Saturday, 16 February 2019


The content of the book contains the remarks and the opinions held by Sri Ramkrishna Dev in relation to the Vedic experiences in the course of his instructions and dialogues to his disciples as well as to the mankind. Along with it, side by side, the Vedic experiences with the Vedic references as experienced by the writer in his own life and being experienced in their own lives by thousands of men, just proving the perfection and veracity of the writer are set out herein.
I may proceed a bit further – readers themselves may experience the truth and then it will be very easy for them to draw their own conclusion.

- Diamond


My own beloved self in various names and forms:
One and Oneness is my theme.
One and Oneness, I speak.
Who is this One?
Mr. President is that One.
Nay, I may go further and I have the privilege and authority to declare that everyone present here, ladies, gentlemen, kiddies if any, and the old alike are but the very identical one and I am in a position and on sure ground that each and every member of the human race is but that very One about whom, I speak.
Yes, One – Alpha.
I mean, it is a unit, and now, not unlike the great Greek geometrician Euclid, I start to build up my science of Oneness and One with a unit – the geometrical point that is one.
With One as a point, the deduction Oneness gets its birth and covers the whole human race.
One is but a man like anybody else. In his brain, I mean the cerebrum, there is an unknown and unexplored zone, the residence of the Supreme One or the Perfect One. As one is not aware of it, so the whole humanity is not aware of it.
When shall one be aware of it?
The answer is – at the very moment when he shall experience.

* Writen by Shri Jibankrishna. It was sent to Subrata Banerjee at Sheffield, U.K., for his lecture in Theosophical Society, London, on 29th January, 1967.

The experience – What?
The experience runs in this way –
The Supreme One of the cerebrum assumes the form of a man made of God’s light and comes down in the lower plane of the human body and he shall talk and instruct and this shall be experienced by One and he shall come to know and acknowledge Him – the man of the cerebrum.
It is not with One and One alone but it is so with the whole humanity.
Now I am going to relate the whole occurrences and experiences which systematically, step by step, one by one, follow with the advent of the Supreme One or the Prefect One from the cerebrum within the physique of the man.
In other words, it is but the manifestation of the divinity lying latent in the human physique.
Its manifestation takes place spontaneously and it so does, rather occurs, and only in the human body.
Yes, from the cerebrum, a human form made of God’s light comes down within the body of the seer. The seer sees Him, hears Him to talk and also He gives instructions and teaches the seer the thorough course of Raja Yoga. The teaching makes the seer a master in Raja Yoga. The seer’s body has now become a befitting receptacle for manifestation of the hidden divinity in him.
The operation runs in this way – Firstly of the first, his mind scattered in the outside world gets collected and placed within.
Here the mind starts operation. It wants to reach the cerebrum. To do so mind has to pass through five sheaths. These sheaths have seven planes with innumerable experiences leading to the cerebrum for becoming the Real One or the Divine One and then Oneness follows it in immediate succession. I take the privilege of informing you that there is no magic in the world which can sustain a comparison with it. A man becomes God. He is seen and shall be seen by thousands and thousands of people in course of time and it shall run on as long as he lives. Nay, it may make its course from generation to generation and it is so expected.
Now the question springs up, what is this Oneness?
Yes, the man whose mind reaches the cerebrum visualizes God there shown by the very same man made of God’s light who came down from cerebrum and thus this man i.e., the seer of God in his turn becomes God. This attainment of the Godhood by the man will be given publicity through the medium of the five elements i.e., this identical man made of God’s light will appear within the bodies of myriads of people making them one with Him and evincing them that they are but the same one with Him in the spiritual world. That is God and One. This is the astounding characteristics of One and Oneness. A man by nature’s selection becomes God and He in His turn makes the whole humanity God with Him that is One with Him.
Now, I have the opportunity to deal with the five sheaths and seven planes. But you must be excusing me, for treating them in brief as they cover some twelve long long years and four months in bargain of a man’s life and the experiences are so many that it may be possible to count the black berries on a tree but not these experiences of twelve years and four months. Furthermore the mode of experiences vary – some come in dream, some in an awakened condition, some in meditation and some in trance. Moreover, I ask pardon of you to say that here I shall deal with the paramount features of experiences taking place in all the planes and they are seven in number within the five sheaths.

The five sheaths run thus:
1. The physical body is the first sheaths.
2. The second one is the sheath of vital force and it is seen here.
3. The sheath of mind is the third one where light in various forms is seen.
4. The fourth one is the sheath of special knowledge and it is so acquired, after visualisation of God in the cerebrum that I am not body but I am God.
5. The number five is the sheath of bliss. It is a perennial one and runs throughout the length and breadth of a man’s existence. It is called the zone of the purest joy.

Again these five sheaths have got seven planes. They are: –
i) The physical body or the first sheath has got no plane and no experience.
ii) In the second sheath – the sheath of vital force, there are three planes. They are: - (a) organ of evacuation, (b) organ of generation, and (c) at the navel.
Experience : – Bluish gurgling water mixed with sparkling moonbeam is seen.
iii) The third sheath – that is the sheath of mind – the heart.
The experiences run thus: –
(i) a burning lamp, (ii) a big torch light, (iii) a small spark of light, and (iv) a rising sun.
Some experience one only and some all.
Furthermore, there is a pragmatic experience here. The man whose mind reaches the third sheath or heart, on whichever side he shall cast his eyes, his eyes will meet the light of molten silver or lead. Suppose he casts his eyes on a branch of a tree and then he shall find the branch covered or pervaded with light of molten silver or lead.
iv) In the sheath of special knowledge there are three planes – the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh.
Experience of the fifth plane – it has its seat in the throat. It runs thus: –
(a) The seer sees himself half man and half woman.
(b) The sky is seen and it is but a symbolic Universalism.
(c) A man reaching the fifth plane i.e., the man’s mind – will speak of God and God alone. This is the practical aspect and proof that the mind of the man has reached the fifth plane.
Experiences of the sixth plane are: –
The man’s mind reaches the sixth plane situated between the two eyebrows on the forehead.
Experiences: – Two circles, half inch in diameter and the surfaces of the circle being covered with God’s light, are seen. They tarry a little and then vanish and in their place a single circle of the same dimension with an insignia of knowledge, a very small miniature of Buddha comes out. It is called the ‘Eye of Knowledge’. Behind it and also through it an exquisitely beautiful lady is seen in a dancing state. She is called ‘Mysterious Maya’ or illusion. The aurora with a rising sun comes in ken.
Seventh plane – Mind has an open door now. It reaches the seventh plane. Here God is shown by the man made of God’s light who came down from the cerebrum to the aspirant and then merges in God there.
In course of time the aspirant comes to understand that he is not this human body but he is God. This attainment of Godhood is proved by Oneness.
Yes, Mr. President, or you, or I, or he, but we should ever remember that it takes place with one single individual – Man’s mind reaching the cerebrum becomes the Real, the True, the Divine One. This ‘One’ is God. Because God is but One.
If the whole procedure has not the least flaw or shortcoming or defect anywhere on the march of the mind to the cerebrum through the five sheaths and seven planes with all their experiences in the fullest and supreme forms, then this Oneness is a spontaneous outcome and proof of attaining Godhood. It starts slowly at first. It enlarges its circle in course of time and the normal expectation is that this Oneness is meant for each and every member of the humanity. In course of time the humanity must have it, acknowledge it and be blessed with it making thousand others blessed along with them.
Just now I have mentioned above five elements and they play their parts in the distribution of Oneness and they are also vital functionaries.
The spiritual life of the One attaining Godhood gets itself thoroughly pervaded with the five elements of nature.
The five elements are: –
(i) Sky or Ether or Atom – an invisible one.
(ii) Air
(iii) Fire
(iv) Water
(v) Earth
Yes, these five elements of nature having the spirit of the very identical One, the attainer of the Godhood, will function and carry the human form of the attainer and place within the bodies of myriads of people and thus making One with Him in the spiritual world and thus Oneness is established.
1. The function of the sky or ether or atom will bear its own proof. Some numberless people will see Him without seeing Him previously or hearing His name.
2. Air functions in this way – some people will hear His name and they see Him and it takes place in the four ways as already mentioned. It may run so far that you present here, hear his name and some of you may see Him and He shall make you known with particulars about Him.
3. The third element is fire that is eye, and eye represents fire that is light and force both combined. Let you come in contact with Him and you may see Him within.
4. Then comes water. There at the outset in the vital sheath bluish gurgling water is seen and the water, undergoing a numberless chemical and physical changes within the laboratory of the human body, assumes the form of a sun in the cerebrum and the attainer of Godhood will be seen there in the sun.
5. Earth is the last of the elements and it also plays the most important and magic-role subduing and overcoming the earthly distance as appear before our very eyes keeping us in separation from one hemisphere to another hemisphere.
One will be commanded from within to write a book about his experiences and the urge from within will be felt in such a way that he must be writing a book and no help for it. If that book is read, the reader will see Him.
Keep a book under the ground for six months and the book will be transformed into earth.
Thus we find the five elements become the distributors of Oneness.
The seers and the receivers of this Oneness in course of time will get the merit of the One, the visualizer of God.
A man by nature’s selection becomes One or God and this Godhood or Oneness is distributed through the agency of five elements and it is made a free gift, because it is a free gift to him by nature and so to the humanity, making them One or God with him and thereby it proves and evinces that each and every member of the human race is but God or One in the spiritual world. This is Universal One and Oneness.


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