Saturday, 22 December 2012


Chapter – 3

In Century 1-56 Nostradamus mentions :
                        Sooner or later you will see great changes made,
                        dread horrors and vengeances
                        For as the moon is thus led by its angel,
                        the heavens draw near to the Balance.
This is the prediction of a future spiritual world with eradication of evils and establishment of peace among the human race.

This prediction tallies with my numerous visions of future through dreams as well as forecasts of Jibankrishna or Diamond.

A new era is established in the spiritual world history
13th May, 1958.
I had no idea that God can be seen. I never prayed to God ‘you show me yourself’. But it is seen that God has established a completely new phenomenon here which has no reference in the world history.

Generally it is our habit to compare with a previous example whenever a new thing happens. But at least it can be said that there is no previous example of such type of phenomenon. Though it is beyond our conception what is happening here.

A new religion is established in Jibankrishna’s era beyond
 the traditional religion
June, 1958.
Whatever old traditions of the religious world are in existence, Sri Ramkrishna has given a barrier to that and stood at the door. And pushed us beyond that. We are observing old religious traditions through Sri Ramkrishna. Why has he pushed us? There is no necessity of old traditions. He has said clearly, ‘the money of Badsahi era is not in vogue in Nababi era.’ What he has done by giving the barriers to the old religion? He said, ‘ Man can never be the Guru or Preceptor.’ Saying this he eradicated the tradition of man preceptor system coming since Buddha’s era, and said, ‘God is the Preceptor.’ The meaning of God-the-Preceptor is Brahma (supreme). He is within all as the Preceptor. One time is required, as and when it will be necessary it will be manifested. In Upanishad it is said, ‘He is Brahma who appears in dreams.’ In dreams you see me saying so many things. Then who is he? He is Brahma.
Now here are a few of my dreams:

Destruction of evil – Beginning of goodness – the future indication
5th March, 1979, Monday.
Early morning dream:  In the first scene I saw that was walking on a road at a place like Maniktala of Kolkata. On the other side of Maniktala bridge a procession of young boys were running.
In the next scene, I observed that bloody civil war was going on. Innumerable people died. One policeman was killing the mob with a rifle. Seeing this thought, he was killing so many person! If he was killed then everything became alright. Thinking this I killed the policeman with a revolver.

Next scene: The civil war had stopped. All around there was a calmness like a cemetery, and in the midst of it in a house a large group of devotees had gathered discussing spiritual aspects on Diamond and the surrounding was full of great peace. Among the group only the face of Indranath Mukherjee was prominent. At this moment the dream went off.

The dream had two aspects: Firstly in macrocosm in future the evils will be eradicated and Diamond’s new philosophy will be established; bringing peace in humanity and secondly in microcosm, within the seer all the evils are eradicated and only diamond’s philosophy has been established. 

Destruction of evil – Establishment of goodness – the future indication

1st April, 1979, Sunday.
Early morning dream :  I saw myself in a room where many devotees had assembled discussing about Sri Sri Ram Krishna Kathamrita(The Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna) and sayings of  Jibankrishna. Himangshu Das, a devotee was also present there. He said something and suddenly lied down with an ecstasy. I also saw my own father there. Sometimes was also reading Kathamrita (Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna).
In another scene I noticed a tall figured man named Subho (Auspicious) who had injuries throughout the body. The injuries were so much that many places of the body were without flesh with bones seen from outside looking like leprosy diseased man. He was willing at his utmost to hug me saying repeatedly, ‘at least once you come to me.’ His motive was, if he would hug me, all his infuries would be recovered and he would achieve peace. So in spite of unwillingness I went to him and he began to pass his hands on my body again and again and at this moment I woke up.

The dream may show the present condition of the world when situations everywhere have become worst without peace. It is seeking peace and it can only be recovered through the practice of Diamond’s culture were the whole human race will be ‘one’ through Brahma-hood.         

Future vision – Win of goodness – Defeat of Evil
5th January, 1980, Saturday.
Early morning dream :  To-day I had to come back to Kolkata after staying a few days at Ghatshila. Early in the morning I saw a very peculiar dream with different scenes.

First scene opened with a last part of a fierce war.  I had taken a shelter with some of the soldiers of the Indian army in a house. But I was only the witness. There was a place like a jungle in front of the house where the rest of the soldiers of the enemy side were continuing their fight. They were using such deadly weapons which would chill the blood. Still the Indian army continued the fight with hand grenades. Some of the soldiers climbed up a tree without any noise and killed some enemy soldiers. Just at this moment my sleep became light. But then I thought that I should see the consequences of this fight. So I again slept and saw the same scene, but in a different situation. This time I saw myself hiding my near and dear ones along with relatives in an underground room of a house. Meanwhile hearing some hullabaloo from outside I went out to the roof and exclaimed – what a surprise! Everybody was enjoying! The house was just like Alipore Central jail and as in reality the Ganges were flowing beside but it was much wider with a bridge and the Indian soldiers with exhaustion were crossing the bridge. I was taking care of them. Underneath the bridge boats were running carrying the enemy soldiers as prisoners.

At that moment I began to dance on the roof uttering ‘Hail Jibankrishna’ and then the dream went off. Then I went for urinal and again went to bed and slept.

Again another scene opened and I saw myself within my own residence. I got a message beforehand that an old man of my house named ‘Samaru’, sitting inside the room was reciting the name of God with fear due to war. Just at this moment a young boy with untidy and slovenly condition coming to me gave a message that a great war started covering half the portion of the world. I came down to a room in the ground floor, and told Samaru, ‘There is no fear.’ Saying this I took out Samaru outside and then the dream went off.
The dream was so deep that I felt irritation in my body and again felt asleep.

This time I saw in the dream that I had come back home from Ghatshila and my mother washed out my clothes and the room also. I then woke up.

In microcosm the whole dream showed the war between good and evil within the body where good won and mother or the Holy Mother washed out all the filthy matters from the body for further development of the austerity.

In macrocosm, there may be an indication of a future that the spiritual force will defeat the evil forces and control the world.

Thursday, 6 December 2012


Chapter – 2

In Century 1-50, Nostradamus says :
                        “From the three water signs will be born a man,
                        Who will celebrate Thursday as his holiday.
                        His renown, praise, rule and power will grow,
on land and see, bringing trouble to the east.”

This tallies with some of the symptoms of the truth manifested in Jibankrishna or Diamond. He was born within this aquatic triplicity (cancer, scorpion & Pisces). In his horoscope he had the signs of being a ruler, but not in material world but in the spiritual world.
Moreover, he had innumerable spiritual realizations through the process of Rajyoga as per the versions of Upanishads where it is clearly written that the person having such realizations will ultimately be the ruler of the spiritual world.
Some of my visions also tally with this prediction which are discussed now :

10th  August ,  1975 .    Early morning dream :  I was standing on a very beautiful place. The sea was visible at a far distance. A river was flowing a little bit away from me. A devotee named Indranath was standing in front of me . I requested him to go there. After a while I noticed a flat boat resting on land in front of me . I stood on it and it automatically started moving on the land. It carried me to a boggy place and thereafter to the river which joined the sea. It was really a very exciting experience. The boat gradually carried me to the junction of the river and the sea. I shouted with joy, ‘The sea ! The sea ‘! Then a huge ship was seen in the sea and I boarded up there. I saw that quite a number of sailors from different Countries of the world were singing a song ‘Hail the ancient Truth-the jewel man .Jibankrishna …….’ I saw myself conducting the whole music like a bandmaster as on encouragement to them. The song continued for a long time and then the dream went off.
[ The dream carries some meanings  :
(i)     A boat sails on the water not on dry land-it means impossible things will be possible within the body of the seer. This is in microcosm. In macrocosm, many impossible things may happen in the world by the action of Diamond in future . Here the life force reaches the ocean i.e. cerebrum. This has a reference in ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ No-258-Kundalini Penetrating through the body reaches the ocean of eternal bliss—the cerebrum . (ii)    In the long run the name and action of Jibankrishna will spread throughout the world among different nations, religions as has happened in India and the seer may have a role in this aspect.] 

Vision of Future World
28th March, 2003, Friday.
Early in the morning I woke up and then had a trance. Suddenly I saw that somebody kept the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ (Bengali book written by Jibankrishna on his realizations based on the saying of Sri Ramkrishna in the Gospel of Sri Ramkrishna). I, then and there placed it on my head and began to walk through unlimited places. It seemed to me as if to all the countries of the world.
At this moment a thought flashed in my mind as if like Bharat (The next brother of Rama of Ramayan) he was carrying the wooden sandal on his head to hand over to Rama after the period of extinguishment for 14 years from his kingdom to keep the promise of his father King Dasharatha. But again it appeared to me as if I had become the horse of Ashwamedh Yogya (Thousand of years ago any king wanting to be the emperor used  to arrange this Yogya or fire ceremony where he freed a horse for moving to different places and countries accompanied by soldiers. If the horse was held up by any king, he would be defeated by accompanied soldiers  surrendering to the emperor. After coming back, the horse used to be dedicated for the ceremony after slaughtering. The emperor would be the sole ruler of the whole country.)
Afterwards it appeared in my mind, Oh! Ramchandra himself made Ashwamedh yogya after getting back the throne and thereafter during his reign the establishment of peace and justice occurred for long  time.
After waking up from the trance I have become perplexed and went on thinking, is it showing that in the long run peace, justice and oneness will come in the whole world through the book ‘Dharma-O-Anubhuti’ and the seer will be the carrier? The future will judge it.
This is also a corroboration of some previous dreams in which the seer was crying for the sake of human race.
This dream showed a peculiar coincidence with the incidence described in Ramayan as well as a dream seen by the seer on 22.11.90 where he saw the emperor Akhbar as Jibankrishna having his coronation ceremony as emperor. He placed both his legs on the head of the seer which indicated that he made the seer his representative.

Future indication of materialization of Diamond’s forecast about controlling spiritual would by divine thoughts and consciousness
27th May, 2004, Thursday.
To-day early in the morning a realization and perception had been gained by me. I had a dream in which large number of my class mates of ex-Agricultural College had gathered. I also joined them having chitchats, funs etc. Then the dream went off. And Instantly it flashed in my mind – All these human beings, know, unknown, friends who off and on use to appear in my dreams, what will happen to them? Whether Jibankrishna will appear in them or whether they will be controlled or guided by the divine conscious of Diamond being merged in Nirguna within them as he used to say in reality? He used to say, ‘I have been transformed into Atman (The Great Soul) and exist within every human being, guide them to the path of goodness and to see me within them will become insignificant then.
Large number of people appear in my dream. Who are they? They must exist or existed in the world. The same realization had also been realized in dreams by Jibankrishna in the last stage of his life. The meaning remained un-explained. In the same way the seer’s realization of the same type also remains mystery unless the effect will be seen in future.

A future vision – controlling spiritual world by Diamond from inside the human race
May 28, 2009, Thursday.
Early morning dream : I saw Jibankrishna (Diamond),my God-the-Preceptor, sitting in a room situated on a raised area. It seemed as if he was with me for a long period. He was about to tell me two of his dreams and I also prepared myself with pen and paper.
The first dream he saw was on the previous day that is on Wednesday.
I wrote the first dream and then was about to write the second dream. He started narrating his dream.
He said, ‘I am seeing that I shall control the spiritual world henceforth.’ Hearing this I said, ‘when have you seen it’? He said, ‘To-day I have seen it’. I said, ‘To-day is Thursday’ (In reality it was so).
Saying this I fell in ecstasy and told him, ‘See, I have many dreams which showed me that you will control the spiritual world.’ He looked at me with strange eyes which reminded me a dream seen long time ago and I narrated that dream fully and said, ‘I had been transformed into your form and controlling the spiritual world.’ When I was narrating this dream to him, I was fixing my eyes on him and he was also having a strange look at me with glittering eyes. At this moment my dream went off.
The dream seen on 10.06.1976 was such : My life force in condensed form was moving up and down in the third and fourth plane of my body and then I ordered the life fore to move upwards and accordingly she moved upwards and reached the death point. But instead of death I saw Mrityunjoy (a companion of Diamond, meaning who won death). But I did not die.
When in another dream (seen on 16.08.1976) I was narrating the previous dream to him, he gave the same strange look at me I observed in to-days dream.
In the last part of the dream I was forecasting that one day would come in future when some of us would achieve Diamond’s full attributes and control the spiritual world. Immediately after that, I saw myself controlling the spiritual world wearing a neck – tie.
However, one thing is remarkable that one single dream I narrated to Diamond two times : First one happened on 16th August, 1976, after two months of the first dream seen on 10th June, 1976 and the second time I narrated after thirty three years of the first dream. To-day’s dream indicates a far future or near future!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Nostradamus'predictions, Jibankrishna (Diamond) and my future vision chapter 1

Out of curiosity one day I was searching in the websites on Nostradamus’ predictions for 21st Century on spiritualism and I was overwhelmed with surprise seeing some of his quatrains which completely corroborate the phenomenon of Jibankrishna(Diamond), his discussions as well as many of my visions on Jibankrishna’s new concept of universal religion spreading throughout the world.

Before narrating my future visions through dreams, a few interesting quatrains are given with some interpretations as learnt from Jibankrishna or Diamond, my God-the-Preceptor.

Nostradamus used to see the visions through a state of trance from where his pure consciousness used to act on his mind. The theory lies in the fact that this human brain is the carbon copy of this whole Universe including past, present and future. Man is Brahma or Supreme Being in a hidden state within him. It manifests within the human body spontaneously. And when it does, the human brain is transformed into pure consciousness when these revelations take place, as happened in my case by the grace of God-the-Preceptor Jibankrishna or Diamond.

In a pure mind these revelations about past and future occur spontaneously, both about spiritual and material aspects, as happened in case of Nostradamus. This is not a miracle but a natural process and innate in a man. When we don’t know the reason, we call it miracle.

The ongoing chapters are not for the final conclusion about the corroboration between Nostradamus’ predictions on spiritual aspects and new spiritual phenomenon encircling Jibankrishna (Diamond) or my future visions, but this should be taken from analytical point of view as we have to wait and see.

A brief note about Jibankrishna
I am going to narrate a very strange phenomenon happening since the early part of 20th century encircling a person known as Diamond or Jibankrishna who was born in 1893 at Howrah Town near Calcutta(now Kolkata), India.

His achievement of God-the-Preceptor in the form of Sri Ramkrishna at 12 years 4months age and thereafter having spontaneous numerous divine realizations made him visualizing ‘Atma’ or ‘Soul’ or God in the form of God’s light as described in Upanishads at 24years 8months age transforming his image into the Soul of every human being and as a result, a miraculous incident began to initiate.

People started seeing him in dreams, meditations, trances  even in reality without his knowledge. Later on they came to him, narrated their visions and then identified him as the same man seen in their visions.
But it was a strange thing that he was being seen by many when he was only 7years old. After long years the seers came to him incidentally and narrated their visions. It proved that he was so born.

Firstly Diamond used to discourage people about seeing him in dreams that these were hallucinations. But in early 50’s of the 20th century when countless people began to see him in dreams, trances, meditations and even in reality and narrated to him their visions, he realized that this was something else and after consulting different Upanishads  he found that these phenomena were mentioned though they could not cite any examples. Later on he termed this phenomenon as Universal religion or Oneness which was called by Swami Vivekananda as ‘Point of Union’.

The most striking part of this phenomenon is that , even after his death in 1967, still innumerable people of all religions, sexes and ages see him in their dreams, meditations, trances and in reality and is spreading not only in our country but in many other country of the world.

Now what is the effect of seeing Diamond within the body? We have witnessed and still are witnessing the following effects : (1) The seer becomes purified in mind and feeling; (2)  The seer sees different sportive forms of God through dreams; (3) The seer gets Diamond as God-the-Preceptor who guides and teaches the seer on spiritualism throughout his life; (4) The seer achieves perfectness; (5) The seer grows a sense of oneness with all within himself.

The theory of attaining Godhood and its proof has been mentioned in different Upanishads in various ways which are as follows:

BrihadAranyaka Upanishad(2.5.13) has mentioned-
“The shinning immortal Person who is in this mankind and with reference to oneself, this shinning immortal Person who exists as a human being- he is just this Soul, this Immortal, this Brahma, this All.”

Svetasvatara Upanishad(3..11) has mentioned-
Who is this face, the head, the neck of all; Who dwells in the heart of all beings; All pervading is He and bountiful; Therefore omnipotent and kindly(Siva).
KathaUpanishad (6.14) has mentioned-
When are liberated all; The desires that lodge in one’s heart; Then a mortal becomes immortal; Therein he reachesBrahma.

SvetasvataraUpanishad (4.3) has mentioned-
Thou art woman, Thou art man; Thou art the youth and the maiden too; Thou as an old man tottering with a staff; Being born, Thou becomest facing in every direction.

The era of Diamond reveals that a man may see all the sportive forms of God with all His attributes in dreams and becomes Brahma to be united with each human race bearing love for each other and be united in a point which is the first occurrence of its kind in the world history.

Chapter - 1

In Century 1-48 Nostradamus mentions :
                        When twenty years of the Moon’s reign have passed,
                        another will take up his reign for seven thousand years,
                        When the exhausted sun takes up his cycle
                        Then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.

Here one of the esoteric meaning is like thus :

In one sense moon represents Bhakti Cult according to Hindu scriptures, which means dualism. Sun represents knowledge – knowledge of oneness or one-ism. In one-ism there exists only God and that God exists nowhere except this human body in the form of scattered life power, and this life power through the Susumna nerve gets concentrated in the seventh plane or the cerebrum and seen as God’s light or Atma or great Soul.

He who visualizes this Atma in full form is transformed into God and then becomes the Soul of every human being. He is then seen by myriads of people in dreams, trances, meditation transforming them into one with him. This is the knowledge of oneness, and the man exists so long the human race exists. In other word he becomes immortal.

Here the term ‘twenty years’ has been revealed in one of my dream thus:

On 24.11.2009 I had a strange dream which is as such :

A Far Future – Travel by Spaceship with more than light speed to other Solar Planet meeting aliens and Diamond’s invasion

November 24, 2009. Thursday.

Early morning dream: I saw myself sitting in a spaceship along with some unknown people. I had no idea where I was going and why I was taken. It seemed to me as if the spaceship was running with more than light speed, but through the  transparent, large windows I could see the unnatural scene outside full of meteors, stars, planets etc. I felt that they were moving very slowly. It was really a strange journey.

However, within a few moments I saw myself in another place which seemed to me to be a place of unnatural scene and in another solar world. At that time I couldn’t other passengers but felt the existence of the habitats of that planet. They were not distinct, but I was feeling their existence. Then I saw myself sitting in a lonely place and the name of Jibankrishna (Diamond) was continuously uttered from my mouth enveloping the whole place.

After a while I realized that they decided to take me back to our world. Accordingly one of them told me in telepathic language, ‘We shall take you back to your own world, but you know that in the meantime twenty years have passed in your world.’ I felt no difficulties in understanding their telepathic language as I had the same experiences in telepathic language in my previous dreams.

One thing I was realizing that these aliens seemed to be advance by thousands of years in every aspect and at the same time, very wise, and modest. They talked to me also in a very modest way. However, they sent me back to my home and when I entered into my house I realized that long time had passed. The elder members of the family passed away. I saw my grandson (my nephew’s son) inside a room. Seeing me he exclaimed, ‘Grandpa, where had you been for so long years? But you are not changed at all! What has happened you know? Your works on Jibankrishna (Diamond) have achieved a great publicity among the people throughout the world.’

I understand the sense of his saying that though the cosmic time took a few seconds according to our world time, it took twenty years and for this reason he saw no change in me as I was a time traveler.
Another interesting thing was that my grandson was at the present moment twelve years in reality, but in the dream I saw him thirty two years as I returned after twenty years.

[The dream carries a lot of meanings to me instantly.

1. The sound ‘Jiban’ means ‘Life’ which is cosmic. In many of my previous dreams, this sound emerged from my brain enveloping the whole universe. The effect of such dream is seen now-a-days among the people of different parts of the world.

2. The dream gave a clear indication of the future world.

3. After many years when human race will reach the zenith of science and technology, such type of spaceship will be discovered and we can have time travel to reach other solar worlds.

4. Telepathic language may be used after long, long years.

5. When human race will reach the zenith of knowledge, they will become such wise, modest with pure consciousness like the habitats of the other solar world seen in my dream.

6. There is every possibility of the existence of habitats in other solar worlds.
I understand one thing that whatever is in our brain is projected outside and we see these things. Whatever is discovered on earth was inside human brain.

The dream also revealed that my brain cells are now exposed on these aspects like spaceship, telepathic language which means that these are exposed within the whole human race. Atma or Great Soul is one. So whatever is exposed in a man it will be exposed within the whole human race.

After four days I got a confirmation from a news paper cutting that the Deputy Director of Academy of Science (Space Research Center), Bulgaria has made a comment that there are existence of aliens, but after10-15 years even if we can communicate them, we have to do it through telepathic language.
Let’s wait and see what happens in future.

This quatrain has such meaning that so long the sun exists, a Great Prophet will exist illuminating his knowledge of oneness discarding the dualism in the spiritual world.

Jibankrishna forecasted as such on April 26,1958:

I am a human being. I am one and at the same time I am many whenever you are seeing my form within you. And to become many is not conveyed by me. On the contrary, you are informing me that you are seeing me within you.

The form of mine which is created within you, is no other than God. Then all of us are becoming one. Where is the duality? Everything is one and this can be explained very easily through one unit.
After 500-700 years later, those who have these experiences, this phenomenon will continue in their families. Even after that how this culture will grow, cannot be concluded. Again many will experience these through your contact. And this way this phenomenon may spread.

On 5th July, 1958 he forecasted:
This phenomenon can be defined as seeing the form of living person within a human body. We have understood that this human being is the truth and this is the zenith. Now who is that person? Still now we have not conceived why it is happening and what will happen in future. In far future this phenomenon will spread and then you will get your answer.

Chandogya Upanishad has mentioned on this aspect :
 As long as the sun shall rise in the east and set in the west, so long will he compass the over lordship and the Chief sovereignty of the Vasus (3.6.4). Here ‘he’ means the Purusha or the great Person who has visualized great Soul or Atman and is transformed into God.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Nostradamus’ predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

Chapter - 19

Almanac 1562

Nostradamus mentions in Almanac 1562 :
“The hidden desire for the good will succeed Religion, peace, love and concord …..”
This is a prediction of the future world when this Universal Religion ‘Oneness will be established, by replacing dualism in the spiritual world. When a man can realize that God is not in Church, temple or Mosque, God is within this body and He can be seen, then only this conflict, blood- shed will stop and peace with love will envelop the world.

In Epistle to Henry II Nostradamus again says that :
…….A great place will be established with Union and concord between some of the children of opposite ideas, who have been separated by diverse realms. And such will be the peace that the instigator of promoter of military factions, born of the diversity of religions, will remain chained to the deepest pit. And the Kingdom of the Furious one, who counterfeits the sage, will be united.

Maitri Upanishada mentions about the person who brings unity in diversity with such qualities :
When a seer sees the Brilliant
Maker, Lord, Person the Brahma – source;
Then, being a knower, shaking off good and evil,
He reduces everything to unity in the Supreme Imperishable.(6.18)
This has been revealed in Jibankrishna’s life which will be clarified by his versions

On 24.7.1964 Diamond said:
What do you mean by oracle? You hear it. Isn’t so? What is ‘Veda’. It’s another meaning is ‘Sruti’ (A subtle note that is heard at the time of changing the voice from one note to another). The Rishis were the visualiszers of hymns. To hear and to see are the same. The proof of this ‘Sruti’ is old Testament where the Prophets have mentioned on the basis of ‘Sruti’. There is another religious scripture which is entirely full of oracles is Koran. Then the question comes – who heard the oracles in Vedas? The answer is, that Perfect Man. That Man manifests Himself as oracle and at the same time He is the listener.

If you ask, ‘How is it possible’? The listeners were the Rishis who heard the oracles! Then how could they be merged into that Atma or soul? They said, ‘He is the Best Man’ and this is soul or Atma.

So far, all the scholars and religious teachers have mentioned about Atma or Soul within the body. Why haven’t they proved that he is the Soul or Atma with physical body? Atma and the Purusha are the same and why none of them couldn’t be that perfect Man, who could transform everyone into His own form? This proves that the man within the body is the listener. So far this unknown man was listener and now he has got flesh and blood body in the form of a living human body.

Now that inner man is the speaker, but outside he is the listener and you are the speaker. Because, unless you tell me your stories I come to know nothing. I knew myself through you. And for this reason I use to say that you are my teachers.

Now you see, that the great person was so long within the bodies of those Rishis and Religious teachers as an embryo. But through embryo you cannot expect the austerities, it requires a living body, and this is that body. Now you say, whether Vedas have mentioned about the past or future? The proof is in the Vedas – ‘the man in the sun’. Who is that man in the sun? A good number of people have seen my form in the sun. What is sun? The life so long human beings will continue seeing me within their bodies, I shall live. There is no destruction of Brahmavidya (Supreme Cult). Vedas are saying, ‘Those who see this Atma or Soul within their bodies, they get perpetual happiness, peace and become calm? I had no idea about all these, but still it is continuing. It never happened before that a man is transformed into Brahma or Supreme Being. The Truth is discovered through me. And you are announcing that a living man is Brahma.

[Chandogya Upanishad has mentioned thus :
As long as the sun shall rise in the east and set in the west, so long will he compass the over lordship and the chief sovereignty. (3.6.4)]
Jibankrishna has mentioned:

The Vedic oneness and its proof
The Vedic ‘oneness’ with its proof as experienced by diamond and thousands and thousands of others in their everyday life without undergoing any kind of hard religious discipline for a long time as done by Sri Ramkrishna runs:-

Spontaneously without the least exertion on his part a man becomes ‘Samprasada’ or the blessed one. God commences manifesting himself in him and then his life-power is collected, rises up from his body (physical sheath) into the cerebrum in the form of ‘Parama Jyoti’ (supreme light) and attains Brahmahood and he shall be distributing his Brahmahood through five elements to the humanity. They shall obtain it without any attempt on their part. This distribution does not take account of any cast distinction or barrier or any opposition of any kind. Thousands corroborate the fact and evince and prove that the vedic principle is alive and a reality.

Oneness the future religion

1. What is the knowledge of oneness?
2. How does God look?
…….Nobody knows it. Religion is not a creation of fiction. It bears its definite proof. ….The Vedic principle is based on proof and the proof is a universal one. If an individual declares a thing it may be so with him but it may vary with others. So the difference of opinion runs and no conclusion can be arrived at.

In universalism, thousand experience and the same ‘one’ and no disagreement follows. The question gets settled and solved with its definite proof as it is based on the common factor in their lives. Here both Karl Marx and Nitzsche have got their problem solved as it was so taught by them.

With whom this oneness is experienced? With Sri Ramkrishna it is with an unknown, imaginary figure (as  he says,’The knowledge of oneness is also obtained by a devotee; everything is seen as God by him’). Whereas, in the Vedic principle, it is with a living man, an attainer of Brahmahood, as He is the perfect one (Sa Uttama – purusha).
Yes, how does God of the devotee look? In its best form it transpires that God of the devotee is only an hyperbolic creation of his imagination – a production of an emotional brain.

But here again another fresh knotty problem arises as visualization of God in the seventh plane in one’s own cerebrum is followed by the Vedic assertain – ‘Swena Rupena Abhinispadyate’ – It means if anybody visualizes God as shown by God-the-preceptor, coming down from the Brahmapura (the abode of the Supreme one, within the brain of the seer) having had the Vedic experience of five sheaths or koshas and also of the seven planes lodged in the five sheaths in its full-fledged form having not the minuest shortcoming then the visualizer of God will be seen by thousands and thousands of men within their own bodies and they shall make an open declaration of it for the benefit of the humanity so that this Eternal Truth that Man is ‘Brahma’ or the ‘Supreme One’ may be known to all.

In the annals of the humanity upto the date nobody has ever heard of such a devotee as pointed out by Sri Ramkrishna and even not in the case of Sri Ramkrishna in spite of his emphatic declaration of visualizing God. In dualism, or in being confined in any ‘Ism’ oneness never comes. It is a spontaneous expression.

Thanks to the genious of Swami Vivekananda as from him the humanity firstly of the first heard ‘Religion is oneness’ though even he was not blessed with it. His very lecture bespeaks, ‘The hour comes when great men shall arise and cast off these kindergartens of religions and shall make vivid and powerful the True Religion – the worship of the spirit by the spirit’. To add to it, he was once asked during his lectures in America, how it was possible for a man to be ‘Viswatomukhah’ or La Homme Universalle, one with the whole human race. Not unlike Sankaracharya who did the very same thing some 1200 years ago he (Swami Vivekanada) replied, ‘Just you think that you are all’. It was a thinking’ only with Sankaracharya as well as with Swami Vivekananda. Whereas it is reality – the summum bonum of the human life, and a positive fact in ‘Diamonds’ everyday life, it was simply his (Swami Vivekananda) aspiration in life.

…..But thanks to him again for his forecast ‘Is Vedanta the future religion of the world?’ Yes, the Vedanta and the Vedanta alone in its practical aspect in the daily life of each and every member of the human race will bring about ‘oneness’ rendering the theory of ‘one world’ into a reality in the Atmic (spiritual) sphere within the hearts of the mankind.

                                  The end

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Nostradamus’s predictions and Jibankrishna’s (Diamond) new concept of Universal Religion – Oneness

Chapter - 18

Epistle to Henry II Nostradamus says:
Then the great Empire of the Antichrist will begin ….. so that the coming of the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the 48th degree, will make a transmigration chasing out the abomination of the Christian Church, and whose reign will be for a time and to the end of time.

Who is the Holy Ghost or God-the-Preceptor?

Jibankrishna has mentioned in this aspect as such:
“God -the -Preceptor assumes human form, appears before you, blesses you and says, ‘You will attain God - head’. God in the body takes this unknown or by-gone human form, selects you as a bridegroom, in other words makes your body a playground for his blissful and joyous sports.

He teaches you the whole course of ‘Rajyago’, the emanation and transformation of God through the five sheaths or the seventh planes into the Supreme Bliss.
Sri Ramkrishna says, ‘Without the bliss of God-the-Preceptor, there cannot be any upward progress’. This upward progress means the upward motion of the life power in a man, that is, waking of life power and her march in the seventh plane. “Without the attainment of God-the-Preceptor, the life power does not wake up. There cannot be any realizations without life power being wakened up.
The attainment of God-the-Preceptor is a kind of transformation into God – with – Form as God in the body assumes that form out of sheet mercy.”

Among various measures God-the-Preceptor expresses himself in the body as an unknown man as one of the measure, ‘Unknown man’ means the human form of God-the-Preceptor whom you did not see before; but afterwards you will be coming to know everything about him.

On other dates Jibankrishna mentioned like this :

Manifestation of immortality within the body of Jibankrishna as mentioned in Upanishad

On 15.12.1960 Jibankrishna said -
Upanishad is saying, ‘Take me from mortality to immortality’. It means the seed of immortality exists within this body and that may germinate. Mortality is the contra of immortality. One contra has manifested within me. Do you know what is that? So long the world has been exising with individualism which is the contra of universalism. And when this universalism has manifested, spontaneously, then immortality can also be manifested within a human being. Moreover, divinity is the contra of animality – ‘To live in perfect goodness is to realize oneself in the all’ – this is the proof of divinity and that is also manifested here.

Listen a dream of Sailen – He is seeing the full moon in the clear sky. But its rays have not fallen anywhere in the world. This has only fallen on me and confined fully. Its interpretation is thus : Full rays of moon which means full calms or immortality is confined on me. Mortality is non-pleasant, immortality is pleasant. But you know that these are confined in individualism. When such immortality of my form will manifest within myriads of people of the world, then only I can have immortality otherwise that immortality is in embryo stage in my brain and I have to wait for that. But if I expire? Then again – back to pavilion – will somebody come to revive?

Katha Upanishad says in this aspect –
A Person of the measure of a thumb in the inner Soul; Ever seated in the heart of creatures; Him one should draw out from a reed, with firmness; Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal – Yea, Him one should know as the Pure, the Immortal. (6.17)

The form of Diamond is the first in the world to become converted into Soul (Atman) – His form is eternal

On 25.12.1960 Jibankrishna says:
So long all the previous religious books even the Upanishads, all of their sayings were based on a hypothesis. But in my case, it is confined with me only – i.e., at the age of 12 years 4 months I saw Sri Ramkrishna in dream within my body. Am I a hypothesis? Ney, a living human being why I am uttering the word ‘living’? Because it is in relation to a man. Man sees and man says. And what they mentioned, that is a hypothesis – why? Because the proof was not manifested in the past within the human body and none witnessed it.

Another important issue is that, as because it was a hypothesis, so there are so many opinions. Truth – that is one, so why variations will come? There is no alternative for Truth. When Hindus see me in dreams, they are not saying that they have seen Shiva, Rama, Krishna, when Muslims see me they are not saying that they have seen Allah, when Christians see me, they are not saying that they have seen God. On the contrary they are saying that they see Jibankrishna – a living man. I am the eternal. Till now no living human being has become converted into Soul. For this reason Swami Vivekananda could say, ‘All religions of the world are but hypothesis’.

This has reference in Katho Upanishad saying thus (18): This knower is not born nor does he die. Nor from anywhere has he become anything. Unborn Enduring, Everlasting and Primordial, he is not killed in the killing of the body.

Diamond is the example of Upanishad’s immortality

On 7.4.1962  Jibankrishna says:
Satya is seeing his dream – I was telling him so many things among which only two words he could remember – (1) I shall become immortal and live forever; (2) I am not only shiva, but shiva and sakti both.

This means, so many people saw me and still are seeing me in their dreams, trances etc. so long they will thrive I shall also thrive. As many human beings will live I shall live within them. This is the immortality but not in the traditional sense. As, when a man dies, he becomes great and his birthday is celebrated. Is it immortality? No! After a few days people will forget that. Thakur (Sri Ramkrishna) said, ‘To donate knowledge is the best donation’. No! Even this is not th best donation. Then what? To become one with the humanities. And that is announced by the human race. This is endless, eternal. They are offering this donation to me – what is that? Oneness. So those people who are seeing my form within them are being transformed into my form. When they will extinct, I shall also extinct and be merged into Brahma. But that will never happen and so I shall become immortal.

In the mother’s embryo there is the seed of life, no other foreign elements can trespass there. This law is eternal. That seed is transformed into the form of a human being and comes out. This is Shiva and the body is Sakti (Power). It seems separate by illusion. But that is not true. There are no two separate entities. One is the extension of the other. The form which exists within the seed of the life of human being is my form.

[Svetasvetara Upanishad has mentioned on immortality thus:
The Person, in Truth, this whole world is; Whatever has been and whatever will be; Also ruler of immortality; (And) Whatever grows up by food. (3.15)]

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Chapter - 17

In century 9 – 12 Nostradamus says :
                        “So much silver of Diana and Mercury.
                        The images will be found in lake.
                        The sculptor looking for new clay.
                        He and his followers will be steeped in gold.”

Here the meaning of some of the words are as follows :
‘Lake’ is the mind with pure consciousness of human being where God’s light is seen.
The ‘Sculptor’ or ‘He’ is the person who has seen and is transformed into Supreme Being or Brahma.

Gold is Atma or great Soul as its color is golden like sun. This was also mentioned in Svetasvatara Upanishaad like this :
                        I know this mighty Person (Purusha)
                        of the color of the sun, beyond darkness.
                        Only by knowing Him does one pass over death.
                        There is no other path for going there. (3.8)
Here ‘Clay’ means human body, and new clay means generation with advanced brain capacity who can conceive this new Universal Religion in the long run.
We are seeing how this new generation is more advanced, and can conceive this Universal Religion as illuminated by Jibankrishna, being appeared within them.
‘The images will be found in lake’ – which means the image of Jibankrishna is appearing within the human body transforming him into Supreme Being or Brahma.
Now let us see how Nostradamus’ prediction corroborates Jibankrishna’s revelations and his versions:                                      

Forecast about the future world
26th April, 1958.
I am a human being. I am one and at the same time I am many whenever you are seeing my form within you. And to become many is not conveyed by me. On the contrary, you are informing me that you are seeing me within you.
The form of mine which is created within you, is no other than God. Then all of us are becoming one. Where is the duality? Everything is one and this can be explained very easily through one unit.

After 500-700 years later, those who have these experiences, this phenomenon will continue in their families. Even after that how this culture will grow, cannot be concluded. Again many will experience these through your contact. And this way this phenomenon may spread.

Oneness of the Vedas is not the last word – Indication of a new era in the spiritual world and Diamond’s forecast for the welfare of mankind.

On 23rd August, 1960, Jibankrishna said a new thing to the listeners today.
It was a miracle to see me in the four states of a human body – Reality, dream, meditation and trance. As because this is the first time in the world history when a man is seen within the body by myriads of people irrespective of cast and creed, religion, sex and age. So a new era has evolved by surpassing all the traditional religions.

But still it is nothing though Vedanta has finished here. But I say, no, it is not the last. You know what will happen now? Whatever will be generated from this body will reveal and act within the brain of the humanities. Though they will not know it. But they will be guided by those new and pure thoughts and consciousness which have grown in their brain cells. And this will happen for the welfare of the world. Whether my form manifests or not within a human body matters little, but action will be there in the brain, which will be the action of the inert Brahma or Supreme Self.

In this aspect another day (18.10.1960) Jibankrishna said:
So long you have seen me within you, but for a few months I am seeing all of you within myself. Is it the end? No, whatever thoughts emerge in me with and without my knowledge, those will envelop the brains of human beings and this may be termed as omnipotency, though this has not been proved yet, otherwise I don’t accept imagination or anything without proof. Even that is not the last one. There may be more which can manifest in the world. I shall not expose those things just now. Let us wait and see.

Establishment of a new Religion

On 30.9.1961, Jibankrishna said:
Socrates said, ‘know thyself’. But people could not understand it. Lastly he had to take poison. See, people will never accept the individualistic realization! Plato said, ‘The great unknown and unknowable’. But see, that thing has become known and knowable here.
My form has manifested within you. And now-a-days I see you within me. So to see me within the human race is not necessary. There was a stage when human beings see me within them and that stage is over now. The next stage has come when I am seeing you within me and the effect can be understood later on.
Though I can hope now that my form is within each human being of the world and I shall be quite ignorant about this and at the same time you will know nothing, but no doubt it will establish a benefit in the whole world.
You may term this phenomenon as evolutionary development or elimination of old religion and placing a new one whatever you say, is the same and we are witnessing it.