Monday, 5 November 2018


A day at Dakshineswar

(Henceforth Shri Ramkrishna will be spoken of as Thakur” when required as it is so done in the Gospel )

Friday, April 24, 1885

The yogic form of a Kirtan of Uddhavadasa

604. “With restless mind and streaming eyes, alas, I can scarcely breathe”.

Streaming eyes – the tears rolling down. It is an insignia that Life Power is on its upward march but it has not yet reached the seventh plane.
It is but of lower order if it does not make an upward progress. Really speaking it is no test of real devotion as an actor in a theater sheds tears but that does not signify that he is a real devotee.
Scarcely breathe – It is Kumbhaka, breathing ceases to function.

605. “How he plays his magic flute, whose music thrills my soul”?

The original reading is:
“I know not how does He look and who is He, the producer of the sweet notes”?
The Life Power has created an unquenchable thirst and hankering for God. It is real yearning.

606. “Because He is out of my sight my heart aches; I cannot stay at Home”.

The original reading is:
“My heart is bursting to see Him and I cannot keep to my room”.
Heart bursting – Life Power has reached the heart and trying to make its way through the knots chit-jara-granthi of the heart.
Keep to my room – the room is up to the sixth plane (forehead) and the roof is the cerebrum or the seventh plane. It signifies that Life Power is making progress upwardly and it beautifully portrays the marks of the Life Power in its upward course, the fifth plane, the sixth plane and so on.

607. “My soul yearns for Him; wrecked with pain, it longs to see Him once more”.

The reading should be:
“My heart fails me, it pains; I only survive to see Him”.
My heart fails me, it pains – the process of the transformation of the ego is going on and in some cases it entails a sort of delightful pain.
I only survive to see Him – It is Salokya Samadhi – in the same zone with God. In the seventh plane God is in the center and the aspirant is on one side. Yet there are but two, God and the aspirant.

608. “Says UddhavadasaBut you will die, O Radha, when you behold him”.

The reading should be:
“When He will be seen, it will give you back your life”. – says Uddhavadasa

Radha or an aspirant or the Life Power will be transformed into God when God will be seen as shown to the aspirant by God-the-Preceptor. The aspirant has become God and He sees Himself from within His own Self. It is so much so peculiar and wonderful.

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