Monday, 20 July 2020


26. Sri Ramkrishna announces: – “Yes, yes, everyone thinks that his watch is giving correct time – but every watch differs. To have correct time, one must have tallied his watch with the sun”.

Each and every ‘Ism’ in the sectional religions of the world thinks that his religion is right and solves the problem of the humanity. But in its historical and practical aspect we find that it has created hatred, dissensions, disagreement, divisions and in each and every turn trying to lower down others to establish thereby one’s own superiority, not to speak of the bigots and fanatics who play havoc and transform this beautiful earth into a pandemonium. The leading idea giving impetus to him is that he is the best and others are irrational and brainless, very lower in rank in the order of merit. Let us enlighten them. Their thought and ideas about themselves make others think that they are groping in the dark and they are not the chosen people of the ‘Lord’. But they have been allowed to roll in false vanity so that some day or other better sense may be awakened in them and they may come to know that every member of the humanity is God, or Brahma. Now about having it tallied with the Sun. There is but one Sun in the horizon. So to have it tallied with the Sun means to have oneself transformed into the One. Who is this One? This One is made by Nature and in the Atmic zone of the human body He shall be seen by millions denoting Oneness with the one Sun – the Perfect One.
Sri Ramkrishna simply mentions this metaphor and no explanation has been given. In individual experiences an aspirant being surcharged with emotion thinks that he himself has become transformed into his own imaginary deity and announces “I am Kali” – “I am Rama” – “I am Radha” and so on – but it does not produce any effect in the physical side but simply it appears like the raving of a mad man.

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