MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple
of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri
Ramkrishna will be spoken
of as
Thakur” when required
as it is so done in the
Gospel )
25 . “No, no, not clay !
The image is
made of God’s
light “
A real devotee sees that the image is made of God’s light .
At first a shining light is seen all around in the image . Then the light
develops and covers the image . The image appears to be made of light only .
This light does not come from outside but it emits from the eyes of the devotee
. First it takes the shape of image in outline and then it covers the whole
image and lastly there remains the form of image made of God’s light . The God
is within you and from there, comes out His light through your eyes and shrouds
the image .Apparently, on the surface it appears so but if a deep penetration
is made then it transpires that the devotee is seeing this image of light in
his own brain and the happening before his sight is but an outward reflection
of his inner condition . At this atage the devotee is not in a position to
demarcate the inside from the outside. He knows that it is an outward
occurrence .
An occurrence of Thakur’s life in the form of realization is
quoted here which will throw light over the confusion of inside or outside .
Thakur once saw that Eternity (lit : eternal time in the
form of a man called Kalapurush) came out of his body.
Thakur prayed to his Divine Mother to do away with the man .
The Divine Mother at once hacked the man into pieces .But there was no blood
there in the outside . Thakur witnessed the whole episode within him and
nothing happened in the outside .
Another realization is cited here which will throw more
light and clarify the thing . God is seen . Then various sportive forms of God
are also seen . By such continuous realizations the body becomes very light .
At this stage it is seen that God with form comes out of the body and enters
the body again . God in the body makes you know that God with form seen in the
outside does not come from without but comes out from your own body .
26 .. “Thousand
lectures will not render
the least help
to make a
man understand anything
about God”
If God reveals Himself to you then you may
know God, otherwise nor . You yourself do not know the sports of God as evinced
by your lectures, then how can you make others understand about God ? Had you
been acquainted with the thorough text of God’s sports then you would have
remained silent . Of course, those who get God’s commandment have a different
case . They do not deliver lectures but they simply live by speaking out the
God’s sportive forms as seen by them in their body ; nay, not only this, but they
find out that they do not speak out but God in them talks and teaches others .
27 . “If
it Is required
that others are
to be taught
then God
Himself will teach
them. He lives in every
man , Granted,
It is an error to
worship the image
of clay, but God is
fully aware that He is
worshipped in that
way and He is
satisfied with
it . You need not
be beating your brain
over it “.
God living in you
understands the disposition of your mind and if it is sincere one . He is
satisfied with it.’The image of clay’ is this human body. The body is to be
worshipped and propitiated and then God will emanate from the body and will
appear as Atma in the cerebrum . “Till a daughter (Parvati—is the name of the
daughter . She is Bhagavati Tanu—fourth sheath—sixth plane ) is born in the
house of the Himalaya, the Himalaya is but a
huge heap of stone—i.e., clay”. Himalaya is a
man, Daughter is Bhagavati Tanu .
28 . All the
various forms of
worship have been
provided by
God Himself. He
is the Lord
of the Universe . Every iota
Of creation
is His own . It
is his arrangement
to provide
different men with
different stages of
manifestations and
realizations . The
mother sets up separate
menu according
to the
taste of her
different children .”
Here it is spoken of God’s emanation in the body. God
emanates in the body in different measures. Somewhere a shilling and somewhere
a pound .
In some cases
there are realizations as depicted in the holy Tantra (a treatise on Yoga and
the realization is to see God with form . But Tantra does not end here . After
seeing God with form there comes realizations of the sportive forms of God . At
the time of death the ego-consciousness merges in Mahakaran or the first
Cause,. Tantra’ has got four sheaths in six planes ) .
In some cases
God manifests Himself with the realizations as laid down in the Vedas—five
sheaths in seven planes .
Again in some
cases God expresses Himself in the realizations of the Vedas and also that of
Vedanta (lit; the end of knowledge), i.e, to know God stage by stage till
nothing remains—the ego-consciousness melts away in the First Cause ; the God
opens Himself and shows His inward composition and component parts (i.e, Sadhan
of Atma). This Vedanta is realization of God in five stages and they are ---
1. God
is in the
body .
2. The
Universe is in God
3. Universe,
the God, changes
into a seed.
4. This
seed again changes
into a dream .
5 . The
dream vanishes—the ego-consciousness evaporates .
What remains nobody
can know or say
Ascent (Agam) ends here . Then comes Descent (Nigam). In descent there are
multifarious conditions and realizations .
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