Tuesday, 17 June 2014


 MARCH --1882
 Place : -  Temple  of  Dakshineswar
 (Henceforth  Shri  Ramkrishna  will be  spoken  of  as
Thakur” when required  as  it is so  done in the  Gospel )

93).                      “Let  you realize in thousand folds, but till you are transformed
                              into God (Samadhi) you are not out of bound of the Jurisdiction
                                                         of power (Sakti)”.

The translation of the saying contains its own explanation as it has been so rendered.

94).                   “I am in meditation, I am thinking God.—all these are but within the
                           Jurisdiction of life-power and they are attributive forms of life-power”.

Even at the vanishing point of ego-consciousness leaves what remains or not, nothing can be said as there is none to speak out .

95).                  “So  the Supreme Self (Brahma) and life-power are, though identical, but expressions of different aspects”.

“The Supreme Self is the life-power”---Shri Ramkrishna .

God without attributes and forms becoming God with attributes and forms . It is Descent as seen in the body. It is the manifestation of God in Descent in various stages, or in other words, it is the display of God as Avatar in the body.

“Avatar displays with the aid of life-power”—Shri Ramkrishna .

(i)    Knowledge of the Supreme Self (Brehmagyan)—no-ego-consciousness, and it is in connection with the life-power transforming into Supreme Self (Ascent—Agam). This Ascent ends here .

Then Descent follows .
(ii).    Knowledge of “Thou”—“I—am—not—but—Thou.”

(iii).   This :Thou” takes the form of a very ancient ‘Rishi’.(The ancient man of the Vedas), appears and says, “The Divine consciousness is coming down very soon in the form of Avatar 
          (Incarnation of God)”.

(iv)    Then the Divine Consciousness is seen. It flares up in a red light in the middle of the seventh  plane . It is called ‘seeing of consciousness’ (Chaitanya Sakshatkar).

“Like a brilliant red light emitting from the stick of a Chinese red-light match box”—Shri Ramkrishna .

(v)      Then the light—not—red—comes down from the seventh plane to the neck . It is self- evident that the light is descending ,

(vi).    Then this very lights seen to come down from the seventh plane to the waist up to the organ of  evacuation. Now this descent is clearer than the first one.

(vii),   This light again takes the manikin form of “Avatar”, or Incarnation of God . He sings the glory of God by clasping his hands . All these displays do not take place in a single day, but it takes time .

96)                 “One cannot conceive the Absolute without the Relative
                        Or the Relative without the Absolute “

All the sportive forms of God are but displays and manifestations of the Absolute . Again, the Absolute manifests Himself of these endless sportive forms. This link between the Absolute and the Relative and vice versa is inseparable, contiguous and eternal.

97).                “Life-power is the Supreme Self and the Self is the life-power “.

  (a)    ‘Life-power is the Supreme Self-‘is Ascent (Agam). Life-power is transforming into God and becomes God—in the first stage with forms and attributes and finally without forms and unqualified .

 (b)     ‘The Supreme Self is the life-power’—It is Descent (Nigam).

It springs up from the no-ego-consciousness and finally takes the from of the manikin or Manus-Ratan, i.e., Avatar.

The problem of the body is still unsolved. This Physical body is but a form of God, the Absolute. “The staircase and the roof are made of the same materials. The seminal fluid is so soft but how stiff and hard flesh and bones are made out of it. Everything is possible in God as it so transpires and is seen”—Shri Ramkrishna.

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