MARCH --1882
Place : -
Temple of Dakshineswar
Shri Ramkrishna will be
spoken of as
Thakur” when
required as it is so
done in the Gospel )
“Mother why have you brought me here in the midst
of these people ? Shall
I be able to save them by liberating
God from their body as He is hedged around by
their body?”
When the life-power emanates and is finally transformed into
God, the body remains like a pillow case. This condition of the body has been
stated by Thakur as dried-up cocoanut or betel nut in a shell . God has
separated Himself from the body . The life-power rises towards the cerebrum.
(The neck like a pendulum keeps on moving from right to left . In its moving it
makes sound like a cocoanut or betel nut
in a shell ). It is seen and heard. This is called Brahma Vidya—the cult of
transforming the life-power into tangible God in the body in different sportive
forms and in different stages . The inward transformations taking place within
make their expressions over the body and they are distinctly visible. They were
so seen over the bodies of Shri Chaitanya and Thakur in the state of
Bhava(half-transformation of life-power into God)and Samadhi (complete
transformation of the life-power into God).
This Brahma Vidya, Supreme Culture, has got its own peculiar
aspect. If the man who has attained this supreme cult is asked—‘Sri, dies God
separate from the body?”—before he answers, the expression of movement of the
neck will be seen over the body accompanied with the sound of a dried betel nut
in a shell. It is evinced that the body is but a pillow case.
79). “The
seventh plane of
the devotee where God
has manifested in
measure is His
particular drawing room”.
This ‘drawing-room’ of God is revealed in a different way in
two different planes—
(1) In the fourth
plane : and
(2) In the seventh
(1) In the fourth
plane it is seen that the whole outer world is besmeared with God’s light It was so seen by Thakur in the temple of Divine Mother . On whichever side he was
casting his eyes, he saw God’s light pervading all the articles—the door-steps,
the door, the walls, the pots before him and the image of the Divine Mother .
If this God’s light is not seen in the outer world pervading everything which
comes within sight then God’s light cannot be seen within the body.
(2) In the seventh
plane God is seen and the God there in the cerebrum holds the whole Universe in
God (Viswarup—lit; universal aspect of God). It is the first step of special
knowledge of God and also elimination of the mystery surrounding me in connection
with ego, God and the world. Thakur very adroitly expressed it by two letters
only . They are “Ma” (Maw) and “Ra” (Raa). “Ma” means God and “Ra” means
Universe. God first and then comes the world. Where is God seen? He is seen in
the seventh plane. What is God? He who holds the universe in Him is God . All
this are showed and seen. God has got innumerable houses all over the world.
The drawing room is that where He has manifested His particular mode Viswarup .
Other innumerable houses all over the world belong to Him, and He is also
there, but only the manifestation and realization vary . In the drawing room He
is manifested and in other houses He is in an unmanifested condition . The
devotee is fully aware that God has manifested in him but it does not stop
there . It gives publicity. God out of grace to some men makes them known that
“I am in this particular devotee”. It does not happen in very case. Bharadwaja
and other eleven Rishis(saints) came to know that Rama was an
Avatar—incarnation of God .He is called Avatar in whom God manifested in full
measure . In the rest of the world He is but unseen and invisible . God in full
measure is collected and seen only in Avatar. But it does not happen in case of
every Avatar as there are some in whom God with forms appears and descends .
There is but one God, and where He has manifested He is there and there only
and nowhere else, and this is His particular drawing room in the era.
“The Jnanis call
Him—Brahma, the Yogis
call Him
. Atma, and the Bhakts
call Him—Bhagwan”
Atma is seen in the seventh plane in the first stage.
God-the-Preceptor shows Atma and He flattens in the end like a bunch of paddy.
Bhagwan is that condition of God when nothing can be spoken
of Him.
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