Thursday, 17 April 2014


 MARCH --1882
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

The  Master  and  Keshab  in  Boat  Trip .
27th  October,  1882 .
Sri Ramkrishna in a boat trip on the Ganges
with Shri Keshab Chandra Sen,
Sri Bejoy Krishna Goswami and others                                

73).      “As soon as he got into the boat, his outer consciousness left him inner self was transformed into God (Samadhi) .

Coming in contact with so many devotees, God in Thakur revealed Himself spontaneously .

This outward life enters in the inside and gets transformed into God .

As long as Kundalini is in the outside she is but life-power . She turns from the outside, changes her course, and goes into the inside of the body . With her advance towards the cerebrum, the body loses outer consciousness leaves the body and the herself gives out God .

74).      “Thakur thinks of God without form (Brahma) but again worships images
                of Gods and goddesses with flower and sandal paste and also dances and
                sings holy songs before them with ecstatic love”.

Not unlike Buddha and Sankar, Thakur was matured in meditation, but also like Chaitanya he was mad in love with God . Thakur said about himself, “In my body, I am Absolute (Advaita—unqualified monism). Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya) and perpetual joy of Bliss (Nityananda—perpetual manifestation of joy in the body)”.

75)         “He is habituated to lie on a bedstead and wears a
                 red-embroidered cloth and uses shirts, socks and shoes”.

All these articles are looked upon as things of luxury . These  are all shunned by a mink, as to use an article of luxury is against the monkish canon .

Shri M. with a single stroke of pen has pointed out that Thakur has got no old convention of a monk .
Shri Buddha was out with a begging bowl for alms. He from hand to foot was clad in yellow cloth.

Shri Sankar was busily engaged in discussion with Buddhist monks to make them understand the superior realizations of God without form in Hinduism . But he was well and thoroughly dressed in other cloth all over his body .

Shri Chaitanya on his Apollo-like body had but a poor loin cloth round his waist .

Thakur was out to meet Shri Keshab in his place in order to speak out the sportive forms of God in the body but he had shirt and cloth on his body and polished slippers and socks on his legs .

The outward garb of the religious life of India for the last two thousand and five hundred years is depicted and seen in the life of these four gentlemen .

Whom do I belong to and prefer?

Yellow cloth ! Good-bye to it . Shaven head with other cloth all over the body! Bye-bye. It is but a painful show. Poor loin cloth! A sight of pity and nothing more . I were shoes, socks and cloth, put on a shirt. lie down on bedstead, take fish and chew betel leaf as they were done by Thakur. He led his life as a life is led by me . But Thakur saw and attained God in him. Let Thakur have mercy on me and one and all and give his grace to all so that everybody may see God and attain God in the ordinary course of life. To get His grace, Yellow cloth is not required ; ochre-colour dress is not needed ; a loin cloth is not be sought after . All that is required is to pray for His grace. There is no difference in outward form between Thakur’s life and an ordinary man . Akin life creates affinity. Thakur’s life belongs to all and everybody belings to Thakur. So Thakur is the ideal of the era.

Thakur said, “Who knows what special dress will help one to attain God in him !” In plain words it signifies that no special dress is required for attaining God. It depends sheerly and solely on His mercy .

76)         “As if,  Thakur  is  the  Personification  of  the  only  religion 
                          perpetually  expressed  in  the  body  of  a  man”

There is but one law or fundamental rule and that is the manifestation of God in the human body. It does not know any distinction of cast or creed, any time or plac ; all that is indispensably required is the human body and God’s mercy . The ‘only way’ of God’s manifestation in the highest form is through the body of a man and this is the ‘only law’ of God’s highest expression in the world . There is but only one way and there is but one fundamental rule—the highest manifestation of God is in the human body . “Several creeds have got several ways’’—it means one law and one way, and it is fundamental as there is no variation in it. Some three thousand and five hundred years back Moses was talking with God and three thousand and five hundred years after Thakur is engaged in talking with the Divine Mother in the temple of Dakshineswar. The very same thing is repeated and there is no human body. The principal requirement for God’s manifestation is the human body.

Let him be a Hindu, or Buddhist, or Christian, or Moslem, or let him belong to any other religion of the world, or let him live in any other part of thr world, if (God) takes pity on him then He will manifest Himself in the body of the man and the man on his part will see God in his own body. This law is fundamental.

God is in the body. He is in an invisible and unattached condition. He emanates from the body, manifests Himself in full-fledged form in the cerebrum, when God-the-preceptor points out the shows God and himself melts away in God. The seer understands it distinctly that God is in the body and He has sprung up from the body .

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