Wednesday, 3 July 2019


The Vedic Truth and Sri Ramkrishna as a Hindu

11. Sri Ramkrishna said: – A certain devotee used to call himself “Kha” (means sky) – a symbol of Universalism and it is an experience of the fifth plane in Ascent where an aspirant sees the sky, but in the void zone or no-ego-existence or in “Sthita Samadhi” it terminates and the sky is transformed into emptiness or vacuum and no consciousness also lingers. Sri Ramkrishna used to stop in the individualistic experience and never uttered a single syllable in relation to Universalism wherein lies its blissful realistic feature.

The Vedic principle does not accept the individual experience but marches into the midst of the humanity – the living ocean of humanity (Jana – samudra) and declares at the highest pitch of its voice:
“Thou art man, thou art woman, thou art boy and girl, and thou art verily the whole humanity”.
This declaration is not a series of empty vocabularies or exalted poetic ideas but the summum bonum wherewith a man proves his attainment of Brahmahood, as he places and manifests himself in the heart of each and every member of the humanity comprising the old and the young alike as it was so declared thousands and thousands of years ago – “Eko ‘ham bahusayam” – “Sada jananam hridaye sannivishtah” that is, ‘placed ever (He is) in the heart of the mankind”.
The above Vedic experience is obtained through the seers, who announce it and “Man the Brahma” is but the only recipient of the bliss.
This Vedic experience did never take place with Sri Ramkrishna otherwise he would have given it out and had not to explain – “Kha” – sky, in such a vague and distorted and haphazard way which does not carry any sense.

12. Sri Ramkrishna pointed out that He, as “Vibhu” dwells in every heart.

This is another long-standing slogan perhaps uttered as many times as there are stars in the sky. But up to the date no scripture has set out a real expository feature of it save and except some imaginary, fictitious data.
“Vibhu” means paramatma.
The man in the sun is called “Paramatma”, “Parameshwara”, “Parama Brahma” and everything else so far the Vedic principle runs. Even both Sankaracharya and Ramanuja, in their commentaries agreed conjointly on this score. But their “Man in the sun” is seen in the Sun outside – Macrocosm – as mentioned in the five of the Upanishads with one voice. The “Man in the sun” is not seen in the Sun outside but in one’s own cerebrum – microcosm and this man is identical in form with “Diamond”.
It is obvious that a living human being an attainer of “Brahmahood” is “Parameshwar”, “Paramatma”, or “Parama Barhma”. In short in the Vedic version He is all in all.
To add to it, “Diamond” is seen by myriads of people in their hearts within and a replica of “Diamond” a living one, expresses himself in thousand ways as the Vedic aphorism says: –
Ya esha supteshu jagarti kamam kamam
purusho nirmimanah
Tadeva shukram-tad Brahma
tadevamritam uchyate.
(Kathopanishad – 22/8)

The literal translation of the above aphorism runs thus – It is the same in-dwelling Person who keeps awake within those who are asleep and keeps on expressing himself in forms according as He pleases, who is the purest of the pure, and is Brahma and is the Eternal One.
It is de facto now that by “Parava Vidya” a member of the humanity becomes “Vibhu” and by appearing within the heart of a number of people makes them “One” with Him.
Sri Ramkrishna’s life lack this feature of “Vibhu” and even he had no clear understanding of the true sense of the term. Yes, it transpires that it was vague and indistinct with him, not unlike the rest of India and the World abroad.

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