A day at Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )
March 1, 1885
581. “Regarding all female genital
organs – they are the genital organ of my own mother (Matrijoni)”.
Indeed, it is a curious thing. One’s own mother’s genital organ
is seen in the cerebrum. Then and then alone each and every female will be
looked upon as one’s own mother’s genital organ, otherwise not. Religion is not
a mere set of words or rosy and cozy ideas. It is a definite object of
realization and there its effect will be in action in the physical body of the
seer. Of course, this realization is a rare species. But yet, it is realized.
This is another insignia which reveals that lust is evaporated from the body.
An instance of experience is quoted here. In the little assembly
of ‘Diamond’, a student of the M.A. class of the University of Calcutta is a
regular member. He is one of those people who saw ‘Diamond’ before they heard
his name and saw him. He at the time of seeing ‘Diamond’, was a student of a
district college some 400 miles off from Calcutta. Subsequently for further
higher education he came to Calcutta and was astonished to meet ‘Diamond’ and
that was also in a queer way. Then his realizations started and they knew no
bounds. One evening when the little assembly was dispersed, the young man kept
on sitting. ‘Diamond’ asked him, “Have you got any special thing to tell me”?
The boy with tears in eyes said, “Yes, Sir. How is it that in dream I saw my
mother’s genital organ”? ‘Diamond’ inquired, “How did you know that it was your
mother’s genital organ”? The young man replied, “Somebody told me, sir”. Then
the thing was explained to him. Such wonderful thing exists and happens!
Yes, again it is but an individual realization and a rare thing.
In the Universalism the question of male or female or father and mother does
not arise. Everyone is ‘Diamond’ in the spiritual world irrespective of any
question concerning dualistic form.
582. “Alas! What am I to say?
Everyone is but a customer of Kalai pulse (worthless)”.
In Vividisha, it will so appear. This Individualism
(realizations), in fact, is such a rare thing that it comes rarely to a man and
that is also not in full measure. It can be corroborated from the history of
the world. There was but one Moses, one Socrates, one Lao-Tzse, one Confucius,
one Buddha, one Christ, one Mohammed, One Sankar, One Ramanuja, one Guru Nanak,
one Ramananda, one Kabir, one Chaitanya and one Ramkrishna – yes, in the course
of some 3500 years! What about the rest of the humanity?
But Universalism tells a different tale. This ‘Diamond’ is seen
by thousands and thousands of men, women, children and old men varying in age
from 4 years to 92 years irrespective of creed or any other bar.
It evinces that ‘Diamond’ is in every human being and it is a
logical conclusion though somewhere manifested and somewhere un-manifested.
It transpires that every human being is but a customer of
Oneness and not of Kalai pulse.
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