Thursday, 3 April 2014


 MARCH --1882
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as

Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

64)        “ Every  lover  comes  very  often  to  his  sweetness  at  the
                    commencement  of  love  for  tasting  its  sweetness”.

In the fourth sheath a man gets the taste of sweetness of God’s manifestation in the body Karanananda . It is so much so joyful that he longs to have more and more of it without any break till he loses himself in it . In the long run it turns out to be so as the ego-consciousness loses itself and changes into Eternal Bliss (Satchidananda).

 65)          “A  Peasant  goes  to  market  to  buy  bullocks”.

 A preceptor is out to select a disciple .

Present—is Preceptor and bullock—represents disciples .

 66)          “The peasant  makes  distinction  between  bullock
                           with  mettle  and  a  meek  one”.

 Bullock with mettle—is one whose life-power will awake with full force .

Meek one—is one in whom there will be no response of life-power .

 67)          “The peasant  selects  the  bullock  which  being  touched
                  at  the  tail  frisks  about  and  shows  spirit”.

 This spirited bullock is a big receptacle and as such life-power may awake there in full—fledged form and God’s sportive forms will get their display in a better way .

 68)          “How  do  you  regard  me  ?”

 This is God’s grace to a devotee . God is kindling the power of light in the devotee so that he may know Avatar in the from of God-the-preceptor in him . This is a kind of transferring power (Shakti) by words and this will help to get the sleeping consciousness awakened in the body . But this form of transferring power by words is possible only in case of Thakur .

 69)           “Can you  count  the  portion  of  measure
                  of  knowledge  of  God  in  me ?”

 God is in full measure in a man . The quantity of emanation of God from the body depends upon the grace of God . It is His sport and there is no control over it.

What is full measure?

There is a layer over the cerebrum . The layer is lifted . The cerebrum is seen . It is full measure . The veil ignorance is removed and the ocean of knowledge shines before the vista .

 70)            “I  am  sure  that  I  have  never  seen  before  such  combination  of  knowledge,
                   Ecstatic  love,  faith  in  God,  spontaneous  renunciation  and  universality”.

 All these good qualities are but attributes of God. God has incarnated in Thakur, so these good qualities are manifested in him and they are read by Shri M after five visits to him .

 71)            “Just  take  my  name”.

 In repetition of God’s name the doors of the seven planes are opened .

 72)             “Then  somebody  will  take  you  to  me”.

 God-the-preceptor takes a man to God and shows him the God .

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