  the  beginning”

At the start, a man is prone to make a parade of his devotion to God with grandeur and pomp.

232)     ”Then  they  sit  with  plantain—leaves  in  front  of  them”.
              (In  a  fest  of  Bengal  plantain  leaves  serve  the  purpose  of  plates).

When a man becomes composed and quite, then God in him emanates and life-power concentrates and wake up.

233)     “Bring  some  ‘luchi’, bring  some  ‘uchi’ (unlaven  bread
              Fried  in  clarified  butter)”

This signifies a through yearning for God and also that an inner transformation of life-power is going on.

234)     “Then  they  commence  partaking  of  ‘luchi’ and  other  dishes”

Then start various kinds of realizations.

235)     “Some  three  quarters  of  the  noise  of  feast  have  subsided”

God from the body has emanated by three quarters and the man is enjoying the tuch of God in himself. “A monk has got three quarters of his mind in touch with God in himself---Shri Ramkrishna.

236)     “Curd  succeeds  luchi  and  other  dishes”.

Here curd represents the seventh plane. In the course of the transformation of life-power, the seventh plane or cerebrum is seen.

237)     “Then,  after  the  feast,  follows  sleep”

Sleep---signifies “Samadhi” or transformation of life-power into God, both with attributes and without attributes.

238)       “When  a  daughter-in-law  in  a  family  conceives,  the  mother-in-law
                 lessens the  household  work  of  the  daughter-in-law.  At  the tenth
                 month  of  conception  there  remains  no  work  for  her.  When  the
                 baby  is  born,  the  mother  is  at  absolute  rest.  All  she  has  got  to
                 do  is  to  tend  the  new-born  baby”.

(a)   To conceive---here represents God’s emanation from the body.

(b)   Daughter-in-law---is the form of God as seen in the fourth sheath or the sixth plane.

©    Mother-in-law---represents body.

(d)   To lessen the household work---is to collect and get the life-power transformed and fixed in the sixth plane.

(e)   At the tenth month---means the entrance to the seventh plane---when God’s light is seen further on when the glorious sun is seen behind a silken screen.

(f)   The baby---represents Atma---God in the seventh plane.

(g)   Only the tend the baby---means to have God unfolded His mystery and characteristics in various sportive forms in the seventh plane. Principally the sportive forms of God may be divided into five chapters :--
(i)    God---Atma ;

(ii)   The universe  is  in  God

(iii)   God, the  Universe,  turns  into  a  Seed---an  Atom ;

(iv)   God, the   Atom, is  but  a  Dream ;  and

(v)    The  Dream  vanishes  and  there  remains  no ego-con-sciousness.

239)     “When  a  well  is  dug”

It is spoken of the body where a well is dug. In the well God is seen in the form of transparent water. The water of well is transformed into vapour. The vapour penetrates the body and makes God and body separated. In the end it penetrates the sound also. These penetrations of body and sound express and manifest their signs over the body and they are not only seen but they are heard also.  

When the vapour penetrates the body, the head keeps on swinging from left to right to left and a ‘cling’ ‘cling’ sound is heard. It is like to sound of a dries-up cocoanut or a ripe betel-nut in a shell.

When the vapour penetrates the sound (Nad) in the end of the seventh plane, the head will keep on swinging onward and backward. It is exactly like a big chunk of ice sinking and floating in a vast sheet of water. Then the chunk sinks and no-ego-consciousness remains.

Another striking feature is that if any blessed man has retained all these realizations in his body, then if anybody else speaks out all these before him them all the outward manifestations shall come upon the body of the retainer and they cannot be keep in concealment. The supreme Culture---Brahma Vidya---no sooner then will be heard, will express itself over the body of the retainer, as it is God’s sports in the body. If the body does not respond at the mention of the name of Brahma Vidya, then it is to be understood that the man has not attained it.  

Saturday, 4 April 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

223)     “Forehead  is  the  seat  of  the  sixth  plane, the  mind  reaches  there  in  the
              forehead  and  the  devotee  sees  God  with  form,  God’s  other  sportive
              forms,  and  God’s  light,  day  and  light”

 A retinue (Nityasiddha---Iswarkati) of an Incarnation of God (Avatar) sees God in His various sportive forms .But in an Avatar, the realization is different. Firstly, the third eye or eye of knowledge opens. It is called ‘eye of knowledge’ because it is the divine eye through which various sportive forms of God are seen within the cerebrum. In the eye of knowledge the symbols of realizations to come upon in the seventh plane are seen—such as, a miniature image of Buddha or other symbols. Then the image of Mysterious Maya (Rahaswamayee Maya) is seen. She is quite, slim, something made of unseen beauty, youthful and slowly dancing in rhythm and the gaze of her eyes are fixed on the toe of her feet. Then succeeds various sportive forms of God. Then God’s light is seen.

In seeing the God’s light there is a difference between an Avatar and his retinue.

A retinue sees God’s light in a lantern or in a bulb or both in lantern and electric bulb. Then he sees God’s light without any cover. But these are realizations of the sixth plane. An Avatar sees that a silk curtain is hanging before his sight and there shines the glorious rising sun behind the curtain.

224)     “Then  the  mind  enters  the  seventh  plane.  The man  is  endowed  with  the
               knowledge  of  Brahma  (God)  and  sees  God  (Brahma---Atma)”
It is spoken of seeing God in the seventh plane where God-the-preceptor shows God and merges into God. After seeing God in the seventh plane a retinue of an Avatar cannot keep up his body any more. So the great Swamiji’s (Swami Viveknanda) passage for the seventh plane was kept under lock and key by Thakur.

An Avatar’s body is retained after seeing God in the seventh plane. Atma (God) will revel Himself in all His sportive forms there. The mystery of life and death will be solved. Then there will be Descent. In descent though an Avatar is God Himself but He will keep on seeing His own sports.

225)     “As  long  as  you  were  absent  in  the  meeting,  we  were  talking  about  you,
              but  with  your  arrival  and  appearance  all talks  about  you  stopped”

It is Samadhi. Life—power is transformed into Supreme Self.

226)     “After  attaining  Supreme  Self,  all  outward  devotional
              actions  of  the  devotee  are  dropped”

The mystery of life and death is solved. The illusory aspect of the creation is realised. So no more the game of illusion is played.

227)     “In a  congregational  sing  in  the  praise  live  of  God,  at  the  outset  a  man
              keeps  on singing---“Nitai (a devotee  of  Shri  Chaitanya)  is  a  mad  elephant,
              Nitai  is  a  mad  elephant”

It is but to have the transformation of life-power set in motion. The curd is going to be churned for butter; the life-power is in the course of transformation into God.

228)     “The  devotional  mood  deepens  and  the  singer  only
               utters---‘Elephant’, ‘Elephant’  (‘Hati’, ‘Hati’)”

The life-power is coursing her way between fifth and the sixth plane. The vocabulary power is also transformed; as to speak is part and parcel of life-power and it is almost lost.

229)     “In  the  end,  the  man  keeps  on  uttering  only
              one  syllable---‘Ha’ ---(‘Ele’  of  elephant)”

It is the entrance from the sixth plane to the seventh plane.

230)     “Then  the  singer  becomes  silent”

The life-power has entered the seventh plane and has been transformed into God. All outward functions of life are stopped.