Tuesday, 18 April 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

500. “From the involution (Absolute) to the evolution (Phenomenal world) and again from the evolution to the involution”.
From the involution to the evolution – It means seeing of Atman in the cerebrum and then to see the Universe within this Atman.
From the evolution to the involution – It means transformation of the big Universe into a Seed and Seed into a Dream and then the Dream is succeeded by no-ego-existence. It is individual and a rare one.
There is another form of realization and this is realized by one and all, i.e. Universal.
A man becomes God but spiritually, as otherwise physically he is but a man like you.
He is seen within by thousands. The man seen within by thousands becomes Absolute and seers see the Leela (Sportive forms) within.
According to the Isha Upanishad, the man seen is the ‘Man-in-the-Sun’ and seers see Him in their own ‘gold-sheath’ (Hiranmaya Kosha).
Sun is the symbol of Life Power in the seventh plane and some 30 men and women have seen ‘Diamond’ so within them.
It may be taken as Plato’s ‘Absolute Equality’ and Abstract Equality’.
Five of the Upanishads: (1) Brihad-Aranyaka, (2) Chandogya, (3) Maitri, (4) Taittiriya and (5) Isha point out the ‘man in the Sun’. It is but Macrocosm; whereas, the thing actually takes place in the microcosm. The plain meaning is not in the outside world but in the human body. ‘The sun’ and the ‘Man-in-the Sun’ are seen. It is so experienced here by many but within their own cerebrum and reported to ‘Diamond’. And they are some 30 or more. Even now it is running.

501. “He (Atman) who is seen and shown by God-the-Preceptor as God has become this Universe and its living beings”.
It means ‘Ra’ of Thakur – the Universe with all its contents within Atman seen in the seventh plane, i.e. Viswarupa.
‘Ma’ first and then comes ‘Ra’. God first and then the Universe.
But the Universe is before the very eye of one and all. How does it come? Man is Brahma or creator. He creates the Universe. At the time of opening the eyes for the first time he casts this Universe from within and then comes on the earth. It takes place at the time of his birth. Thakur says, “In the Vedas it is spoken of the spider and its cob-web. The spider casts the web from within and then rests on it”.
Spider – is man – living Brahma.
Cob-web – is the Universe.
It is an individual realization and no proof can be set up for it.
The secondary proof is Ra.
It can be set forth from Thakur’s own life. In the house of Balaram Bose. Thakur was in Samadhi after an earthquake. When he came down from Samadhi he said, “Do you know what realization was going through me? The Universe was looked like a Shalagram Sila (a round small shining marble stone worshipped as God by the Hindus as a symbol of the Universe in miniature) with your two opened eyes fixed in it (the eyes of Sri ‘M’ who was addressed)”.
In other occasion he said, “I see a small Shalagram Sila in every man”.

Monday, 3 April 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

497. “Discrimination succeeds ‘Nivritti’ (Lit, mind without any occupation)”.
Nivritti is a cool, composite and even condition of mind. No Nivritti can be had until and unless God-the-Preceptor appears within the body. (Brahmachari appeared and the mind of the snake turned inward from the outward world in the metaphor as used by Thakur, vide explanation no. 41, page 91).
Then the yoga starts. Life Power or Kundalini gets awakened and in course of the upward progress of the Life Power a man gets Samadhi and then real Nivritti comes. In short, more the divinity appears within, more the Nivritti grows.
Furthermore, there is a kind of Samadhi known as Nirvija Samadhi which literally means burning up the seeds of desire.

498. “Then the mind gets a liking to have a walk to Kali, the wish-fulfilling Tree”.
Nivritti has freed the mind from the load of the worldly enjoyments, so the mind is free now and it gets upward course from the fourth plane to the seventh plane and at the end this Kalpataru or the wish-fulfilling Tree is seen.
An aspirant or Sadhaka has but one wish and that is to attain God, or in other words, to get himself transformed into God.
Here a young, fresh and lively mango tree is seen and the tree has unripe mangoes on the branches of the lower part and big, ripe and tempting mangoes on the branches at the top.
“When the juice of the ‘Invisible creeper’ or ‘Alek Late’ oozes in the abdomen then a tree grows”. – Sri Ramkrishna
Alek Lata or the invisible creeper is Brahma or God.
When this ripe mango is placed at the hand of the aspirant and he commences eating, licking and devouring it, then his wish is fulfilled.

499. “In the end, all-told together, there is but One”.
You along exist and you are that One. It is Viswarupa or the Universe within you.
It is the Cosmic Man of Jainism.
An instance is quoted here from the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna.
“The crow Bhushandi is feeling to save itself from Sri Ramchandra. Wherever it flees it finds that the hand of Rama is holding a chase to catch it. Bhushandi gets tired and exhausted. Then it surrenders to Rama. Rama catches it and puts it in his mouth. Bhushandi then opens its eyes and finds that it is cozily resting on the very same branch where it used to perch.
“Bhushandi out of its own experience came to understand that though Rama outwardly looked like an ordinary man but the whole Universe was within Rama”. Rama means One.
It is so with one and all human being but after attainment of Brahma.
So far goes the ‘Individualism’ bearing no proof as it is a pure esoteric condition.
Universalism speaks and reveals a realistic data having advance its own proof.

Let a man attain Paramajyoti and thousands see Him within and declare it by setting up “One and Oneness”.