Sunday, 21 July 2019


Spiritual  Practices  through  accompaniment  of  devotees

218 .     5th  February,  1977. Saturday.             
Early morning dream:  I again saw Dilip Ghosh but nothing else could be remembered later on.

[Seeing ‘Dilip’ so frequently in dream may indicate something which may be understood in future. ]

Realization  of  Oneness

219 .     13th February.  1977.  Sunday. 
Early morning dream:  Someone was saying about some sayings of  Jibankrishna, ‘this will not stand’ ; A devotee named Anath Nath Mondal was seated in front . He was quoting a saying of  Jibankrishna ‘Women-folks see me in dream by merely sitting at their homes’. I was surprised to hear the voice of brother Anath when instead of his voice, I heard the voice of Jibankrishna . Then I went on thinking with great surprise—Oh! Once this fact happened in one my dream when I was talking about some spiritual aspects to some persons, my voice was changed to Jibankrishna’s voice! Then I woke up.

[This dream indicates that in future everything will seem Jibankrishna’s entity to the seer and a great sense of Oneness will grow in him . Jibnakrishna used to say, ‘You have achieved oneness but the sense still has not grown in you’.]

The  Future  of  Russia

220 .    15th February, 1977.   Tuesday. 
Early morning dream:   Someone had sent a letter in an envelope to me and another unknown person said, ‘It seems, it has come from Germany’. After opening the envelope I saw that one ex-prince of a state of Russia had sent on order on five volumes of ‘Sri Ramkrishna Kathamrita’ and other books on Sri Ramkrishna for the people of Russia. At that moment I was thinking, ‘The base of Russia is very strong to receive such thing’. At this moment my mother said, ‘then you have to send this order’. Just then I was awakened.

[The dream is an indication of a future when Russia will be enlightened with Sri Ramkrishna and  Jibankrishna’s  cult.]

Indication  of  achieving  controlling  power  through
austerity  of  earth  in  future

221.    17th  February, 1977. Thursday.
Early morning dream:  A huge building was seen and I saw myself getting down stepwise through wooden steps on one side of that building . After stepping down a few steps I saw one of my student named Dharani who was requesting me to step down on the base. I saw a narrow river flowing underneath and then getting down a few steps I noticed that 2 to 3 steps at the lowest level were broken. I thought that I could get down by merely jumping on the floor when these steps were broken! At that moment Dharani said, ‘It would serve the purpose as those steps would be repaired. Then I thought, ‘Well, when these will be repaired I shell get down’. So I again went to the roof top and there I saw many people having their meals and at the same time saw a known lady Kalpana by name with whom I had some conversations , But nothing could be remembered later on and then I woke up.

[The meaning of the dream flashed thus in the brain immediately after the dream is that there is a possibility of a special type of realization of the descent in future, but in a proper time, as some cells of the descent state are not yet suitable for such realization.
Secondly ‘Dharani’ means earth. He was saying that the steps would be repaired. It means the seer may have the austerity of the last step i.e., austerity of earth which means that the controlling power may be bestowed on the seer in future in spiritual world.
Thirdly, ‘Kalpana’ means imagination and she was seen on the top floor—it means all the individualistic realizations are imaginative which was surprisingly corroborated and noted in the diary of  Binay Mukhopadhyaya where on 19.8.58,  Jibankrishna was saying—‘All the individualistic realizations are nothing but imagination’. I would gradually realize that when this sense would grow in me, I would lose all my attractions for these individualistic realizations which will be of no use.]


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna Deva as a Hindu

13. Sri Ramkrishna often quoted this metaphor: “A salt doll went out to measure the depth of an ocean but as he plunged into the water of the ocean he melted away in it”.

A salt doll is an aspirant in the seventh plane. Ocean is “Mahakarana” or “The First Cause” or “The Absolute”.
The plain meaning is that the mind of an aspirant in the end merges in the “Absolute” or “Mahakarana” and never returns. This is in accordance with the rules outlined in the treatise of the Tantras. This is nothing but the running idea of “Liberation” or “Mukti” after death. It is the highest sophistry to befool the humanity, as no reporter has yet come back to the mankind with the news of liberation of anybody after death and not even of Sri Ramkrishna or Buddha, etc. It is simply and solely childish and a matter of deep regret that a man should be so treated by another man whose false vanity of “Avatarism” allows him to pose as the teacher of mankind and to give out a version without adducing any proof to it or having been personally acquainted with it after due experience of the thing. If a salt doll merges in the ocean, then while Sri Ramkrishna gauged the ocean how it was possible for him to come back and to give this pleasing and happy news to the humanity. Oh, he is an “Avatar” and he alone comes back for teaching the humanity. Yes, the flag of Avatarism is flourished and an easy escape is made.
I am sorry to say that there is no “Avatar” in the Vedic Principle. As for liberation there are four kinds of liberation running current in India.
(ii) They are: –
(1) To get liberation after death. It is depicted above. Almost all the great teachers of India from Buddha down to Sri Ramkrishna advocated it. Nay, Sri Ramkrishna went a bit far, and endorsed as long as a man lives he cannot get liberation. He used to explain it through a metaphor. Yes, just think of an earthen pot (Ghata) kept beneath the water of an ocean. The pot is filled with water – water beneath it and water above it and water within it and water all around it and ‘water, water everywhere’ but still the pot has got a separate existence – the pot exists. But when the pot is broken there is water only. It is really a matter of deep regret as liberation has got an absolutely different characteristic. Liberation is realistic and factual and it is announced by the humanity after seeing the liberated one within their own bodies and thus making the man seen within – Universalle La’ Homme. This is the Vedic liberation and it means not liberation of a single individual but it means and establishes liberation en masse. A bit further, it is not obtained by self-exertion but is distributed and the distribution has its own characteristic as it functions through the five elements – Earth (in the shape of a book); Water or hydrogen – When the Sun and the “Man in the Sun” is seen in one’s own cerebrum; Teja – by physically seeing the man when coming in contact with him; Air – by hearing his name and his instructions – and through Sky or Ether.
(2) To be liberated step by step – As the aspirant is proceeding towards the seventh plane and in each and every plane or each Kosha, various experiences occur and the aspirant comes to know about the piece-meal liberation of Atma from the body. But with all its “Yes”, one only beguiles oneself with it and has self-satisfaction which remains confined in the aspirant only. No, it is no liberation at all but a poor consolation to a diseased mind. Liberation means, in the word of the Royal Bengal Tiger, Swami Vivekananda – “You must liberate the whole universe before you leave this body” – though the great Swami could not bring it into existence in his lifetime. Let us go a bit back in the past, some two thousand years ago, Nagarjuna the originator of the Great Vehicle or Mahayana system of Buddhism created an imaginary “Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattva”, who announced that he would not take his (Avalokiteshwara Bodhisattva) own liberation till each and every member of the humanity is liberated. It is far distant glow and murmur of the Vedic Truth – “Twam jato bhavasi vishwatomukhah” – Thou art but all. We are the most fortunate and the blessed people to find a de facto and alive picture of the thing itself in our everyday life.
(3) Spontaneous revelation and immediate liberation. It has been mentioned in the Kashmiri Shaivism. The full text of it was not available even some eleven hundred years ago when Kashmiri Shaivism was written save and except that the name was mentioned only. It transpires that when the unknown man comes down from the Brahmapura and appears before the aspirant in the casual body, it is immediate liberation as favoured by spontaneous revelation. But it is liberation in embryo.
(4) The Vedic liberation announces the liberation of the whole humanity or there is no liberation and it is called “Jivanmukti” – “Freed in life” and to add to it, this is “Kamachara” state as spoken of by the Vedas.
Now it is transparent that Sri Ramkrishna’s ‘liberation’ tells a different story and it should be reckoned as nothing but a kind of self-illusion which is confined in an individual.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019


Chapter – 46

Accompaniment of  devotees

213.          14th January, 1977.   Friday.    
Early morning dream:  Along with a devotee Dilip Ghosh I was staying in a house . We were having conversations about Sri Jibankrishna. At one time I asked him, ‘Will you go to Alpukur with me’? He agreed. I again said, ‘But not more than one or two days’. He said, ‘Yes, of course, not more than that’ and after this I woke up.

[Recently frequently I have been seeing Dilip Ghosh in my dream. ]

Revelation  of the  seer’s  spiritual  condition

214.           20th January , 1977.  Thursday.  
Early morning dream:  One unknown person, showing me a written matter asked to explain. I noticed that in that matter one part was written by ink which concluded the yogic version. While explaining the same, my head nodded left and right. Seeing this one person said, ‘While saying about yoga, this is manifested in his body’. At this moment the dream went off.

[The dream reveals the spiritual condition of the seer. The yogic part of the written matter although remains unknown, but it is expressed within the body of the seer which means that in future this unknown part will be manifested within the seer.]

Vision  of  Manikin  or  Manusratan

215 .          23rd  January,  1977, Sunday.    
Early morning dream:   First I saw Raghunath Sen , a devotee and then I saw myself roaming at Esplanade area with a great delight in mind and again I saw Dilip Ghosh whom I used to see in dream very frequently in recent days. He got up into a private bus along with me and then he disappeared. After a while, looking back from the bus, I saw a procession of trucks on the road coming towards us. Each truck was full of bald headed Vaisnabas (Worshipper of Lord Vishnu in Hindu religion) wearing loin cloth dyed with red ochre and having a tuft of never cut hair on the back of the head. They were coming from backside and then after crossing the bus were vanishing one by one. When the last truck came, I saw on the truck about one and half feet tall Vaisnaba with a turf of never cut hair on the back of the bald head and wearing the same dress like others standing on the truck was enchanting the name of the God ‘Hari’ (the highest level God of the Hindu Purana).                                    
At first I thought him to be a boy, but after noticing minutely realized that he was a dwarf man and he was the key man of the whole procession. Then I woke up and instantly it flashed in my mind, Oh ! this was the manikin ( Manusratan in Hindu mythology) ! After long years I saw a picture of the king Boli and the manikin or the incarnation of God Visnhu of Purana and recognized that I saw in my dream the manikin of the same kind.
After a long time I realized that the dream seen on 24.12.76 where I saw the descent of Mahabayu was the indication of the highest level of austerity in descent when this manikin form of God incarnation is seen.

Accompaniment  of  devotees

216 .     30th  January, 1977.  Sunday.   
 Early morning dream:   I again saw Dilip Ghosh in my dream at Makardah of Howrah District . There I saw another old devotee Sudhindranath Sinha along with many other devotees. All had assembled together having spiritual discussions, The dream here went off.

[It is noteworthy that such dream showing the accompaniment of devotees always appear either before or after any special type of vision. This means that such dream either increases the brain power to bear the force of a very special type of realization before or after.]

Indication  of  wide  circulation  of  Jibankrishna cult  in  future 

217 .    4th  February,  1977.  Friday.   
Early morning dream:  I met a junior ex-student named Anil of the Agricultural College at the previous hostel. He was describing many facts about Sri Jibankrishna in a very humorous way. I was listening to it and at the same time went on thinking—once Sri Jibankrishna saw in his dream a devotee named Anil Krishna Nath and explained that Mahabayu or the Great Life Force came under his control. So I became surprised about the fact that this student’s name was also Anil, means Mahabayu! Then the dream went off.

[The dream may be a future indication when the name of Sri Jibankrishna will be widely spread through Mahabayu or Great Life Force among the human race.]  


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna as a Hindu

11. Sri Ramkrishna said: – A certain devotee used to call himself “Kha” (means sky) – a symbol of Universalism and it is an experience of the fifth plane in Ascent where an aspirant sees the sky, but in the void zone or no-ego-existence or in “Sthita Samadhi” it terminates and the sky is transformed into emptiness or vacuum and no consciousness also lingers. Sri Ramkrishna used to stop in the individualistic experience and never uttered a single syllable in relation to Universalism wherein lies its blissful realistic feature.

The Vedic principle does not accept the individual experience but marches into the midst of the humanity – the living ocean of humanity (Jana – samudra) and declares at the highest pitch of its voice:
“Thou art man, thou art woman, thou art boy and girl, and thou art verily the whole humanity”.
This declaration is not a series of empty vocabularies or exalted poetic ideas but the summum bonum wherewith a man proves his attainment of Brahmahood, as he places and manifests himself in the heart of each and every member of the humanity comprising the old and the young alike as it was so declared thousands and thousands of years ago – “Eko ‘ham bahusayam” – “Sada jananam hridaye sannivishtah” that is, ‘placed ever (He is) in the heart of the mankind”.
The above Vedic experience is obtained through the seers, who announce it and “Man the Brahma” is but the only recipient of the bliss.
This Vedic experience did never take place with Sri Ramkrishna otherwise he would have given it out and had not to explain – “Kha” – sky, in such a vague and distorted and haphazard way which does not carry any sense.

12. Sri Ramkrishna pointed out that He, as “Vibhu” dwells in every heart.

This is another long-standing slogan perhaps uttered as many times as there are stars in the sky. But up to the date no scripture has set out a real expository feature of it save and except some imaginary, fictitious data.
“Vibhu” means paramatma.
The man in the sun is called “Paramatma”, “Parameshwara”, “Parama Brahma” and everything else so far the Vedic principle runs. Even both Sankaracharya and Ramanuja, in their commentaries agreed conjointly on this score. But their “Man in the sun” is seen in the Sun outside – Macrocosm – as mentioned in the five of the Upanishads with one voice. The “Man in the sun” is not seen in the Sun outside but in one’s own cerebrum – microcosm and this man is identical in form with “Diamond”.
It is obvious that a living human being an attainer of “Brahmahood” is “Parameshwar”, “Paramatma”, or “Parama Barhma”. In short in the Vedic version He is all in all.
To add to it, “Diamond” is seen by myriads of people in their hearts within and a replica of “Diamond” a living one, expresses himself in thousand ways as the Vedic aphorism says: –
Ya esha supteshu jagarti kamam kamam
purusho nirmimanah
Tadeva shukram-tad Brahma
tadevamritam uchyate.
(Kathopanishad – 22/8)

The literal translation of the above aphorism runs thus – It is the same in-dwelling Person who keeps awake within those who are asleep and keeps on expressing himself in forms according as He pleases, who is the purest of the pure, and is Brahma and is the Eternal One.
It is de facto now that by “Parava Vidya” a member of the humanity becomes “Vibhu” and by appearing within the heart of a number of people makes them “One” with Him.
Sri Ramkrishna’s life lack this feature of “Vibhu” and even he had no clear understanding of the true sense of the term. Yes, it transpires that it was vague and indistinct with him, not unlike the rest of India and the World abroad.