Monday, 5 August 2019



14. In reply to a question Sri Ramkrishna said: –
“Yes there are insignias by which it can be known whether or not there has been realisation of God. The man who has visualized God, sometimes sings songs and furthermore his behaviour becomes like that of a child or one who is dull and physically inert (jada) or like a mad man or like that of a ghoul”.

These insignias are given out in the Holy Bhagavata and the poet of the Bhagavat borrowed it from the Alvars of the Southern India and they are not originally experiences but he heard it from the Bhagavata and in his life each and every item was seen as exhibited. He pointed out many a time all these insignias to his visitors, save and except for one item and that is madness. He spoke out that for long seven years he was stark mad. It is a fact as it is corroborated in a book written under the caption “Samasamayiker Drishtitay Shri Ramkrishna” (Sri Ramkrishna as viewed by his contemporaries) wherein it is reproduced from the articles of a newspaper that he was seen hand-cuffed and besmeared with human excreta sitting morosely in the outside of his room in the temple-garden of Dakshineswar.
The insignia as endorsed, exhibited and spoken of by Sri Ramkrishna are but twice-told tales of the Bhagavata borrowed from the books of the Southern India wherein all these feats took place in the lives of the Alvars. They were four in number appearing within five hundred years in succession. They, in their turn, got all these from the Jews who migrated to the Southern India being driven away from Palestine by the Roman emperor some two thousand years ago.
Now a days, in the cinema and in the theatre shows, life of ‘Sri Ramkrishna’ is played and exhibited. There are actors visualized God? Simply these insignias are imitated. It evinces that an artful man may play the role of a visualize of God and play roguery with the humanity.
(ii) In the Vedic principle “Paramajyoti Upasampadya” – attainment of the Supreme Light – which is the visualisation of God there is but one insignia and that is “Svenarupenaa abhinispadyate”. The seer of God will be seen by millions within their own bodies and then and then alone the proof of the visualisation of God will be established.
Sri Ramkrishna did never mention this Vedic proof as it did not take place with him.
To add to it the Vedic principle and the proof are inimitable.

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