Friday, 15 June 2018


Chapter 21

96.     5th February, 1976.    

Late night’s dream:   Along with other devotees I  was seated in  a room of Diamond, the Holy Ghost. Discussions were going on at night it was finished. Everybody was returning home including me. On road somebody told that Jibankrishna (Diamond)ordered for purchasing something and the balance money had to be returned to him. I said. ‘Well, I shall go to him’, and so I went to Diamond. I saw him putting off his Punjabi after a short walk for taking rest. I was scared of telling him from taking a rest. So I sat outside and thought how I would place this fact before him. Suddenly with great hesitation I told him, ‘Someone has returned the balance 5paise to you, so I have brought it’. Hearing this he uttered, ‘well done! See, if even 1 paisa or 2 paisa is to be paid to anybody, never keep it due’. Then touching his head on floor I returned home.

[The dream shows that the Holy Ghost always gives teachings to a blessed devotee through dreams.]


97.      8th February,  1076.    At night on bed, there was a spontaneous utterance of the word within me ‘Bhagawan’ (God) and then automatically  it stopped and then continued with the word ‘Jibankrishna, Jibankrishna’. During this time I was in a half conscious state but at the same time it revealed in me - the word ‘Bhagawan’ is the traditional and imaginary while Jibankrishna is a man and this is the truth! That’s why his name is repeatedly .uttered eliminating the prejudices from my mind.

After this incident, I went asleep and dreamt that somebody was  threatening  me.  At this moment the word ‘Jibankrishna’ spontaneously continued to be uttered in me. I became fearless and dominated them. After a while when I woke up, still the word ‘Jibankrishna’ continued to be uttered in my brain for a long time and then gradually with the advent of time it disappeared.

        [Diamond used to say—‘the stage of ‘Manus-tatva’ ( Human cult) is higher than that of ‘Bhagawan tatva’and the dream indicates that the seer will attain this state in time and in due course he will also attain the state of ‘Fearlessness’.


98.     24th February, 1976. 

Early morning dream:  Many companions of Diamond were seated in a room . Among them most prominent figure was Mr. Mrityunjay Roy, while others could not be remembered . Mr. Roy was narrating one of his dream—He was converted into a doll of salt and went for measuring a sea, but again came back without being melted (This has been described by Sri Ramkrishna deva in Kathamrita).  While Mr. Roy was narrating this dream he became very emotional. Then someone bowed down to him.

 Throughout this time I was seated and listening to the narration. –Here the dream went off.

[ The dream indicates that  in future the seer will thrive after the experience of Ascent and have the experience of descent.]


99.      29th February, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  An old companion Mr. Indranath Mukherjee, and I was going somewhere, but with a very unconcerned manner.

As soon as the dream went off and I woke up, the Sanskrit hymn ‘Brahmanandang paramasukhodang’ continued to be echoed within my brain making me plunged into joy. Afterwards even on road the same state continued. This gradually faded away during working hours.

[The dream reveals that the condition of bliss has become permanent in the body of the seer.].


100.     3rd March, 1976.  

Early morning dream:   I was seated in a room where Jibankrishna had come back to me after his previous life. I was overwhelmed with joy for his coming after a long gap and was not willing at all to leave him. He was seated in front of me. Mr. Arun Ghosh was also seen sitting among us.

 Jibankrishna was reading his Bengali book ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’(Religion and Realization) loudly and was falling frequently into ‘Samadhi’. Seeing this  Mr. Ghosh  and I became alert and went sitting straight as because we were listening to  Jibankrishna in a  half lying posture. Suddenly I noticed someone pointing us not to be alert and be relaxed as we were before.
Then I saw my youngest cousin sister named Prakriti (Nature) wanting to read an essay on Sri Ramkrishna Deva . But astonishingly she seemed to be a male to me.  Then I said, ‘No, it is not needed as because he is reading ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’ and the reading will be disturbed’.

 After this incident still  Jibankrishna stayed with me for a longtime. Then the dream went off.

[(a)  The first seen indicates the sayings of Sri Ramkrishna ‘when one is blessed with the Holy Ghost, he gets a pillow to have a comfort’---Here the seer has got that pillow;  (b)  The second scene indicates like this—in future the femaleness may disappear from the seer’s body, but it may be conditional and lastly, within the seer only ‘Dharma O Anubhuti’ will persist and there will be no need of Sri Ramkrishna Deva’s Kathamrita or The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna.



A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

March 1, 1885

576. “These house-holder devotees have got an attitude like that of Ravana who would enjoy the maidens of the Devahs and the Nagas and at the same time realize Rama”.

It is Vividisha and its promulgation and glorification.
Vividisha demands a strict renunciation of lust and gold. Ravana did not do so. But still he wanted to have Rama. Yes, he got Rama at the time of his death.
To get Rama – liberation at the time of death is no liberation. The Bliss of liberation is to be enjoyed during the lifetime. Liberation after death is but a superior imagination and a false consolation as there is no proof of it. It is but a great expectation based on high imagination – rather false. When a man is really liberated during the lifetime then he will be an Universal Man like ‘Diamond’ seen by thousands within them and it is real liberation – spiritual oneness with the rest of the humanity. Religion has its proof, otherwise it is high and poetic imagination! Lord, Lord, as I am real, this Universe is real, and so religion is also real, its proof is not to be given by an individual but en-masse.

577. “Is there any chance for the worthless babul tree to bear mangoes”?

Tree – human body.
Babul tree – It is a worthless tree as it does not bear any fruit, nor it can be used as timber. It is simply utilized as faggot.
Babul tree is that human body where emanation of the Atman does not take place.
Mango – Symbol of Brahmajnan.
When a man attains Brahmajnan he sees that somebody places a ripe mango on his palm and he eats it. It is so seen here by almost all men who have seen ‘Diamond’ within them. It is but symbolic Brahmajnan. Thakur often compared Brahmajnan with a ripe mango.
According to Vividisha almost all the men are so born that there will be no emanation of Atman in their body.
But we have experienced a different thing and that is there is no babul tree at all. Every tree is a mango tree as he sees ‘Diamond’ in him. Such is Mahayoga; of course, it is beyond the scope of the ordinary Rajayoga as the Mahayoga makes a babul tree to bear mangoes.
No shortcoming in a man can bar him to get a mango and to enjoy it. He may not attain the mango-tree – the Absolute Equality or become the Man in the Sun but he has every right to eat the mango, i.e. Abstract Equality or Hiranmaya Koshastha Brahma and thus equates ‘Oneness’ with the Man in the Sun.

Monday, 4 June 2018


Chapter 20


90.     15th January, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  I saw a huge bird gradually descending below from the sky. Its eyes were glittering with light and seemed to be a hunting hawk. I. thought, if it would attack me I would resist with a rod. So I took a rod in my hand. But it did not do anything to me, it only sat on an open place without looking at any direction. The dream went off.

[ Here the huge bird is the symbol of Atma . It descends—means there will be descent in austerity within my body  in future . I have a rod in my hand—here, rod symbolizes ‘Kundalini’. With the help of ‘Kundalini’ the austerity is performed within the body of a human being.]


91.     16th January, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  A devotee  Khagendra Nath Ghosh of Sainthia was talking to me. But Mr Ghosh seemed to be shorter than the actual height in reality and the face also seemed to be a bit different. What were the conversations, I could not remember later on. But it seemed to me that the mental abnormal condition which was prevailing in him in reality was still persisting.

[After some days the seer came to know that still Mr Ghosh was going through some kind of mental abnormality. During the period of austerity these kinds of realizations reveal in the dream of the seer.]


  92.     18th January,  1976. 

Early morning dream:  I was going somewhere by a plane. An unknown man was accompanying me . After a long journey a beautiful view of the earth was visible – Beautiful houses, roads etc. The unknown man said—‘This is Japan’. I was having a joyous look underneath and was flying here and there, observing the Japanese people roaming and walking along the roads and paths.

 Lastly I noticed myself at  Khagendranath Ghosh residence . His sons specially the eldest son offered me some kind of foods and here the dream went off.

[The dream indicates the annihilation of time and space at the same time.]


93.     20th January, 1976.  

Early morning dream:  The scene opened with some Vaishnava Vikshu(Monk)  with whom II was singing the song ‘Jai Satyn Sanatana, Manus Ratan Jibankrishna.’ (Hail the Eternal Truth, the Manikin Jibankrishna.)

But instantly the thought came in my mind —‘Strange! There is so much difference between my social status and theirs, still I am not feeling any hesitation in singing a song with them’! They and I am the same and one’! Here the dream was off.

[After long 2 years the meaning was revealed  that this dream indicated about the coming descent in austerity within  the body of the seer.]


94.     26th January, 1976.   

The previous night a thought came in my mind —well, sometimes the mind becomes downwards, whether it hampers anything in me! with this thought I went asleep. At dawn at the time of waking up I heard an oracle—‘Ajo Nitya Swaswata…’ which means Atma or Soul is not destroyed, or harmed, it is eternal etc. The Sanskrit hymn has been echoed in my brain throughout the day and then disappeared at night.

 [The doubt in the mind of the seer thus disappeared by the grace and teaching of the Holy Ghost.]


95.     31st January, 1976.   

Early morning dream:  I was seated at the Laboratory of the Agri-Horticultural Society of Calcutta. At this time my research guide Dr. Tarun Bose came and asked me, ‘Are you drinking the cow milk’? I nodded my head with support.

 Then I entered into the office room. My friend Debasish who seemed to know about my spiritual life asked me, ‘Dipak, have you got Katho Upanishada . I want to know about cow’s milk’. I said, ‘Yes, I have got it’. Saying this, I entered into the laboratory and from my locker I took out the Upanishadas. While turning the pages of the part Katho Upanishada it seemed to   me as if I had been changed into another self. Some kind of peculiar sensations used to play in my body as if the truth of Upanishada was revealing in my body.

 Then I said to Debasish, ‘There are Yogic explanations about all these, I shall give you later on. With these words the dream went off and the Sanskrit  hymn used to be echoed in my brain, ‘Yama Baisa brinute tena lavya’ (He attains Godhood who is blessed by Atma — Kathopnisha). I could not understand its meaning.

[In the morning I opened Upanishada and with great surprise found all these hymns in  Katho Upanishada including cow’s milk .

 Now I have realized that nothing is a bar to anyone’s spiritual life when he is blessed by Atma or God.

The dream also indicates that everything of this universe is in the human brain, as confirmed by the fact that the seer did not know that the hymns were in the Katho Upanishada.]



A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

March 1, 1885

574. “Let a cup that contained garlic be washed as many times as possible, but the smell lingers yet”.

Cup – Cerebrum.
Garlic – evil propensities.
Washed – Life Power goes into the seventh plane and gets it purified.
Smell lingers – Life Power comes down and the evil propensities revive. Only in Nirvija Samadhi the evil propensities are burnt down. But it is seldom attained by a man.
Yes, in Individualism so much peculiarities and specialties are required and must be observed. In other words, it creates aristocrats (of course, a false one) in religion. Whereas, in Universalism there is no bar; if the Himalayas stand on the way, it is removed by the grace of God and it happens spontaneously.
Rajayoga carries this operation and it works like a miracle but at the same time it expresses the perfection of the experiences in an individual life otherwise no Universalism will follow.
Rajayoga operates spontaneously. Nothing can bar a man to eat the mango.

575. “The house-holder devotees, by themselves, form a class. They desire Yoga (transformation of Life Power) and Bhoga (worldly enjoyments)”.
Here also the same old tune in the chord – the peculiarities of the Individualism – the distinction between a house-holder and a Sannyasi. Yes, it had its origin in the non-Aryan religion, afterwards came to be known as Jainism, and Buddhism though discarded it (the self-mortification of Jainism) almost in every point but created the Sramans (afterwards Sannyasi in the Hinduism). They (Buddhists) made a clear cut distinction between a Sraman and a layman. Even they went so far as to codify that the only and sole duty of the layman is to feed the Sramans. Afterwards from Sankar down to Sri Ramkrishna, we find, the same distinction is advocated and entertained. Non-Aryanism, Buddhism and Hinduism, all of them strenuously urge this Sannyas but in the eternal religion, Sanantan Dharma, of the Aryans we do not find such distinction or institution. With the Aryans it was spontaneous manifestation of the Life Power, but in the subsequent religions which flourished in India, nay, in the world abroad, it is but by self-exertion; such is Individualism. But in Universalism no distinction is entertained. Everybody sees ‘Diamond’ within him. There is neither a house-holder devotee nor any Sannyasi. All that is required is a human body and having seen ‘Diamond’ within, he or she will declare ‘I am one with all’ – the summum bonum of knowledge doing away any and every distinction between man and man, establishing eternal peace and Love.
Everybody claims that his religion is based on love. Where lies its proof? Save and except some sweet slogans introduced by them, and they have left the burden to be borne by others with some bulls and bulletins – “Do this and do that”. Such is Individualism. But in the Universalism, we find what a deep love is entertained. Whosoever has seen ‘Diamond’ within him, his inner Self has been transformed into the Self of ‘Diamond’, i.e. One of this Oneness which declares perfectness and love and this is Universal Love. I love myself the best and utmost and I by my Mahayoga get others transformed into me only spiritually so evincing that I love him as I love myself.
To quote the metaphor of Patanjali that there is only one moon in the sky and innumerable tanks are there on the earth. The reflected moon is in every tank. The reflected moon gets the attributes of the moon in the sky.
I am Swapna Siddha but to my personal knowledge and astonishment all those who have seen me within them have also become Swapna Siddha and it is to run as long as I live.