Thursday, 15 September 2016


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

447. “A man attains devotion and knowledge”.
What is devotion and what are the realizations and manifestations of devotion in the human life and body?
(a) It is to attain God-the-Preceptor first. Then Life Power awakens. By awakening of Life Power, devotion establishes itself in the body. It is but the beginning.
(b) Establishment of devotion in the full-fledged form is to obtain the manikin form of God engaged in prayer by clasping his hands within oneself.
What is Knowledge and how a man will know about attainment of knowledge?
(a) To see God in the seventh plane as shown by God-the-Preceptor is the first stage of Knowledge.
(b) ‘I am not this body but I am He’ – is the second stage.
(c) The final stage of Knowledge is at the outset of Descent when it spontaneously bursts out “I am not Thou”.

448. “After attainment of knowledge and devotion a man may live in the world and the world will not be able to tarnish him”.
Here it is spoken about Supreme Knowledge.
After attainment of Supreme Knowledge a man lives but he does not lead an ordinary man’s life. He lives, he eats, he sleeps and by God’s commandment he becomes a ‘man-catcher’ as Christ told Peter.

449. “The sticky milk of a Jackfruit will not stick to one’s hand if the Jackfruit is broken after rubbing one’s hand with oil”.
Oil – is the second symbol by which the Supreme Consciousness is revealed in the human body. It is so seen by a man that he is rubbing his body with mustard oil which has got a reddish yellow color. The real ‘Supreme Consciousness’, Chaitanya, flares up in a flame of brilliant red light in the seventh plane. ‘Honey’ is the first symbol by which Chaitanya is represented.
Jackfruit – represents this human body. A jackfruit has got several sheaths. This human body has got five sheaths and in these five sheaths God expresses Himself in several kinds of realizations.
Sticky milk – is attachment to the world.
A man after attaining Supreme Consciousness may live in this world as his life is a life of the liberated one.

450. “In a game of hide and seek, if the ‘granny’ is touched then one is safe”.
Game of hide and seek – is three qualities or strands (Triguna) known as Sattva, Rajas and Tamas.
Sattva is represented by white color and it means quietness or wisdom.
Rajas is represented by red color and it means restlessness or activity.
Tamas is represented by black color and it means lacking in alertness. It is inertia and dull.
Granny – represents God.
The three qualities or strands are but thieves in the game ‘hide and seek’ in the body as it is they who keep God (granny) hidden from coming within view.
A man must overcome these three qualities or strands and then he shall be able to attain God in him – an ever blissful state.

451. “Let you turn into gold by once touching the Philosopher’s stone; then you may remain buried underground for thousand years and after that when you are taken out you will remain gold”.
Gold – represents God – Atman in body.
If God out of grace once emanates from the body in full measure and is seen in the seventh plan then He will never come back again into the bondage of the body.
If Supreme Culture is once attained then it does never get extinct. It is sheer God’s Grace and God’s grace is perpetuated. 

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