Saturday, 16 April 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

 (390)                “Why does the Divine Mother ‘Shyama’ have a black complexion?”.

 “She looks black because she is seen far away”.

   It is spoken about meditation and in its first state a man sees utter darkness. Then as he    
   proceeds deeper and deeper, he finds God’s light and God.

 (391)               “Go near Her and no color will be found”.

 It is spoken about the Absolute---when there is no ego—consciousness.  

       (392)               “You have to come back a few steps then you will see again the
                          Divine Mother ‘Shyama’ having the colour of the grass flower”.

The exquisitely beautiful young dancing lady who is seen in the sixth plane is known as the mysterious Maya.

(393)                “Is Shyama  male  or female”?  

Atma is one. There is no distinction of gender in Atma or God.

Atma is one. There is no distinction of gender in Atma or God.

(394)                “I am not yet able to find out whether Shyama is male or female”?
       Male and female---they have got one and the same Atma in them. So inwardly there is no    
       difference. Yes, there is but one Atma ; but go ahead and then you will find there is a tiny touch   
       of ego-consciousness in the form ‘Yea’.

(395)             “Brahma  is  Sakti---It  is Descent.

(396)             “Sakti  is  Brahma”---It  is  Ascent.

(397)            “They  are  but  one”.

 It is Absolute. Ascent and Descent are but two different aspects of the same and one Absolute.

(398)                           “Ever-blissful God (Satchidanandamay) and ever blissful sportive forms of God (Satchidandamayyee) are but two aspects of one and the same Absolute” 
Ascent with all its sportive forms of God is blissful. It terminates in Absolute. Then 
Descent comes and every state of it is full of Bliss. God is ever Blissful at every 
condition and realization of the body. It is called ‘from Absolute to His sportive forms and from
sportive from to ':Absolute’. Nitya to Lila and Lila to Nitya. Its Bliss is enjoyed only by Avatars
and none else.

     (399)                  “In conjunction with Atma (Purusha) the human body(Prakriti) performs all her
                                 activities of creation, preservation and destruction---Yogamaya”.

      This is God’s sports in the human body and it is Ascent.

      Creation means birth of Atma as seen in the seventh plane, i.e. life-power is transformed in

      Preservation is that when Atma holds the Universe within Him.

      Destruction is that condition when Atma turns into the Absolute.

Monday, 4 April 2016


(384)                “Mother, why hast Thou given him only one-sixteenth part of the whole thing?
                          Yes, Mother, I understand it. One-sixteenth part will serve your purpose and that
                          will enable him to teach the people.”

 God within Thakur got Himself expressed in the form of one of his devotees in Thakur’s body. In that state thakur saw that one-sixteenth Part (KE Kala) of the cover of the cerebrum or the seventh plane in the body of the disciple got withdrawn and God expressed Himself thereon. So he was saying in this way to the Divine Mother. At the time while Thakur was talking with the Divine Mother, there were two of his devotees in the room. One was Reverend Brahmananda Swami or Rakhal Maharaj and the second one was Shri M or Mahrndra Nath Gupta, the author of the Gospel of Shri Ramkrishna. To all intent and purpose it transpires that it was spoken of Shri M . At it is self-evident that is ‘Gospal of Shri Ramkrishna’is a perpetual teacher to the human race.

(385)                 “Why did I make you angry ? Yes, it has got its own meaning”.

 Your spirit was kindled by your anger, and that might get more earnestness and yearning of God.

(386)                “I have found   *Hazra and he is like a piece of dry wood”.

 It means that Shri Hazra will not get emanation of God in the body during his life-time.

While Shri Hazra was on his death-bed, he saw that Thakur came to him. Hazra cried out, “Hush! Be silent, Paramhansa Mahasaya (Thakur) is come” and he expired.

*  Shri Pratap Chandra Hazra for sometimes lived in the temple of Dakshineswar and it was Thakur who gave him shelter there but he was an oppositionist to Thakur. 

(387)               “The display of God is enlivened by the oppositionist such as ‘Jatila and Kutila’”.

 It is the oppositionists who draw out more beauty and charm of the thing as if by fanning a fire.

(388)                           “He  who  holds the  Universe  in  Him”.

     It is Atma. The Universe is within Atma. It is so seen in the seventh plane. This is the fires stage of the mam who  attains special Knowledge. This is solving the mystery in relation with Man, God and the Universe.         

     (389)             “The lion, the carrier of the Divine Mother, ‘Jagadhatri’ (the Bearer of the
                             Universe), keeps the elephant under control”.

 Lion---represents self-exertion. 
 Elephant---represents mind. Mind is like a mad elephant. To control a mad elephant is very difficult ;  it is so with mind. So mind is compared with a mad elephant. Here it is spoken about attaining of God by self-exertion (Vividisha). Mind is to be controlled by self-exertion then there will be manifestation of God in the body.

The image of Jagaddhatri is in three parts. The first one is that of an elephant---mind. Above the        
elephant, the lion, an emblem of valour, i.e. self-exertion. Above lion, there is the image of      
Divine Mother holding the Universal aspect of God in a form of God or a goddess.