MARCH --1882
Place : - Temple
of Dakshineswar
(Henceforth Shri
Ramkrishna will be spoken
of as
Thakur” when required
as it is so done in the
Gospel )
36. “Yearning
for God is the appearance of. Aurora .
Then the sun bursts
forth. Yearning is succeeded by seeing God .”
Aurora is seen the plane whence God’s light is seen . Seeing
of the sun has two aspects : ---
(1) There is a
hanging silk screen before your eyes and behind it is a glorious rising sun .
It is the entrance to the seventh plane .
(2) Second one
is Atma, God . It is the seventh plane .
37 . “ There will be a combination of three forces
of attractions and they will
undergo transformation
into God and God will be seen .The three attraction are---(1) the attraction of the worldly man
for his worldly possession.(2) the love of a mother to her child and (3) attachment
of a wife to her husband.”
three attractions are (1) this physical sheath, (2) the aerial sheath and (3)
Bhagavati Tanu or the sheath made of God’s light as seen in the sixth
plane .
Here the body has been divided according to the Vedas . They
tally with each other and they are not different in substance, save and except,
that the divisions and realizations in the Vedic system is much deeper and
clearer for a man to understand the process of transformation of life-power
into God .
1) The
attraction of the worldly man for his worldly possessions---is body . The
foremost love a man entertains is for himself i.e., he loves himself utmost and
best . His soul will emanate from his body and he will losing his attachment
for his own body .
2) A mother’s
love for her child—is the aerial body . It comes out from the physical sheath
and it is seen . What an aerial body ? In dream a man sees himself to fly . The
flying body, he sees in the dream, is the aerial body .
3) Chaste
wife—is the inner body made of God’s light . The body made of God’s light is
ultimately transformed into God and He is seen in the seventh plane .
38 .
“Mew, Mew,” cries the kitten and
calls its mother and
that is its sole function”.
For seeing God, all that a man can do is
to keep on praying . Shri Chaitanya always used to say ‘Krishna ’!
‘Krishna ’!
Thakur used to say—‘Mother ! Mother’!
Jesus used to say— ‘Father
! Father’ !
Mohammed used to say—‘Allah ! Allah’!
The realizations which are seen are spontaneous . It is
called Vidwat of the Vedas . The man who is blessed with all these realizations
is but a mere witness .
Place---Temple of
Dakshineswar .
39 “Elephant God and Elephant-driver God”.
Elephant God---is mind in the body .
Elephant-driver---is Atma and He expresses Himself in the body in the
form of consciousness .
mind has an inclination to conduct you for enjoyment . But the mind is to be
kept under control . So you should always be guided by your conscience exactly
like elephant driver who controls the elephant from going astray .
40 . “Water is God but it has
its own form”.
God is in every man . In
some men He has expressed Himself with good attributes and in some again with
badness . Good is to be courted and bad is to be shunned .
41 . “There was a meadow, The cowherd boys used to
tend their cows .A poisonous snake lived there .Everybody was afraid of it .
None dared to come near the snake.
One day a
Brahmachari(a man with a vow of celibacy for attaining God in his own
body) came on the way
.The cowherd boys warned him not to go on the way .The Brahmachari did not hear them .He went on
.The snake met him .The snake was charmed. It got its
initiation from the Brahmachari. He told the snake that he would come and see
it after a year . The snake became very docile. The cowherd boys noticed it. One day they took the snake by tail and
dashed it repeatedly against the ground .
The snake was severely
hurt . It did not dare to come and again from its hole in the
daytime It was reduced
to a skeleton . A year rolled by . Brahmachari came back and
enquired the cowherd
boys about the snake. The cowherd boys replied, “The snake is dead”
.Brahnachari knew that it could not be . He went to the hole of the snake and
called it. The snake came out and bowed down . The Brahmachari was much moved
to see the reduced condition of the snake and asked the cause of it . The snake
related the whole episode . The Brahmachari said that you should be knowing to
protect yourself and added that you must be raising your hood and would hiss
but you must not be biting others”.
The cowherd boys—are the passions in the body
and they tend and tempt a man for enjoyment and other misdoings .
Cow—is body.
The body is moved according to directions of the cowherds .
God-the-Preceptor .
This life-power
may be conducted outside in the world or it may be diverted towards the cerebrum
in the inside of the body . When the life-power is let loose in the world it
runs for enjoyment. The cowherd boys are highly satisfied as they are the
masters of the body.
came and gave His grace. The God’s grace turned the life-power in the inside of
the body. None of the passions would attack vehemently. At this stage you must
be resisting them. God-the-Preceptor has given you His grace . You are sure to
win . “When a father takes his child by his own hand, there is no fear for the
child to fall down”.----Shri Ramkrishna .
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