Friday, 22 September 2017


MARCH --1882     
Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
Visit to Vidyasagar
Saturday, August 5, 1882.

528. “So long the bee buzzes as it does not sit on a flower. Sitting on the flower, it sips honey and becomes silent. After sipping honey it becomes intoxicated and sometimes again, it buzzes”.
Bee – is the Life Power of an aspirant.
Does not sit on a flower – To reach the seven plane.
It sips honey and becomes silent – Honey is Brahmananda or the Supreme Bliss and silence denotes Samadhi.
It becomes intoxicated – It loses its egoism or ‘I’-ness. It so happens in Samadhi.
Again, it buzzes – It is in Descent – “Thou, Thou”. It is so in Individualism. But in Universalism, it is ‘I’ and ‘I’, and it must be so spoken by thousands. To clarify it – a man see ‘Diamond’ within him. He comes and says, – “I have seen you within” and it means “I am Thou”. In a similar way thousands see, come, and say and it means. “We are Thou”. Here ‘Diamond’ does not speak but thousands ‘Is’ speak. Here lies the difference between Individualism and Universalism – just the reverse. Furthermore, Individualism does not bear any proof, whereas in the Universalism the proof is borne by thousands.
Attainment of Brahmahood or the Universalle-La’-Homme in the life of a living man is the marked proof of liberation and nothing else. It is so spoken in the Vedas and its veracity we see in our everyday life even in this very era.

529. “When an empty pitcher is dipped in the water of a tank, it makes a gurgling sound. It is filled up and silence follows. But if the water of the pitcher is poured into another pitcher, then again it sounds”.
Pitcher – is the human body.
Water – is Brahma (symbolic); it is so seen.
Tank – represents the seventh plane.
Sound – is Nad.
Silence – is Samadhi.
Pouring into another Pitcher – make a gift of Brahma Vidya.
Again it sounds – Descent.

530. “The devotee replied – It is Arjuna’s chariot I see. In front of it, both Lord Krishna and Arjuna are seated and talking. It makes me weep”.
Arjuna – represents ‘I’-ness or ego.
Chariot – is body.
Lord Krishna – is God with form.
The whole picture reveals that God has taken charge of the devotee and is conducting him. It is realization.
(Some lines from the song of Ramprasad).

531. “The yogi who enjoys in the Self, gets this Primordial Force of the body as Inner Self or Atman and the size of the Inner Self becomes ‘Pranab’ or ‘Aum’ or ‘Nad’ (Sound)”.
The plain meaning of the line is that Primordial Power or Adya Sakti in the body has got another form and that is Aum or Nad – a sound only. To throw more light on it, let us go a step more. Human body is microcosm and the Universe is macrocosm. The big universe before our very eyes has got another form as a sound, or in another words, a sound is seen as a big Universe. It is Vedic Descent, an individual realization and no proof can be set forth.
“Everything is possible with God”.
– Sri Ramkrishna
After penetration of the sound comes Sthitha Samadhi. Some advocates that this Nad sounds like Aum. Thakur differs with them and says that it is but the sound of a bell. He claims that it is so shown to him by the Divine Mother.
Aum – is a Sanskrit word. Sanskrit-knowing people may understand it; but, what about for the rest of the human race? So Thakur is right. God is for one and all. Nad is but One of His forms and it is meant for all, and not only for Sanskrit-knowing people. So Thakur is correct and Nad is a sound to be heard by all by the grace of God.

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