Saturday, 18 January 2014


MARCH --1882
Place : -  Temple  of  dakshineswar
(Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required as  it is so done in the  Gospel )

29.               “Always  remember  God  and  talk  His  glories”.
Shri Chaitanya always used to repeat the name of God, Krishna, (Nobody knows the real name of God . Aseribe any name to God and pray with sincerity and the response is sure to come.
You will find that God will come out in the form as described by you and He will talk with you). This Continuous repetitions of God’s name will bring the tongue in touch with the roof of the palate.
This soft hurt between the tongue and the palate will create and start Yoga—transformation . God is in the body in a dormant condition. He is to be awakened ; in other words, manifestation of God may come in this way . There are two points in the body from where the transformation may start . Softly to clap one’s hands and utter God’s name or to repeat God’s name and thereby the tongue will continually touch the roof of the mouth . “Both in the morning and evening repeat God’s name by clapping your hands”—Shri Ramkrishna.

30 .                Every  now  and  then  pay  a  visit  to  God’s  devotees  or  holy  men”.

Who is a holy man? By a single utterance of God’s name the man who gets himself transformed into God is a holy man. In meditation a man is transformed into God but it is a slow measure. To be transformed into God at every moment denotes perpetuity to remain in the state of being God.
The man who has seen God is also a holy man but not in full measure .
 Who is a devotee ? The man who has seen the manikin form of God (Manus Ratan—vide, Foreward, Page 34) in him and carries the Manus Ratan all along his body is a devotee.
 God is in the body, and in the body He Himself assumes the form of a devotee and repeats the name of God by clapping His hands. And here, God, God’s name, and the devotee meet, unite and become a triad (Avatar).           

 31.                  “A maid in the household of a rich man is very particular to do her
                      duties but her mind is fixed on her own home in the native villag .”
                      Maid---is body.
                      Household of a rich man---is this world.
                      Own home---is God.
You are a mere spectator and passerby in this world of grandeur and you should be remembering that you have come from God and you belong to God and you must return to God.

32.             “ First get your hand besmeared with the oil of divine consciousness and then set
                      you hands to other work in the world “
                      Oil---is the symbol of Bhakti in the first instance .
                      Oil---is Chaitamya or Divine Consciousness in the second instance . The last symbol of Chaitanya is honey ; and Chaitanya itself looks like a brilliant red light . The oil of divine conscious-ness is Chaitanya, that is , Tattajnan (no ego-consciousness but a perpetual consciousness of God).
 For a man to live in this state is merely to live for speaking about the manifestation of God already realized and seen and furthermore to witness God’s all other sportive forms which are to come.

33 .               “If you like to have butter, then you let milk set into curd in a by-place .
                       If milk is shaken every now and then, it won’t turn into curd .Next ,you
                       set aside all other work, sit alone in a secluded retreat and before the
                       sun rises you must churn milk. Then only butter may he had”.            
                            Butter---means God, Atma.
Let milk set into curd in a by-place—means to be along. The mind is to be withdrawn from the world and to be kept confined in the body. You must not see such thing, touch such thing and hear such voice as may agitate your mind and create the least disturbance in your blood . If these bindings are not rigidly observed then milk will not turn into curd.
Before the sun rises---means within 25 years. In full-bloom-youth, (i.e., 25 years) the butter comes out the body must be in an unsullied condition, both inside as well as outside ; the age must be within twenty five ; you must be giving away the body i.e., you must be separating from the body and get your animal life transformed into God and for good.
Kundalini or life–power is the churning rod. She makes her way into the cerebrum and by soft dancing softens the cerebrum making room for God and ultimately God comes out.

34 .           “If the butter is placed in water of the world then it will not mix
                  But it will keep on floating”.
This state is obtained in Tattajnan when no ego-consciousness exists and divine consciousness  of ‘Thou’ and ‘Thou’ predominates .

35 .            “Is there any possibility of seeing God”?
Yes God with form and without form is seen in multifarious aspects. Its start is to see and get God-the-Preceptor (Satchidamananda Gura) in the body.
You adore a certain form and ascribe the form to God. God will assume the form and He will appear to you with the form. It is seeing God.

God-the-Preceptor is showing you the Atma, God. It is seeing God.

The world is seen within the Atma, God. It is seeing God . Thi8s Universe is again changed into a seed. It is seeing God . The seed in its turn again changes into a dream. It is seeing God .
Next succeeds the unknown and unknowable region. Here comes a temporary lull in the realization as no-ego-consciousness rules or exists.

Again when consciousness comes back it is divine consciousness and it cries out . “Not I, but thou ! Thou !”
“My friend, I go to seek out my own self but I cannot”—Sri Ramkrishna.
This ‘Thou’ takes a form and flares up like a meteor emitting brilliant and light. And again starts the seeing of God.

Then comes the visualization of Descent. The divine consciousness is coming down with forms and they are seen. It is called the Descent of Chaitanya.
 Next, the manikin, Manus Ratan, is seen . It is succeeded by God’s sports and the Absolute and vice-versa—the two termini aspects of the very same thing. Here is also seen the sportive forms of God. It is also seeing of God. ‘There is no end of it ‘.

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