Thursday, 18 June 2015


 MARCH --1882     
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

255)     “Till   the  channel  meets  the  river”
Till life-power reaches the cerebrum.    
256)     “Daughter  and  wife”                  
These two forms of womanhood are the greatest bondage and fetters to a man. Wife is but an ephemeral charmer and a daughter is the image of softness and sweetness, i.e., good qualities. Both of them are fetters, one is absorptive and the other is distractive.
257)     “The  peasant  held  a  chase,  spade  in hand and scared 
              away  both  wife  and  daughter”
The man broke the bondage of woman. He freed himself from the fetters of charming illusion (Maya) around a man.
258)     “The channel  was  connected  with  the river”.
The life-power in the man reached the cerebrum or the seventh plane.
259)     “Then  the  peasant  took  his  bath  and  meal”
Then the man realized various sportive forms of God.
 260)     “At  last  the  peasant  slept”
The man attained no-ego state—the last phase of transformation of life-power when there is no-ego-consciousness. It is called Sthitha Samadhi or merging into the Great Cause.
261)     “The  woman  and  Gold keep  God  tied  up  in  the
              body and  do  not  permit  God’s  liberation”.
Woman and Gold must be shunned in case of a man, and in case of woman, she must be shunning the company of man and gold.
“A man will be he-eunuch and a woman will be she-eunuch; then there will be liberation of God from the body”. 
                                                                                                                             ---Shri  Ramkrishna.
It does not mean physical but it is to embrace voluntary renunciation. 
You must be earning your livelihood but it must be an honest earning and it will not be allowed to exceed your bare requirements. So far gold is permitted to be earned, as otherwise you have got to depend on others and that is also an impediment,
The man who is blessed with spontaneous liberation of God from the body is not required to exert himself for abstaining from “woman and gold”.
“The father has got his child on his shoulder and there is no fear for the child to have a fall”.
                                                                                                                        ---Sri Ramkrishna.
The man who is blessed with the protection of God will keep himself aloof from the company of woman and he will never accept any gift of money from others. These two phenomena will be distinctly marked in the usual course of his everyday life.
262)     “When  a  woman  accompanies  a  man,
              he  is  doomed  to  lose  his  spiritual  power”
The human body is so constituted that man and woman in close contact with each other acts and reacts over each other’s body. It holds up the progress of transformation of life-power; nay, not only this, but it lulls the life-power into sleep. If life-power gets asleep there it will sleep for good and then there will be no upward course for it.
It was the garden-house in Cossipore—a suburb of Calcutta. Here Thakur was taken for treatment at the last phase of his illness. A young man of some twenty years age was brought by his relatives near Thakur for pointing out what happened to the young man as he appeared to be in a high beatitude state. Thakur saw the young man and told his relatives that all on a sudden a high spiritual life (Madhura Bhava) flared up in this young man, and would be better if they would leaves this young man with him (Thakur) there, as otherwise in their house he would be coming in contact with woman and would lose his spiritual life. The relatives of the young man did not obey Thakur. They took the young man away. A disciple (afterwards Swami Saradananda) of Thakur was present at the time. Sometimes after Thakur’s passing away from the world he remembered the incident and went to enquire about the young man in the latter’s place and so taste the truth of the forecast made by Thakur. To this utter surprise Swami Saradananda found that the young man, as a matter of fact, came in contact with some woman and lost his spiritual life as well as his beatitude state.
263)     “Then  there  remains  no  attachments  of  woman  in  a  devotee”.
The devotee has attained God in him, i.e., in his own body. His inward physical condition is changed. It changes. The life-power jumps upto the cerebrum, dances there and softens it and is ultimately transformed into God. This happening causes lust (Kama) to get evaporated from the brain as well as from the body. Not only this, along with the attainment of God in the body, the angle of vision is also changed. “A woman to me appears like a tigress,”---Shri Ramkrishna. (This happens with a devotee at the time of observing religious discipline).
“A woman is but a small magnet to God—the bigger magnet”---Shri Ramkrishna, God, the bigger magnet, draws and protects the devotee and the attraction of a woman fails. In other words, the attraction of God in the cerebrum is very superior. It comes spontaneously with those who attain God in their body.

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